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Budget Travel Tips

Best Side Hustle Jobs to Save Up for Travel

Posted by on 9:13 pm in Blog, Budget Travel, Travel Tips | 2 comments

Best Side Hustle Jobs to Save Up for Travel

International travel may be coming back soon, but that doesn’t mean your travel fund will necessarily be ready. Many people have seen their finances take a hit and are now looking for ways they can earn extra cash to save up for travel.

Thankfully, there are many side hustle jobs out there that will allow you to earn quick money on a schedule that works for you without having to seek out another constrictive part-time job which may force you to work more than you are willing or able to.

The best part of many side hustle jobs is that they don’t require a degree or very much training if any at all. You may even be able to turn a hobby or something you enjoy into cash.

Whether it’s starting a blog, selling items around your home that are otherwise just collecting dust, or renting out a spare bedroom in your home, there are many easy ways to turn any extra free time into money you can put towards memorable travel experiences. Here are some of my most recommended side hustle jobs.

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Quick List of Travel Sites that Accept Bitcoin Payments

Posted by on 9:40 am in Blog, Budget Travel | 0 comments

Quick List of Travel Sites that Accept Bitcoin Payments

Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer currency that is borderless and decentralized (not controlled by anyone), and the tourism industry has really embraced this new age way to pay.

Already travelers are able to pay for flights, hotel rooms, tours, and more with their secure digital wallets, and this may just become the go-to form of payment for travelers.

Wondering which travel sites accept bitcoin payments? The following is a quick list to reference of those who have taken up the digital currency and accept it for their services.

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Top Ways to Help You Save For Your Next Trip

Posted by on 10:08 am in Blog, Budget Travel, Travel Tips | 2 comments

Top Ways to Help You Save For Your Next Trip

Are you looking to enjoy more travel but finding money is a bit tight? There are a number of ways you can learn to simplify your life by reducing your daily expenses in order to help you save up for travel.

By learning how to differentiate between essential expenses and unnecessary purchases, along with changing what you put value on, you may be able to enjoy more travel without having to find a second job or sell everything you’ve worked hard for.

We’ve all read those articles about individuals or couples selling their homes and nearly all their belongings in order to travel the world. While the notion may seem romantic and adventurous, for many people it just isn’t realistic and does come with obvious drawbacks and challenges.

Sure, saving can be difficult, but you don’t have to sell everything you own in order to afford taking a holiday. There are many things you can do in your daily life that will help you cut your everyday expenses and allow you to save for the travel you desire.

By setting goals and learning how to budget, along with tracking your spending and cutting costs in certain areas, you too can free up some of your income to allocate to travel. Here are some of the best ways that will allow you to save money for your yearly travel fund.

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Reasons to Start a Passionate Love Affair With Standard Luggage (Best Carry-on Backpack)

Posted by on 9:50 am in Blog, Budget Travel, Equipment Reviews, Romantic Journey | 0 comments

Reasons to Start a Passionate Love Affair With Standard Luggage (Best Carry-on Backpack)

It’s one thing we all crave; a passionate love affair that will still make us smile even when we’re 90; that electric attraction where you can’t keep your hands off one another when together, and every minute spent apart is an unbearable state of intense longing.

As travelers, we fall head over heels quite often; swept up by the romance of intrepid adventure, and easily addicted to the high of new discovery.

But in terms of an affair to change your life completely, and a relationship where you fit together so naturally it feels like it was always meant to be, today I’d like to introduce you to Standard Luggage.

A durable carry-on backpack designed to fit the maximum dimensions of most airlines (that’s right – it’s big, but not so big that it doesn’t fit), expandable from 35-45 liters, Standard Luggage have created a travel bag so stylish and practical that you’ll remember this bag when you’re 90! (here’s the link).

It’s convertible to be used as three different bag styles, made from ballistic nylon to be both durable and water resistant, and includes a huge range of add-ons which enhance the travel experience without charging extra.

And if you fantasize about plenty of well organized, practical pockets (because which traveler doesn’t), you’ll never crave unzipping another piece of luggage.

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Guide to Buying Airline Tickets with Bitcoin

Posted by on 11:58 am in Blog, Budget Travel, Technology, Travel Tips | 0 comments

Guide to Buying Airline Tickets with Bitcoin

The future of paying for travel may not be with cash or credit cards, rather with cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. The tourism industry has embraced this new age way to pay, with travelers already being able to pay for flights, hotel rooms, tours, and more with their secure digital wallets.

There are many advantages to using this decentralized digital currency as a way to pay for travel and as more and more airlines, hotel brands, and other travel-related companies join in on the acceptance, using Bitcoin may quickly become the go-to form of payment for travelers.

The industry is at the forefront when it comes to accepting cryptocurrency and more and more travelers are purchasing Bitcoin to pay for their travel.

Here are just some of the current airlines and travel booking websites where you can use your Bitcoin to get traveling once again.

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Getting Paid to Write About Your Travels

Posted by on 2:08 pm in Blog, Budget Travel, Expat Life, Luxury Lifestyle | 0 comments

Getting Paid to Write About Your Travels

Many people pack a journal to document their travels, as it offers you the ability to later reminisce about the exotic flavors, sights, and sounds you encounter. More and more travelers, however, are beginning to also get paid for their travel writing.

Whether you’ve scribbled a few lines in a notebook or are an experienced writer, there are many ways in which both amateur and professional writers can earn cash for writing about travel which can help fund continued journeys around the world.

I’ve gone further, and for me it’s become a full-time career.

With a bit of self-motivation and willingness to think outside the box when it comes to landing online writing jobs, you too can join the millions of other travelers that are getting paid for their stories which are helping to fund their future travels. Here are some of the top ways you can get paid for your travel writing.

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Connect With Other Travelers to Exchange Your Foreign Currency: Download the Money Atlas App and Make Money!

Posted by on 4:09 pm in Blog, Budget Travel, Technology, Travel Tips | 0 comments

Connect With Other Travelers to Exchange Your Foreign Currency: Download the Money Atlas App and Make Money!

How much money have you forgotten about? Money that’s sitting in your drawers, leftover from overseas trips? Euros, Pounds, Canadian Dollars, Japanese Yen? Maybe you’ve got a couple of Australian gold coins with a kangaroo and emu engraved on them.

Almost every traveler I know returns home with a pocket full of foreign coins. And they either get lost in the washing machine, or go in a draw for ‘when I’ll visit again’. But have you ever visited again? Or have you been sitting on hundreds of dollars worth of coins and notes for years on end? (Though it doesn’t need to be hundreds, I’d love to exchange my currency even if it was only worth 10!)

Fortunately now, there’s a cool app where you can sell your coins to others looking to buy them! It’s called MoneyAtlas (here for iPhone / here on Android), and you can connect with other travelers to exchange your foreign currency, at a price you set! Skip the inflated exchange rates at the airport, and make a deal traveler to traveler!

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3 Awesome Places To Camp in Ukraine

Posted by on 11:33 am in Accommodation, Adventure Travel, Blog, Budget Travel, Ukraine PAGE NEEDED | 0 comments

3 Awesome Places To Camp in Ukraine

Even though I grew up in Ukraine, I didn’t realize how much natural beauty there is in this country until I started camping. While most tourists like to go to see the cities, local Ukrainians love to camp.

Why? Because it’s generally free.

You might know that Ukraine is not a very rich country, so we Ukrainians derive a lot of pleasure from nature. These 3 awesome places to camp in Ukraine tend to be filled with locals, but hopefully this guide in English helps bring some interested foreigners to my beautiful country.

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The 2021 Guide to Saving Money While Traveling

Posted by on 9:31 am in Blog, Budget Travel, Travel Tips | 0 comments

The 2021 Guide to Saving Money While Traveling

As we head into 2021, no doubt many of us will be eager to get traveling again. While we haven’t managed to control COVID yet, vaccines are being rolled out and I am optimistic international travel will be back on the cards in the coming year.

While we may soon get to travel once again, many of us have been hit hard financially by the pandemic, which is why I thought I would share some of my tips on how you can save money while traveling this year.

If you’re thinking of traveling this year, follow these tips to help reduce your travel costs from the moment you book your trip to the day you return.

There’s no denying travel can be expensive, but hopefully these tips will help you learn when to travel to get the best bang for your buck, how to save on travel insurance, score cheaper flights and accommodation, and keep costs down throughout your holiday.

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How to Choose the Right App to Buy Online Bus Tickets

Posted by on 11:57 am in Blog, Budget Travel, Road Trips | 0 comments

How to Choose the Right App to Buy Online Bus Tickets

Travelling by bus will never go out of style. It’s such a convenient mode of public transportation, and a great way to explore a new city, or travel between two destinations.

When you’re travelling by bus, whether regularly or occasionally, it’s become the norm to use an app to buy online bus tickets. But how do you choose the right app?

Make sure you look for these features!

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