Only in Africa do warthogs have right of way! Coming in as #1 on the list of most interesting and amusing road signs abroad, drivers outside the Nairobi Animal Orphanage must watch for both pedestrians and rouge warthogs.

Only in Africa do Warthogs have right of way!
Click for our first impressions of Kenya.
About Megan Claire
Megan is an Australian Journalist who has been travelling and blogging around the world for the last 7 years to inspire others to embark on their own worldwide adventure! Her husband Mike is an American travel photographer, and together they have made the world their home.
Follow their journey on Facebook, Google+ and Twitter.
Never seen anything like it :)
“Only in Africa do Warthogs have right of way!” Is this real? :)
100%! Although I doubt they’ve been trained to use the pedestrian crossings!!