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Budget Travel Tips

How to Visit Copenhagen on a Budget

Posted by on 11:06 am in Budget Travel, Denmark | 2 comments

How to Visit Copenhagen on a Budget

Frequently awarded the title of the happiest country on Earth, Denmark is an incredible country, bursting at the seams with culinary prowess, Viking history, winter hygge, and culture and sustainability.

While there are many incredible parts of the country to explore, you can’t visit Denmark without first stopping in its capital city. Named by Lonely Planet as the #1 city of 2019 for its innovative design, inviting culture, and revolutionary food scene, Copenhagen is a European traveler’s dream.

Modernist, quirky, and the epitome of Sandinavian cool, you would never guess that this cosmopolitan city was once a sleepy Viking fishing village. Though the one thing that often turns people off is the expense of visiting.

Scandinavia is notoriously expensive, and you can definitely spend money if you’re not careful. But that’s not to say that visiting Copenhagen on a budget isn’t possible, you just have to know how to achieve it.

The following ideas are some of the best ways you can visit Copenhagen cheap.

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The Importance of Car Hire Excess Waiver Insurance

Posted by on 1:18 pm in Blog, Budget Travel, Road Trips, Travel Tips | 4 comments

The Importance of Car Hire Excess Waiver Insurance

Our most recent road trip saw us hire a car in Cancun. We were wary about driving in Mexico, but ultimately wanted the freedom to get around without being stuck on a tour bus.

And while the trip itself went smoothly, picking up the car hire almost took longer than the flight did.

Despite the ridiculous wait, I didn’t plan on complaining; the Hertz girl was copping an earful already. The guy in front of us was trying to return his vehicle, and wasn’t thrilled that his credit card was being charged $5,000 for, what he argued, was minimal damage.

He had taken out car hire insurance, but didn’t have an excess waiver, and had a really shitty deductible.

After having listened to an hour of his yelling, we finally got the keys to out own vehicle, and, drove out of the lot having learnt a very valuable lesson.

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Here’s How to Find the Cheapest Flights this Summer

Posted by on 10:51 pm in Blog, Budget Travel, Travel Tips | 11 comments

Here’s How to Find the Cheapest Flights this Summer

Last summer my friends flew from LA to the Caribbean for $89. They hadn’t been back more than two weeks before they flew off to Switzerland for $227 return.

Most people’s reaction to that is “Nice for some“. Because not everyone works for an airline, can figure out how to accumulate millions of points, or has the time to watch airline fares like moving points on the stock exchange.

But here’s the kicker … neither did they.

They don’t have airline discounts, despite my constant badgering they haven’t signed up for any frequent flier programs, and they don’t spend any time researching to find cheap flights. So how the hell do they do it??!!

It’s because last summer, I told them to sign up for Cheap Fly Club, which is a free email subscription that sends you notifications of stupidly cheap flights.

I guess they do listen to some of my advice!

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5 Simple Budget Holiday Hacks

Posted by on 5:02 pm in Budget Travel | 2 comments

5 Simple Budget Holiday Hacks

Holidays can be super expensive, and none of us have a bottomless pit of cash. But that doesn’t mean we should stay at home and feel miserable knowing we can’t afford to jump on a plane.

In fact, if you plan it right, there’s no reason why you can’t have a short trip away at least once every two months. But this means you need to wear your budget traveller hat. The five tips below will show you exactly how to do it.

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5 Ways Prepaid Phones Can Save You Money When Traveling

Posted by on 9:05 am in Blog, Budget Travel, Technology, Travel Tips | 22 comments

5 Ways Prepaid Phones Can Save You Money When Traveling

When traveling internationally, many cellphone providers charge high rates to cover roaming fees. Sending a text or checking emails quickly becomes a costly expense for travelers.

Many people think that the only ways to avoid paying massive bills is to leave their cellphones at home. But if the thought of living without your smartphone while you travel makes you want to scream, don’t despair.

Many cellphone providers offer affordable options to help you stay connected no matter where you are in the world. Learn about the following five ways prepaid phones can save you money when traveling.

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Free and Cheap Things To Do In Byron Bay

Posted by on 12:57 pm in Australia, Blog, Budget Travel | 4 comments

Free and Cheap Things To Do In Byron Bay

Byron Bay is like nowhere else in Australia, and it’s worth visiting at least once. It may not be a big destination, but it packs plenty of punch in terms of counterculture, nature, atmosphere and fun.

Gone are the days when Byron Bay was a sleepy little hippy haven; it’s still very popular with those into the alternative scene, but on any given day it is teeming with visitors from all walks of life.

One of the great things about Byron Bay is that it doesn’t have to cost much. Those on a budget can still have a fabulous time here, as this inviting seaside town is chock-full of cheap and free activities, and surrounded by incredible nature for miles around.

Whether you want to party, dip in the lakes, waterfalls and oceans, hike through wild nature, browse the many markets or just relax in the serene vibes, you’ll find it easy in Byron Bay. Use this list for inspiration during your stay.

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How to Book the Cheapest Hotels (Access Massive Hotel Discounts for Free!)

Posted by on 11:54 pm in Accommodation, Blog, Budget Travel, Travel Tips | 8 comments

How to Book the Cheapest Hotels (Access Massive Hotel Discounts for Free!)

If there’s one thing that gives you a greater thrill than travel itself, it’s knowing that you got a great discount.

There’s nothing worse than getting to an exotic rainforest lodge and feeling gypped because someone else got it for hundreds of dollars cheaper.

That is of course the way business goes; there will always be someone who paid more for the same travel experience, and there will always be someone who got it cheaper.

But what if you could always be the one who got it cheaper? What if you could guarantee that you’re the one who paid less?

In my obsession to stay on top of cheap travel trends, the most recent website to catch my eye has been Club 1 Hotels. They guarantee massive discounts on over a million hotels, and accessing their deals is both free and ridiculously easy.

Here’s how you can find cheap hotels. I’ve vetted this quite thoroughly and can without a doubt say that their promise of massive discounts is true!

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Seychelles on a Budget: How to Visit Without Breaking The Bank

Posted by on 1:56 pm in Blog, Budget Travel, Seychelles, World, Writers | 16 comments

Seychelles on a Budget: How to Visit Without Breaking The Bank

The Seychelles is one of the most popular honeymoon destinations in Africa, which is why it is often perceived as an expensive vacation.

While this isn’t an incorrect observation, it’s not exactly the entire truth either.

The most expensive thing about Seychelles will be your flights and your accommodation. However, with a little planning and research, you can easily visit Seychelles on a more frugal budget as well.

Having recently visited the Seychelles for a solo trip, I was easily able to manage 2 weeks here for 730 USD. Here are a few tips that can help you manage a budget-friendly trip in this exotic location too.

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The Top 5 Frustrations When Booking Your Hotel Online

Posted by on 7:41 pm in Accommodation, Blog, Budget Travel | 12 comments

The Top 5 Frustrations When Booking Your Hotel Online

Booking hotels via Online Travel Agencies (OTA’s) like Expedia and Booking has become very easy and convenient. Meta search websites like Kayak and Trivago have become so mainstream that they’re household names.

Before the internet, being able to find any information about hotels was the problem, and the above mentioned websites emerged to solve this. But now, 20 years later, shifting through the information is the problem, and the same websites are doing very little to help.

In fact, a closer look reveals that they are doing the opposite. Actively working to make the booking process confusing.

From misleading claims about discounts, to giving a false impression of room availability, and rushing you into booking decisions; in some cases OTA’s have become so bad that government authorities have stepped in to take action.

Especially for those of us who are passionate about travel and booking our own trips everyday, booking hotels online has become frustrating.

Here are the top 5 frustrations about booking hotels online (don’t worry, there’s a solution!)

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Budget Hacks: How to Save Money in Everyday Life so There’s More Money for Travel

Posted by on 6:26 pm in Blog, Budget Travel, Travel Tips | 47 comments

Budget Hacks: How to Save Money in Everyday Life so There’s More Money for Travel

When it comes to travel, money (or lack there of) is often quoted as the biggest obstacle. But it shouldn’t be.

Figuring out how to save the money for travel can be quite overwhelming, but there are many ways to cut back on everyday expenses if you’re willing to reassess your priorities.

You don’t need to be rich to travel the world; with a couple of creative strategies you might be amazed at how quickly you can accumulate a savings.

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