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Adventure Travel

Everything You Need to Know About Backcountry Skiing

Posted by on 12:40 pm in Adventure Travel, Blog | 2 comments

Everything You Need to Know About Backcountry Skiing

Backcountry skiing is a fun and exhilarating pastime for experienced skiers who want to experience something new. It combines some of the most exciting, but also dangerous aspects of rock climbing, skiing, and hiking into one adrenaline-packed sport.

In this guide, we’ll go over what you need to start backcountry skiing, how you can stay safe, and where you can go around the world to do it!

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MAXOAK Bluetti AC20 Portable Power Station Review

Posted by on 10:02 am in Adventure Travel, Blog, Equipment Reviews, Reviews, Road Trips | 32 comments

MAXOAK Bluetti AC20 Portable Power Station Review

There’s nothing worse than finding yourself without power when traveling. Whether you’re camping, trekking, or in a country where the power goes out every afternoon (3pm on the dot in the Solomon Islands!), these days we need battery life for most things we do.

And that’s where a portable power station comes in, and why it’s so essential to have one for travel; a power source, and way of charging your electronics regardless of whether you’re outdoors, far away from a wall outlet, or caught in a power outage.

The brand we’re reviewing today is the US based MAXOAK Bluetti AC20 Portable Power Station – it’s a lightweight but durable portable generator that is excellent for travel, as well as use as a backup power source at home.

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Reasons to Visit Namibia (Trigger Warning: Photos May Make You Jump on a Plane!)

Posted by on 2:02 pm in Adventure Travel, Blog, Namibia, Writers | 2 comments

Reasons to Visit Namibia (Trigger Warning: Photos May Make You Jump on a Plane!)

When you picture Namibia, what are the first images that come to mind? Beautiful landscapes? Red dunes? Diverse wildlife? Beautiful indigenous tribes?

Surprise! Namibia has all of this and much more. If you haven’t yet visited Namibia, it’s time to feel inspired by these 10 photos that will make you want to jump on a plane!

The energy of this place, combined with the unparalleled abundant wildlife, the beautiful and friendly people and the silence of the desert will give you so many reasons to fall in love with Namibia!

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Best Countries to Travel to for a Sailing Holiday

Posted by on 1:49 pm in Adventure Travel, World | 0 comments

Best Countries to Travel to for a Sailing Holiday

Nothing compares to the peace and quiet felt on the ocean; a sailing holiday offers all the pleasure of experiencing life out on the open water, while the wind gently guides you towards all sorts of exotic locations.

With so many sailing options available, both aspiring and experienced sailors have a wealth of different water-based adventures to choose from, and there are a huge range of incredible destinations that are easy to visit on a sailing holiday.

Wondering which country to visit? Here is a list of our favorite sailing destinations, naturally, with a heavy focus on the Mediterranean! After-all, the Mediterranean does offer some of the most stunning water routes on the planet!

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Five Reasons to Consider a Winter Season on a Ski Instructor Internship

Posted by on 7:59 pm in Adventure Travel, Blog | 0 comments

Five Reasons to Consider a Winter Season on a Ski Instructor Internship

If you’re into your snowsports, it’s more than likely you’ve considered working a ski season before. After-all, the experience offered during an entire season is very different to your average 1-2 week ski trip.

The seasonal option will allow you to greatly improve your technical skiing or snowboarding over several months while also allowing you to immerse yourself in the local culture of the country you’ve chosen.

And because of these advantages, taking a winter season on a ski instructor internship has become the biggest new winter travel trend, especially among adventure travelers looking to make the most of winter.

Ski instructor internships are available in many resorts across the world, and as the name suggests, this is a paid initiative for skiers.

If this is something you’re interested in, continue reading as we explain what a ski internship is, and give you five reasons why it might be a good fit for you this winter!

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6 Things to Know About Helicopter Rides

Posted by on 12:52 pm in Adventure Travel, Luxury Lifestyle | 2 comments

6 Things to Know About Helicopter Rides

Helicopter rides are an incredible way to explore a new city, and whether you’re flying above New York or the Grand Canyon, they offer a pretty adventurous birds eye perspective.

From landscapes to seascapes, and cityscapes, taking a helicopter tour is something that’s now available in most of the world’s major destinations, but it’s not something everyone has done before!

Riding in a helicopter is a bucket-list list experience in and of its own, but it makes a trip to somewhere like New York or London, even more memorable.

So, thinking of booking a helicopter ride? Here are 6 things you need to know!

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Wild Camping Across Oman: A 7 Day 4WD Itinerary (Self Drive Roadtrip Without a Guide)

Posted by on 8:12 pm in Adventure Travel, Blog, Expeditions, Oman, Road Trips | 6 comments

Wild Camping Across Oman: A 7 Day 4WD Itinerary (Self Drive Roadtrip Without a Guide)

Oman is a country of contrasts, from the steep mountains of Jebel Shams to the clear waters of the Arabian Peninsula, from the dunes of the Wahiba Sands Desert to the azure blue wadis.

The untouched beauty of Oman is only just starting to be recognised by world travellers, and the best way to immerse yourself in this amazing country and its culture is by wild camping on a self drive, cross country adventure.

With savagely beautiful landscapes that are untouched by both modern development and tourism, and laws that mean wild camping is entirely legal anywhere (with a few exceptions), you will likely have these amazing spots to yourself!

The following is everything you need to know about wild camping across Oman, complete with a full 7 day itinerary for a self guided roadtrip, 4WD adventure.

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The Best Clothing To Wear for Hiking in Snake Country

Posted by on 10:09 am in Adventure Travel, Blog, Equipment Reviews | 2 comments

The Best Clothing To Wear for Hiking in Snake Country

Over decades spent hiking in snake country, our experience has taught us that the majority of common snakes are generally non-aggressive and won’t cause you any problems. Avoid them, treat them with respect, and it’s actually pretty easy not to get bitten!

That said, you may run into trouble if you disturb a snake while hiking, and this can definitely happen without intention or realizing! So for those instances, it’s essential to make sure you have proper protection from snake bites: Your clothing.

Beyond having a first aid kit and the knowledge of how to treat snakebite, your clothing is your first layer of protection against an encounter; long pants, boots, and gaitors. Fortunately, WildProof Gear has put together a list of everything you should be wearing!

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How to Travel China Overland Without a Guide

Posted by on 8:02 pm in Adventure Travel, Blog, China, Expeditions, Road Trips, Stories, Writers | 4 comments

How to Travel China Overland Without a Guide

Beyond Kyrgyzstan and the 3,752 metre high Torugart Pass is China, a country where everything – and I do mean everything – is completely different from what most travellers are accustomed.

Laura and I are so-called “permanent overlanders”. We’ve been non-stop on the road now for many decades; our most recent venture a six-year motorcycle journey from Europe to Australia. And like so many other road-warriors who cross Asia with their own vehicle, we encountered a couple of hurdles along the way.

The greatest logistical challenge, by far, was obtaining legal permission to ride through China without a guide. Very, very few overlanders have managed to achieve this. We may have even been amongst the first, who knows?

But we certainly weren’t the last. A handful of vagabonds on wheels have transited China independently since our crossing in 2014/2015.

This is the story of how we did it …

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Catching Your Breath in the Pristine Wilds of Tasmania: Corinna Wilderness Experience

Posted by on 5:41 pm in Adventure Travel, Australia, Blog, Eco Tourism | 4 comments

Catching Your Breath in the Pristine Wilds of Tasmania: Corinna Wilderness Experience

Most visitors to Tasmania are searching for an escape from the congestion and stress of large cities. They come in search of wild landscapes, ancient rain-forests, and Australia’s cleanest, freshest air.

For those who fly into Hobart, they find a hub of history, arts, festivals, food, and modern culture. But for those seeking nature; truly untouched, untamed, and unexplored style nature; Tasmania’s west is one of Australia’s last true wilderness frontiers.

Secretly tucked away along the southern fringes of the Tarkine Wilderness Area, the Corinna Wilderness Experience is a wilderness retreat which offers an escape from places that are increasingly falling victim to overtourism.

Corinna is one of the most beautiful remote parts of the world yet surprisingly still easily accessible. While set within Australia’s largest area of Gondwanan cool-temperate rainforest, Corinna was once a historic gold mining town.

Positioned just steps from the pristine rainforest and beautiful silent Pieman River, there are a number of adventurous activities available to those modern day explorers looking for an epic holiday.

This article will dive into how you can escape to Corinna, and spend time exploring the pristine wilds of Western Tasmania yourself.

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