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Budget Travel Tips

Budget Travel Tips

Tips for Planning a Family / Group Vacation on a Budget

Posted by on 1:32 pm in Blog, Budget Travel, Family Travel | 6 comments

Tips for Planning a Family / Group Vacation on a Budget

According to a study done in 2018, the average cost per person was just over $1,000 when planning vacations. This may be fine if you’re traveling solo, or as a couple, but can become quite expensive for the whole family or a group of people.

Taking family vacations, or traveling with a group, can be a great way to break up your daily routine, and these types of trips have invaluable benefits when it comes to bonding.

But many people hold back because of the money.

So, whether you’re a couple with three kids, dreaming of a Eurotrip with your 5 best girlfriends, or planning a full scale family reunion, the following are our best tips for planning a budget friendly group vacation.

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Tips to Save Money While You’re Planning a Trip

Posted by on 1:49 pm in Budget Travel | 0 comments

Tips to Save Money While You’re Planning a Trip

There’s no doubt that planning for your next adventure is an exciting time, but it’s always important to keep an eye on the costs as you go.

Most of us don’t have a bottomless pit of cash (sadly!), so it’s important to set the structure of your budget when you’re planning, so that you don’t get caught out overspending, and can make the most of your money.

The following are a couple of quick tips to help you save money during the planning process, and for getting you into the budget traveler mindset. You might be surprised by how far your money can go!

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Dear Americans: How to Find the Best Credit Cards for FREE Travel!

Posted by on 10:36 pm in Blog, Budget Travel, Travel Tips, United States | 4 comments

Dear Americans: How to Find the Best Credit Cards for FREE Travel!

We often joke that I married my husband for the credit card rewards. He’s American, I’m Australian, and a definite perk of our marriage was that it came with a Chase Sapphire Preferred card! Don’t get me wrong, we have credit card rewards programs in Australia, but when compared to the rest of the world, the free travel offered by American credit cards is on steroids.

American credit cards offer an insane amount of rewards points which can be redeemed for free travel, and not only do these points accrue as you go about your normal spending, most cards offer particularly ridiculous sign up bonuses. The Chase Sapphire Preferred, for instance, gives you a sign up bonus of 60,000 rewards points which equates to $1,000 of free travel just for signing up. Our Marriott card gives us free hotel stays just for being a member.

Travel hacking through credit card rewards is a real thing, and you can literally travel for nothing. But the trick is knowing which cards to get.

And for that? We use Travel Freely; a free app that lets you organize your credit cards, track rewards points, and makes personalized recommendations, telling you exactly which credit cards are the best for free travel! It’s seriously amazing.

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Cheap Ways to Stay in Touch With Home While Traveling

Posted by on 11:48 am in Budget Travel, Technology, Travel Tips | 0 comments

Cheap Ways to Stay in Touch With Home While Traveling

If you’re someone who likes to travel for longer than the average 2 week vacation, there’s no doubt that one of the most challenging things you’ll face is staying in touch with people back home.

The simple fact is, to continually travel the world you sacrifice the majority of your pre existing relationships. Even if you’re close with your family and friends, it’s very easy to lose contact when you’re in completely different locations.

After-all, you’re busy traveling, they’re busy with their stuff, and without even realizing it, you end up missing out on milestones and momentous occasions because you’re on the other side of the world, in a different time zone.

But staying in touch doesn’t have to be expensive, and with tech nowadays it’s actually very easy to keep in contact.

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How to Travel Full Time on a Budget

Posted by on 1:57 pm in Blog, Budget Travel, Writers | 4 comments

How to Travel Full Time on a Budget

There’s nothing like having the freedom to travel full-time; cliff jumping into lush, tropical waterfalls and spending afternoons lounging on turquoise waters just watching the waves roll in; every day is truly a dream.

Most people work the entire year to score their two-week vacation just to get a glimpse of what living in paradise is like… but what if I told you that you could travel for longer than two weeks?

That you could travel full-time on a budget and wake up excited to be alive every day? Or that you could spend two weeks on just trying to figure out which is the best Pad Thai in Bangkok?

To travel full-time on a budget, you need to have some insider knowledge, strategy, and gumption. We’ve got the insider knowledge and strategy for you today … do you have the gumption?

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7 Reasons Every Australian Traveller Should Know About Traveloka

Posted by on 6:41 pm in Blog, Budget Travel, Travel Tips | 2 comments

7 Reasons Every Australian Traveller Should Know About Traveloka

It’s no secret that as Australians, we have a passionate love affair with SE Asia. From the millions of travelers who descend upon Bali, to those who temple hop through Thailand, it’s become almost a rite of passage to visit the region.

And it’s no wonder we’re so addicted; Southeast Asia is a melting pot of vibrant modern cities, and small traditional villages; a crazy juxtaposition of chaos and tranquility, tradition and modernity, religion and commercialism.

You have the chance to taste exotic street food, fail at chopsticks, and ride long-tailed boats to secluded islands so pristine, we couldn’t imagine such beauty in our wildest dreams.

Let’s be honest – the attraction also lies in the fact that it’s often a dirt cheap holiday, and as such, I don’t see our love affair with Southeast Asia dying out anytime soon.

But, whether your ideal holiday consists of relaxing on tropical beaches, visiting temples, or tracking tigers through the jungle, the most important website for organizing your trip is Traveloka.

Here’s why you should bookmark it!

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How to Get Bang for Your Buck in Hong Kong

Posted by on 4:13 am in Blog, Budget Travel, Hong Kong | 4 comments

How to Get Bang for Your Buck in Hong Kong

Hong Kong is known by many as the Asian New York, and it certainly doesn’t disappoint. This incredibly stimulating city boasts a stunning skyline, mouth-watering morsels and some of the best and most diverse shopping in the world.

However, with so much to offer, it is difficult to know where to start and what to prioritize spending your money on.

You probably want variety, right? To sit atop the famous Hong Kong hills sipping a delicious beverage whilst taking in the breath-taking landscape?

Or would you rather dance the night away with the stars at one of the city’s exclusive clubs?

Being a transient, international city with a great history, your options aren’t at all limited. So let’s just start with where you can stay.

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Things To Do While Saving For Your Next Adventure

Posted by on 7:07 pm in Blog, Budget Travel | 2 comments

Things To Do While Saving For Your Next Adventure

Work, save, travel, repeat; for most people, this is the dream.

But what do you do while you’re sitting at home saving?

The following are great, productive ways to pass time when you’re inbetween trips; they’ll allow you to really make the most of your time at home, and help to manage those travel cravings!

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Work While You Travel: Ways to Make Extra Cash on the Move

Posted by on 2:16 pm in Budget Travel, Expat Life, Travel Tips | 0 comments

Work While You Travel: Ways to Make Extra Cash on the Move

A desk job isn’t for everyone. Indeed, if you’ve worked in an office environment for an extended period of time, it’s likely you’ve felt the desire to get out of your workspace and explore the world at large at least once or twice.

But traditional jobs usually only offer 2-4 weeks of leave, and you can’t exactly ‘see the world’ in that amount of time. While we might dream of just taking off and leaving our boss behind, the one thing that usually prevents us from doing so is the money side.

I mean, what happens if you do take a year off, but you’ve under budgeted, and you get half way through a year long trip and your money dries up?

That’s a real worry.

If you’ve ever dreamed of traveling for longer, but you’re worried if your savings is going to be enough, the following are our six favorite ways for making money on the move.

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Important Things to Know about Backpacking in Nepal

Posted by on 6:27 pm in Adventure Travel, Blog, Budget Travel, Nepal | 8 comments

Important Things to Know about Backpacking in Nepal

Backpacking in Nepal is an incredible adventure. From intensely chaotic cities, to medieval architecture, and Himalayan trekking, Nepal might be hard to get to, but you’ll probably find that it’s even harder to leave.

Nepal is well set up for independent travel, and has become a mecca among the backpacking scene. It is a culturally rich country that will absolutely enchant you, though it’s definitely a destination that requires prior planning to ensure your safety and comfort.

The following is a backpacking guide to Nepal, with all of the essential info you need to know when planning your trip.

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