GeoCaching is a sport that is effectively a treasure hunt for both individuals and the contemporary family unit; it involves all the excitement of a treasure hunt combined with modern technology and can be enjoyed by anyone.
Getting into GeoCaching is becoming easier and easier, and it is perhaps the next great sensation to stem from the connectivity the internet provides. Getting around the world to engage in the sport is made easier by the internet too, as staying in locations around the world is becoming simpler with the advent of sites like Housetrip. This means that you are able to visit wherever in the world your GeoCaching trip takes you without spending hours in the travel agent.
The archaic conception of ‘X marks the spot’ still holds true, except the aged map has been replaced by a GPS receiver, complete with coordinates and for some players, clues. There’s no buried chest of treasure either, rather a cache of items will be (hopefully) found in an eco-friendly site above ground.

Geo-caching Around the world. Photo CC by fhwrdh.
The GeoCaching community has been growing exponentially and these caches can be found all over the world. What’s inside the cache is left to be seen but you can generally rely on fellow GeoCachers within the community to provide something that’s worth the find or even the trip itself.
Anyone interested in GeoCaching should take a look at one of the first websites out there devoted to the sport: It is easy to find other people interested in the sport who have left caches around you to start with, then see where you can go to take it to the next level.
There are a lot of committed GeoCachers out there with an online presence who will be more than happy to help.
Of course, with any sport there are a number of guidelines that must be adhered to in order for everyone to be able to enjoy it and this is much the same for GeoCaching. There are a number of considerations regarding private property for example, and it isn’t considered acceptable to cross such property without permission in order to reach a GeoCache.
Additionally placing a GeoCache in genuine wilderness is seriously frowned upon. The sport emerged out of an ecologically-concerned milieu and this is a well-maintained ethic; there is a ‘leave no trace’ philosophy employed. Needless to say inflammatory material and other things of that ilk left in GeoCaches is thoroughly unacceptable.
There are nearly 2 million GeoCache locations on alone, and with no fee or payment necessary to get involved, it is clear to see why this is becoming an increasingly excited sport for a lot of people.
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Featured Photo CC by Mike Renlund
Nice to see one of my favourite hobbies in the spotlight, a nice article! Love the photos, thanks for sharing!
Glad you enjoyed the article! Geo-caching is one of the funnest ways to travel!
Sounds like fun! I’ve heard about it but wasn’t sure exactly what it was. Thanks for sharing the info.
Glad we could introduce you to the concept then! It’s basically one huge treasure hunt around the globe :D
Yes! I already love the blog but I’m happy to see you introduce new people to geocaching!
Hi Keith, so glad to hear that you’re a fan of the blog! Happy to introduce as many people as we can to geocaching … may the community only continue to grow!
Happy travels :)