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Common Dental Emergencies You May Experience While Traveling

Common Dental Emergencies You May Experience While Traveling

Like every other emergency, a dental emergency puts you in an uncomfortable situation that often requires emergency attention, made even worse when you are away from home without access to your normal dentist.

How you handle such emergencies can have a massive effect on your dental health afterwards, so it’s important to know what to do and how to do it if things go south for your mouth! Regular dental checkups while at home, or scheduling one before you leave on a trip if you haven’t had one in a while, is always the best way to be practive about the health of your teeth, and catch potential issues before they might even arise.

But accidents do happen despite our best efforts and preparation, so here’s some info on common dental emergencies you may experience while traveling, and your best course of action.

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What Travel Insurance Can Cover (Quick List)

What Travel Insurance Can Cover (Quick List)

Most people understand that travel insurance is a good thing, but beyond some rather vague ideas, not many, when questioned, know what they should be covered for.

The following is a quick list of things travel insurance can cover you for – make sure the following items are included in your policy – use this post as a quick reference point / checklist!

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6 Benefits of Medical Tourism

6 Benefits of Medical Tourism

Medical tourism is when someone travels to another country for a dental or medical procedure. There are many reasons someone may choose medical tourism over domestic care, including seeking treatments not approved in their country, or saving hundreds of dollars on a procedure.

Medical tourism is on the rise and millions have tried it. But what exactly are the benefits of traveling abroad for surgery or dental procedures? These are some of the top benefits of treatment abroad.

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How to Avoid Burnout in the Lead up to Travel

How to Avoid Burnout in the Lead up to Travel

It’s always tough balancing your stress levels before heading out on a trip; not only can the travel planning process itself be a stressful time, but the last minute rush to fit everything on your to-do list in.

It always seems to be the case that there’s never enough time to get everything done before you board the plane; housework piles up, work piles up, and the aim is of course to get ahead and front end your work for the time you’ll be away.

But working yourself too hard, and taking on too much in the weeks immediately before a trip can leave you burnt out by the time you leave. And while exhaustion is definitely a solid strategy for sleeping soundly through a long haul flight, you don’t want to be spending your first few days of vacation totally worn out and tired; you want to seize every second of your vacation time and feel energized.

If you identify with the above, and find yourself phsyically and mentally exhausted before you leave for a trip, utilise these tips for avoiding burnout in the lead up to your travels.

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How to Maintain Good Oral Health while Traveling

How to Maintain Good Oral Health while Traveling

It goes without saying that one of the last things on your mind when traveling is likely taking care of your teeth. But without maintaining proper oral health while traveling, your trip can easily be plagued with various oral heath challenges.

There are a number of health issues that can arise from poor oral health including serious heart-related diseases. While you may on top of your game when it comes to brushing and caring for your teeth and gums at home where you can easily stick to a set schedule, traveling has a way of breaking your healthy routines.

Let’s take a look at how you can avoid unnecessary tooth decay and gum disease with an effective oral hygiene travel plan. I’ll cover a range of ways you can better prevent dental problems from wreaking havoc during your next holiday.

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How to Choose the Safest and Most Comfortable Mask for Travel

How to Choose the Safest and Most Comfortable Mask for Travel

We’re all excited to get back to travel now that borders have begun to open and restrictions are easing up. But travel is obviously very different now than it was a couple of years ago.

While we’re looking forward to leaving the pandemic behind us, one change here to stay are face masks; they have become standard now across many destinations, transport, and public gathering places.

While many places like airlines might give you a mask, it’s worthwhile traveling with your own which you know is yours, and you’re comfortable wearing.

The CDC recently updated its mask guidelines, so the next logical question before you jump on that plane, bus, or train: What is the BEST face mask for travel to keep you safe?

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4 Superfoods to Take Before and During Your Next Trip Abroad

4 Superfoods to Take Before and During Your Next Trip Abroad

Eating healthy both before and during your travels will do wonders for keeping both your mind and body sharp, and one way to make sure you’re getting proper nutrition is to incorporate various superfoods into your diet.

You’ve likely heard about a number of popular superfoods including acai berries, avocados, kale, turmeric, and ginger among the line up of foods that are super-charged with health benefits. Foods such as these which have garnered the title of being a superfood are often packed with healthy vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants which can help to boost things like energy, focus, and stamina while also aiding your immune system to function as it should be.

Travel really can affect both your mental and physical health in substantial ways thanks to jetlag and adjusting to new time zones, falling into new sleep and eating patterns, exhaustion, and being exposed to new allergens and pathogens.

In order to give your body and mind the best chance of staying healthy, stick to a well balanced diet and try incorporating some of these lesser-known superfoods you may not be familiar with the next time you travel.

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7 Ways Travelling the World Can Affect Your Life

7 Ways Travelling the World Can Affect Your Life

If you find yourself stuck in a bit of a rut, contemplate booking a plane ticket to somewhere new to allow yourself the opportunity to see that life can be whatever you make it. Here are 7 incredible ways that travel can affect your life in a positive way.

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What Travel Insurance Can Cover (Quick List)

Traveling with a Family Member Who Suffers from a Disability or Mental Illness

Traveling can be stressful for anyone, but for those suffering from a physical disability or mental illness it can be exponentially more difficult. Many with disabilities or mental disorders rely on the support of an accompanying family member or friend when traveling to ensure they can enjoy their travels and stay safe.

Travel is something that should be enjoyed by everyone and no longer is having a disability or mental illness stopping people from seeing the world. Having a physical or mental disability may mean you have to do a bit more planning and take extra precautions, but it can be done, especially with the assistance of a family member or friend who travels with you.

If you’re that family member or friend that will be traveling with someone that suffers from a physical or mental disability, there are a number of things to be aware of when booking your travel and to ensure their safety and wellbeing during your trip.

Here is some helpful advice that will allow you both to travel with less stress and anxiety and hopefully enjoy a successful holiday.

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Foody Essentials for Your Next Road Trip

Foody Essentials for Your Next Road Trip

You’re nearly ready to hit the open road, feel the wind in your hair and see what adventures lie waiting for you. Road tripping is one of the best ways to explore and see parts of a country you might have not seen before.

You’ve got your road trip playlist all sorted and most importantly you have checked your vehicle and you’re nearly ready to drive off into the sunset.

Don’t forget about the food though! Here are some delicious food ideas to take with you on your next road trip.

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Self-Care While Traveling

Self-Care While Traveling

Looking after yourself is one of the most crucial to-dos, especially when you are away from home. But so many of us see travel as an escape, that we tend to let our self care slip.

I’m personally guilty of the ‘calories on vacation don’t count’ mentality, and forgetting to apply sunscreen as I would in my normal day at the beach (if you haven’t seen photos of my sunburn in the Galapagos and Antarctica they’ll make you cringe!).

So to make sure we’re having the best vacation possible, and returning home without needing a self care recorrect, here are four areas of self-care worth your attention when traveling.

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How to Enjoy Happier & Less Stressful Travel

How to Enjoy Happier & Less Stressful Travel

Travel is supposed to be about relaxing and getting away from your normal daily stress and anxiety, which makes it quite surprising that recent surveys have shown nearly 90% of people consider travel these days to be stressful.

So is there any hope of escaping stress on your next escape and hopefully enjoying a sense of happiness?

The sad truth is that we only have ourselves to blame for being stressed while traveling, whether it’s trying to tick a long list of experiences off we feel we need to have or not giving ourselves enough flexibility to deal with unforeseen events or circumstances.

Thankfully, there are adjustments you can make to enjoy happier and less stressful travel and it often starts simply with changing your perspective and getting rid of expectations. No matter the destination or your budget, any vacation can be a successful and rewarding experience if you want it to be.

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Join the All Female Kilimanjaro Trek on International Women’s Day 2022!

Join the All Female Kilimanjaro Trek on International Women’s Day 2022!

I’ve written a lot about how climbing Mt Kilimanjaro changed my life; it pushed me to discover my physical and mental abilities, and transformed my whole perspective on life.

Oh, and I returned home from Kili with a husband (husbands not included in this March 2022 all female tour!).

But as I was climbing the mountain for my own personal development, I didn’t stop to notice that there was not one single female porter or guide. This was 2010, and fastforward 11 years, guiding trekkers to the summit of Kilimanjaro is still a male dominated world; fewer than 1% of the total guides being female.

Glory Thobias founded Tanzania Women Guides Foundation to change this by providing training and showing a career in guiding as a viable option for women. And to support these efforts, Solo Female Travelers is climbing to the top of Kilimanjaro on an all-female guide, porter and trekker team, to celebrate International Women’s Day 2022.

Will you join to climb to the top of Africa this coming March?

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Ekrin B37: The Best Portable Massage Gun for Travel & Outdoor Adventure

Ekrin B37: The Best Portable Massage Gun for Travel & Outdoor Adventure

Ever craved a deep muscle massage while traveling? Maybe your muscles are tight from all day exploring Angkor Wat, or your back is killing you from that airline seat you’ve been strapped into for 10 hours.

Massage guns have always been a tool used in fitness; they relieve pain, reduce soreness, and improve performance for both gym junkies and athletes.

Using them improves the circulatory system, central nervous system, and all of the connective tissues in your body: muscles, joints, ligaments, tendons, bones, cartilage, and fascia.

But there’s another activity that puts stress on your body: Travel and outdoor adventure (OK that’s two activities, but for me they go hand in hand!)

And to cut down on the high cost of spa treatments when traveling, a massage gun that you own; that you can pull out at any time and use for unlimited recovery; is a brilliant option.

Portable, light, and in a travel case with 8 hours of battery life, the Ekrin B37 is a fantastic massage gun to take with you for travel, and have on every outdoor adventure.

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6 Benefits of Medical Tourism

Best Countries for Travelers and Expats with Disabilities

Whether it’s booking a simple holiday overseas or planning a move to another country, it can be an extra anxious time if you have a disability. Knowing whether your chosen destination offers things like accessible public transport and attractions, Braille signs and currency, and information around the general legal rights and welfare system is important.

People with disabilities understand the need for accessibility. Moving is already full of uncertainty, and not knowing whether your chosen relocation destination is accessible can only add to the stress.

Thankfully, there are a number of countries that are taking steps to make disabled persons feel more inclusive by implementing ways to help them navigate daily public life.

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Beach Vacations and Coronavirus: How to Protect Yourself

Beach Vacations and Coronavirus: How to Protect Yourself

We’re all looking for activities that allow us to practice proper social distancing nowadays, and many of our favorite travel pastimes like socializing at bars or checking out the local museums are no longer advisable in high transmission areas.

Thankfully though, many of us can still safely escape to the beach!

Outdoor settings such as beaches have been proven to be far less risky for spreading and catching the coronavirus, but there are still a few helpful safety measures to be aware of for both locals and travelers alike.

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4 Reasons Why Lion’s Mane is Special

4 Reasons Why Lion’s Mane is Special

While you might think the name ‘Lion’s Mane’ refers to some type of African safari, it’s actually one of the newest superfoods to come out of North America, China, Japan, and Europe.

Named because they look like a lion’s mane as they grow (white and shaggy!), this is an edible mushroom that has traditionally been used in both cuisine and medicines in Asian countries like China, India, Japan and Korea.

Now one of the latest food trends and have become known as a superfood, Lion’s Mane mushroom has caught attention worldwide as they are believed to pack a range of positive health benefits and offer a delicious flavor.

If you’re traveling and find a dish with Lion’s Mane on the menu, be sure to take the opportunity to try it. Here are just 4 reasons why Lion’s Mane mushrooms are thought to be so special.

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How to Travel Easily With CBD

How to Travel Easily With CBD

Traveling with CBD is fairly common; in fact, people have been using cannabis products to make traveling easier for years.

However, because the legality of CBD varies across the world, many people are unsure about whether they should or even can, pack it.

Here are some handy tips to know before you travel, meaning you can always have the best CBD capsules on hand when exploring the world.

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Ways to Upgrade Your Travel Essentials with CBD

Ways to Upgrade Your Travel Essentials with CBD

The regular use of CBD products – either as a supplement or a health care item – has become a part of many people’s lives, especially as many countries across the world have moved to legalise.

A growing number of people are using products like CBD hemp oil and CBD topicals on a daily basis to treat long-term health conditions.

For those who use CBD as part of their daily life, the idea of traveling away from home and having to leave these products behind can be a worrying thought. Until recently, this was a very real problem for many people.

Luckily the TSA recently updated their guidance regarding CBD and medical marijuana products within the United States. As always, make sure you have researched whether your products are legal in the country you’re traveling to.

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7 Benefits of Adding CBD Oil to Your Travel Kit

7 Benefits of Adding CBD Oil to Your Travel Kit

CBD oil doesn’t need to be a rarely used, expensive luxury item. Thanks to years of growing market pressure and a considerable amount of attention from society, CBD prices are lower than ever, and the products legal in many countries.

Thanks to these low prices and a significant variety of choices, CBD is now very accessible. However, many people travel a lot, making taking regular CBD oil a bit of a challenge. But it doesn’t have to be.

Here are 7 significant benefits of adding CBD oil to your travel kit. Before traveling, make sure you have completed the relevent research required to confirm that your products are legal in every country you’re visiting.

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Ways to Ensure Safe Drinking Water While Traveling

Ways to Ensure Safe Drinking Water While Traveling

Research has shown that upwards of 80% of diseases worldwide are waterborne, and while developed countries generally treat their public water supplies, this is sadly not always the case with many developing nations.

A range of harmful bacteria including E. coli and salmonella, parasites, and viruses, along with various toxic chemicals, find their way into the drinking water of many countries around the world. Drinking poorly treated or unfiltered water can lead to serious illnesses such as typhoid, cholera, giardia, and hepatitis A just to name a few.

Many of us take having easy access to safe drinking water for granted, but hundreds of millions of people around the world are forced to consume contaminated water that hasn’t been treated properly.

There are also times when even the residents in areas of well-developed countries including the U.S. and Australia will be issued a boil water notice or alert to treat their tap water due to the community’s water supply being contaminated whether it be because of flooding or problems with water treatment plants.

If you’re planning to travel to a destination where the local water is deemed unfit, here are some of the top methods for making sure the water you consume is safe to drink.

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How to Overcome Homesickness after Moving Overseas

How to Overcome Homesickness after Moving Overseas

Whether you find yourself moving to another country for work, school, volunteering, or to be with your international love, it’s common to feel a sense of homesickness at some point.

Despite the excitement of moving abroad, it’s common to feel a sense of loss being away from home and anxiety from trying to adjust to your new surroundings.

While many expats experience homesickness, the causes and emotional / physical impacts are different for each person; from acute emotional distress all the way to an almost debilitating depression which can impact your health.

Whether you’re taking up a lucrative employment offer in London or Dubai or simply researched incredible Bangkok condos for rent, understand that no one is fully immune to homesickness.

The key to dealing with homesickness is to be able to recognize the feelings and work through them, rather than trying to ignore or prevent them.

Feeling homesick is completely normal and nothing to be ashamed of, and there are a number of strategies that will help you to better cope with the various effects of homesickness.

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Why You Should Switch to Hemp Undies for Travel: WAMA Underwear Review

Why You Should Switch to Hemp Undies for Travel: WAMA Underwear Review

Whether you’re a light packer or an overpacker (guilty!), underwear is the one thing every traveler needs to pack. And every now and then, it does pay to give your underwear draw a refresh. But instead of buying the same old underwear you previously had (you know – the ones which gave you a wedgie in Morocco, and made you chafe in the Amazon’s humidity), a savvy traveler should aim to improve their underwear choices.

If you’re sick of wedgies, chafing, and odor in your suitcase (though underwear odor is a natural deterrent for having your suitcase hijacked), I have one word for you: Hemp.

Hemp is a cannabis Sativa fibre that is naturally antibacterial, anti-microbial, and a breathable fabric to wear. Hemp garments are not only strong, UV resistant and feel great against your skin, they’re also one of the world’s most sustainable fabrics.

WAMA Underwear specializes in ethical and sustainable hemp underwear, and since realizing the fantastic benefits of hemp undies for travel, I’ve stocked up on their boxers for Mike, and their underwear and bralettes for myself. Here’s why you should switch to WAMA hemp underwear for travel. I haven’t had a wedgie since!

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8 Life Lessons You Can Only Gain by Traveling

8 Life Lessons You Can Only Gain by Traveling

Travel is much more than escaping the demands of work and home while we relax on a beach somewhere. There are many life lessons to be had while traveling, many of which you can pick up quite easily without much effort.

Travel exposes you to new cultures and ideas, while often presenting you with many new and unique situations, all of which can collectively help you grow as an individual.

Whether positive or negative, your travel experiences are likely to stay with you a long time and have the ability to shape who you become.

If you found learning in a classroom difficult, fear not, because not all lessons are taught within four walls by a teacher that just doesn’t seem to get you.

Travel may just be one of the world’s greatest teachers, educating you in some of life’s most important lessons. Here are the top 8 life lessons you can gain through traveling the world.

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