Self-care has become a part of everyone’s vocabulary recently. But just a few years ago, this act was a revolutionary idea that very few dabbled in – or dared to even indulge in and brag about!
People than ever are prioritizing activities and routines that promote health, happiness, relaxation and excitement now more than ever, though for many people, their preferred self care activity was travel.
Circumstances have obviously changed right now, and for most people travel is off the table. Even after borders re-open the economic impact of the pandemic means travel might be off the cards for a while.
So what are some self-care activities you can practice when you’re not traveling? Things you can do to ignite your energy again, just as travel would usually do.
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Don’t let the beauty influencers fool you – great skin doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg; especially when you’re traveling and would prefer to spend the money on experiences!
Travel exposes our bodies to many different climates, extremities and environments, so while skincare is something you may not prioritize as highly as your passport, it is something which may hit you unexpectedly on your trip.
Sudden changes in climate can irritate your skin, from exposure to the sun (i.e. Australia) to harsh, wintery conditions (i.e. Antarctica), or polluted cities (ie Beijing), every new destination brings new challenges for our skin.
You can find plenty of affordable brands at the drugstore that offer effective treatments for any type of skin. Even DIY skincare can be great for the face and the wallet.
The trick is knowing what ingredients to look for and how to treat your skin type. Which is exactly what this post will cover!
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It’s estimated that over 150 million people worldwide wear contact lenses. Most people wear contacts to correct impaired vision, but many others do so for aesthetic reasons such as wearing artificially colored lenses.
Unlike eyeglasses, contact lenses make activities like playing sports, snorkeling, and simply wearing sunglasses much easier for those with eyesight problems. We contact lens wearers can, however, run into a few annoyances when flying.
Airplanes present an environment that isn’t the most ideal place for wearing contacts. However, there are several tips you can follow that will allow you to continue wearing your contacts while flying, without suffering from dry and irritated eyes.
If you also wear contacts, check out my top recommendations for things you should do the next time you’re flying.
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I remember a quote I read many years ago from Sir Richard Burton. “The greatest moment in a man’s life is when he sets out for an unknown land.”
I had no idea who Sir Richard was, but the quote stuck in my head. Traveling could really cause the most extraordinary moments? I was excited about the possibilities, and this quote motivated me to make traveling my profession.
For years, I worked as a travel writer and traveled across all seven continents. And the quote turned out to be correct. Different places, people, cultures, natural wonders, mega cities, unknown customs and outstanding places, from the mountain ranges of the Rocky Mountains to the beaches of Thailand, had definitely filled my life.
When I look back on my travels in over 90 countries over the last two decades, I discovered that the mysterious Sir Richard Burton was formerly a British Africa researcher, though in his above quote he had underestimated the outcome of the journey.
I found out that travel does much more: it also boosts your self-esteem, and greatly improves self confidence.
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With roads becoming more crowded, traffic rage, unexpected braking, swerving, and switching lanes without indicating are becoming more widespread – in almost every country.
Provocative gestures, yelling, cursing, tailgating, and loud car horns – all of this is quite common, and something you’ll likely encounter on any road trip you take.
But road rage can trigger dangerous behavior, and this is not something you want ruining a trip. So learning how to stay calm in your car is an essential skill to have with you on any road trip.
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For anyone who loves to travel, the ideal situation is to find a job where you can get paid while traveling the world. Few opportunities let you do this, though even fewer offer a steady wage that allows you to contribute positively to society.
When you think of the best travel jobs, the first job that springs to mind may not be nursing, but this is actually a highly in demand job, all around the world.
The sad fact is that two billion people around the world lack access to basic medicines needed for day-to-day health care, and many more suffer for want of simple surgical procedures. As such, qualified nurses are in high demand in many countries.
If you have a basic level of medical training, you can join one of the charities or international organizations dedicated to providing worldwide health, or you can set aside the prospect of a comfortable US salary and take a job in a developing country where your skills are desperately needed.
Most travel nurse jobs require at least 1 to 1 ½ year of clinical experience. If you’ve got the experience and think it sounds interesting, here are 6 reasons why you should do it!
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Travel can be exciting, but it can also wreak havoc on your body. And one of the biggest problems related to travel is the loss of sleep.
Long flights, changing time zones, eating on the run and not sleeping in your own comfortable bed can all disrupt your sleeping patterns. But in addition to the sleep you get at night, naps can also help you stay well-rested while traveling.
Even if your flight is a few hours long, taking a nap can help. So the next time you have to take a long flight, use these tips for taking naps on a plane.
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It’s a common joke – ‘you’ll need a vacation after your vacation’!
And, granted, it’s a difficult trap not to fall into!
When we’re spending thousands of dollars flying to exotic parts of the world, it’s only natural that you’ll want to fit as much into your itinerary as possible, and make the most of every second.
But this does also mean that you return home with post-vacation exhaustion – not to be confused with the post-vacation blues.
That’s not to say that you have to sit on a beach and not take an active vacation – but you don’t want to wear yourself out so thoroughly that you find you can’t function properly once you’re home!
Utilize the following tips for returning home from vacation fully rested!
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Business travel is definitely not a holiday. Whether you’re running your own business or working for a company, it’s typically the same routine: check in at the airport, pick up a rental car, and prep on-route for your meetings.
From traveling at short notice, to relying on the hotel iron, and somehow finding the energy to walking into meetings after having spent a tedious day in transit, there’s no doubting that business travel comes with its own unique sets of stresses.
So we’ve put together a guide to reduce that for you!
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Let’s face it – everyday life can be stressful. So much so that one of the biggest trending issues of the 21st century has been to raise awareness and shine a spotlight on issues surrounding mental health.
One in four people suffer from mental health issues at some point in their lives, whether that’s feeling stuck in life, or battling more severe issues like anxiety and depression. And while traveling may sound at first like you’re running from your problems, the truth can be quite the opposite.
Sometimes all most people need is a simple reset.
Well, travel is a great way to reset the brain!
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Service dogs are a vital part of life for many people, as guide dogs and animals trained to alert others. However, in recent years there have been new of laws and restrictions regarding what animals can and can’t board a commercial flight.
This causes confusion for everyone, and owners of service dogs are no exception. Anxiety over this can easily lead to a feeling that vacationing near home and traveling by road might be easier and less stressful.
The good news is that this doesn’t have to be the case. You can absolutely take a service dog onto an aircraft, as long as you can offer credible assurance that the animal is not just a pet, and state which functions the animal provides.
If you’re still worried, though, here are some tips for making your journey as stress-free as possible.
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Sunglasses are often a holiday must-have, but what you might not realize when picking up any old pair off the rack, is that the quality of your eye-wear is absolutely essential.
Of course a good pair of sunglasses will have sex appeal, but what’s even more attractive are the health benefits they bring. Sunburn of the eyes is a real thing, and it’s PAINFUL!
We rely on our vision more than any other sense so it’s essential that we protect ourselves. Travel has a way of putting us in environments that can be harsh on the eyes, so sunglasses are vital for making sure you can continue to see the world with clarity.
So yes, buy based of fashion trends (the top fashion trend at the moment are aviators – we recommend Eye Buy Direct, who have a great range of aviator sunglasses), but when you do, make sure the glasses also tick these boxes.
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For many people, travelling is a way to relax and enjoy a break from everyday life. However, for those suffering from mental health issues, travelling can be rather daunting, and certain mental illness may be exacerbated by the stresses associated with travel.
While mental health was once seen as taboo and rarely discussed, today we’ve started to talk about it. We’re recognizing these sometimes debilitating issues so we might offer support and treatment to those in need.
Because mental illness doesn’t go away just because you’re traveling. And having an episode while overseas can be much more distressing than when you experience them at home.
One in four people suffer from mental health issues at some point in their lives, so it’s vital that these issues are addressed. But sadly, the majority of people are still not receiving adequate treatment, whether it’s due to feeling ashamed of their issues or simply not having the means.
If you’re suffering from a mental health condition, it doesn’t mean that you can’t travel the world, but it may mean you have to do a bit more planning to manage your health.
This article will discuss how you can seek help abroad, so that your mental health illness doesn’t prevent you from travelling. It will also detail ways you can help others suffering from mental health issues.
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Whether it’s dealing with tummy troubles, annoying bug bites, nasty sunburns from too much fun in the sun, or simply loads of stress brought on by travelling (it happens!), there are many ailments that afflict travelers.
But what if I told you that there’s a natural remedy that could replace the need to visit a chemist, and mean you don’t have to load up on medications?!
Chamomile is one of the world’s most widely used medicinal plants, once used by the ancient Romans to soothe all kinds of ailments.
While you may be familiar with the calming effects of Chamomile tea, you may not be aware that diffusing undiluted Roman Chamomile Essential Oil can be an even more effective treatment for a wide variety of travel troubles.
An immune system boosting plant that can soothe the gastrointestinal system, make those bug bites stop itching, make that sunburn feel less blistering, and help you relax when seated in that middle seat between two obnoxious airline passengers; ‘Roman Chamomile Essential Oil’ are four words every traveler should know!
There are some impressive research findings to back up these claims, so today I want to share how you can benefit from using chamomile essential oil too, and how to use it effectively and safely.
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We all love to pamper ourselves from time to time with a little spa session. But one of the easiest ways to promote relaxation and de-stress after a long day is to give yourself a foot massage.
After a long day of cold-weather camping, or an exhausting trip half-way around the world, a foot massage could give you the emotional and physical boost you need to get back on your feet the next day, ready to explore a new destination.
Many travelers experience soreness, pain, and foot fatigue overseas, and it can be especially difficult if you’re wondering how you can possibly head out again tomorrow.
Well, a DIY foot massage might just be the key!
Here are five of the biggest benefits of getting a foot massage after long-haul travel. Most people don’t realise just how beneficial these massages can really be.
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Travel is often thought of as a leisure activity, though if you’re looking for a way to get your wellness back on track, it actually does more than just satisfying the urge for new discovery.
Changing your scenery, even for a few hours can go a long way to resetting yourself, and you may be surprised at the wonders a good holiday can do for your mental health.
Whether you’re urgently in need of a mental health break, or looking to achieve balance in your life for over-all wellness, the following are ways in which travel can have a positive effect on your well-being.
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It’s one of my favorite outdoor activities; lacing up my boots for a bit of hiking; to fully immerse myself in the natural landscapes that range from the snow capped peaks of the Himalayas, to lush mountain gorilla habitat in Rwanda.
While many hiking adventures don’t require a great deal of planning or preparation, there are times when simply lacing up the hiking books and slinging a small backpack over the shoulder doesn’t quite cut it.
Hiking in mountains presents many potential dangers, and although it isn’t nearly as technical as full-on mountain climbing, you definitely have to be conscious of prioritizing your safety.
While basic mountain hiking generally doesn’t require equipment like helmets, ropes, carabiners, crampons, or ice axes, there are definitely still things you need to be aware of, and essential items you should include as part of your gear.
To keep you safe on your next adventure, follow this list of safety tips for hiking in the mountains. From knowing what to pack to what potential dangers you may face, these tips will go a long way to making your next hike much safer.
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It’s a common saying that I’m sure everyone at some point has uttered:
“Calories on vacation don’t count”.
Except, they do. And one of the challenges for people who are concerned with their fitness when they travel, is how to maintain their fitness routine and health, while having fun at the same time, and letting loose.
I mean, the whole point of traveling to Italy is to gorge out on pizza, pasta, wine and gelato! But the question is, how do you balance that out, so you don’t find yourself struggling to get back into a healthy routine once you’re home?
Active adventures have become a big trend in 2019, and many people are finding the same level of joy and excitement in fitness orientated itineraries.
Choosing Fitstays helps you to maintain a healthy lifestyle while on vacation, so without further ado, let’s jump straight into why fitness orientated travel is so important today.
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Chances are that if you’ve ever traveled to a foreign country, you’ve probably been advised that it’s wise to immunize. There are a huge range of vaccines available these days, some mandatory, some a matter of choice.
Places like Canada, Australia, and Europe probably won’t require extra vaccines, though if traveling through third world countries or places stricken by poverty, you might choose to vaccinate yourself against common diseases like typhoid, hepatitis, and influenza.
And it’s always important to research whether a country requires mandatory vaccines before allowing you to enter (ie you’ll need the yellow fever vaccine for traveling to parts of Africa and South America).
After you’ve decided that you need / want an immunization, the following are important things you need to know before getting the needle.
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Throughout the world, different cultures have their own unique remedies for treating ailments and staying healthy.
It’s easy to believe that the strongest and most effective medicine comes from drugs prescribed by a doctor, but there are a number of natural remedies out there which may be just as effective at relieving your seasonal cold or aching joints.
Scientists are beginning to turn their attention to indigenous peoples around the world to learn about the local natural remedies these populations have used for generations. This knowledge is proving useful for treating many types of sickness, and preventing many others.
Some people may scoff at herbal remedies as silly folklore, but many natural remedies are continually proven by science to be just as effective as manufactured drugs. There are hundreds of thousands of plants around the world, and most, if not all, may be of use to us when it comes to improving our health.
If you’re looking for a more natural approach to healing, check out these fascinating ingredients provided by Mother Nature that many people around the world swear by.
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No one likes getting sick. Especially when they’re thousands of miles away from home and the people who care about them the most. But most of the time, you can avoid getting sick overseas with a few very simple tips.
When it comes to preparing for possible sickness, instead of stocking up on medications to treat potential illnesses (ie the diarrhea meds, asprin, etc), why not aim for total prevention?!
There might be vaccinations, medications, and supplements these days to treat everything, but to actually avoid sickness overseas? Most of the time all that’s needed is the basics. Something that most people have forgotten.
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Do you ever wonder why medical tourism is suddenly the new black and stealing the spotlight from cultural tourism? Medical tourism is booming, and people from all over the world have started traveling overseas for medical care in another country.
Around 8 million patients each year in fact!
Of those 8 million people who travel for medical treatment, 700,000 alone travel to Turkey; an industry that earned the country a whopping $1.5 billion in 2018.
Turkey is a popular destination among tourists generally, and many European and American-trained doctors have taken up residence here, which appeals to medical tourists from these regions.
It has the most American-accredited hospitals of any other country, and with affordable healthcare, it is estimated that 32% of Turkey’s patients are medical tourists.
So, if you’re thinking of traveling for medical, what are the benefits of specifically choosing Turkey?
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Ideally, traveling should be a fun, relaxing experience. However, as almost every experienced traveler can attest, sometimes plans go awry and unexpected troubles arise.
It should go without saying, but your health and well-being should be your first priority when you travel. It’s one thing to miss a flight; it’s quite another to accidentally put yourself in harm’s way during a holiday.
With that in mind, today we’re going to provide you with a step-by-step breakdown to ensure that every trip you take is a healthy and happy one.
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Often when we travel we end up sitting for hours on planes and buses, though this can result in a bad posture which can cause quite serious problems.
It’s important to maintain proper posture even when we’re traveling, but this isn’t always the easiest, especially when you’re crammed into an economy seat and you’re trying to contort your body to any type of comfortable position.
The most common side effects of bad posture include back pain, neck pain, and spinal problems, and if you have bad posture in your life generally, these issues can become exacerbated when you travel. So one of the easiest ways to reduce the chances of this pain is by frequently using a posture corrector.
If you find you experience back or neck pain when you’re flying, introducing a posture corrector to your everyday life can make your next trip a lot more comfortable. Here are some of the benefits of using posture correctors before you travel.
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The stresses of everyday life can be overwhelming. From family and work issues to commuting, daily chores, illnesses, home maintenance and plenty of other concerns, the grind of day-to-day life can pick away at your mental well-being.
If you ever feel stuck in life, or tired of your current situation, it is sometimes best to get away. A vacation may sound at first like you are running from your problems, but the truth is quite the opposite.
For the reasons listed below, you may be surprised at the wonders a good holiday can do for your mental health.
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