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Guide to Finding Free WiFi Abroad

Guide to Finding Free WiFi Abroad

WiFi has now become such an integral part of our daily lives, and this is no different for the traveler exploring the world. In fact, perhaps finding an internet connection is even more important for those who travel; that connection meaning access to information, money, and methods of communication when you find yourself in a foreign land.

Not being able to find WiFi can be incredibly stressful when you are unfamiliar with your surroundings. Though utilizing the following tips and tricks, you’ll be able to find it for free.

The following are places to find an internet connection while overseas.

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Everything You Need to Know before Backpacking through Europe

Everything You Need to Know before Backpacking through Europe

The old continent is addictively gorgeous in all its diversity. From vibrant cities to quaint villages, you’ll have the experience of a lifetime if you know where to look. If you’ve decided to take some weeks off to go backpacking through Europe, you already know this and certainly don’t need extra persuasion.

However, what you may need are a few smart tips and tricks on backpacking, especially when planning a longer journey. Backpacking through Europe includes sleeping on overnight trains, wasting time in local cafes, immersing yourself in the local cultures and making the best of each moment.

Dive right in, but not before checking out the list of everything you need to know before backpacking through Europe.

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The Great and Not-so-great of Work Exchanges and Voluntourism

The Great and Not-so-great of Work Exchanges and Voluntourism

You wake up to the sound of birdsong outside your little stone hut, a fresh mountain breeze entering the space through the hand carved, traditional wooden vents that pepper the gorgeously textured natural walls. You wriggle out of your snug sleeping bag and step outside to be greeted by the Himalayan mountain range – the tallest peaks in the world rising resplendently from the green valleys far below you. Their flanks glisten in the gently filtered rays of another perfect sunrise. You say to yourself, today I’m gonna help some people, and it’ll be a good day.

This is life when volunteering, in particular, a work exchange in Nepal; but a similar scenario is attainable anywhere in the world. Replace the Himalayas with the Pacific Ocean; or replace your stone hut with a tent in a lush European forest, or a treehouse in the jungles of Costa Rica.

‘Voluntourism’ is a rather critical term thrown around a lot these days, but in my opinion it can be a wonderful, ethical, and sustainable way to travel, so long as you properly screen the families or local/international organisations with which you plan to work.

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Odessy to Dakar: Join the Drive From the Arctic Circle to Africa for Charity

Odessy to Dakar: Join the Drive From the Arctic Circle to Africa for Charity

“We wander for distraction, but we travel for fulfillment”. Hilarire Belloc said that. Though there is one other reason Matt Sully travels. His adventurous rallies that see him drive across the globe are designed to raise much needed funds and awareness for charities close to his heart. And on his next trip, he’s inviting you to come too.

After having lost members of his family and friends to terminal illness, Matt now travels for his cause. Supporting the Marie Curie Foundation and Cancer Research UK, his next trip will be a 40 day rally in June 2017 called the Odessy to Dakar. Starting in the UK, drivers will travel from the Arctic Circle to Africa (Dakar is the capital of Senegal), and back again. 1 vehicle, 6 ferries, 25 countries, 15000 miles.

He’s done all the planning, he’s mapped the route, costs and logistics of what is needed to complete the trip. And he’s extending an open invite for anyone who wants to find a team of mates and join him.

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The Time I Ate Thai Food in the Arctic

The Time I Ate Thai Food in the Arctic

Tucked away far to the north of Norway next to Greenland there lies a spit of land and ice in the Arctic Ocean. When I visited this archipelago, Svalbard, I expected to find a barren land of tundra, research stations, polar bears, arctic foxes, and ice floes. And in part, I was right.

I spent two weeks on a boat charging through ice that cracked and crumbled under the weight of the hull, met polar bears wandering over icy landscapes, spotted a tiny arctic fox from afar, and visited colonies of arctic birds that spun around cliffs in great restless flurries of activity.

However awe-inspiring the landscape of this forgotten land is, though, Svalbard is so much more.

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10 Reasons To Date A Girl Who Travels

10 Reasons To Date A Girl Who Travels

Still searching for miss right? Having trouble finding your soulmate? Then, date an adventurous and charming girl who finds joy in visiting exotic destinations, meeting locals and discovering cultures. Whether you’re a casual traveller or a certified travel junkie, dating a globe-trotting girl with a strong sense of wanderlust can be a pretty euphoric and intrinsically romantic ride that will give you tons of sweet and pleasant memories.

From deep and meaningful conversations to mind-blowing adventures, there are plenty of upsides in dating a girl who travels. As matter of fact, she can leave a lasting and positive impact in your life even if things won’t work out.

Don’t get me wrong – I’m no expert as far as relationship and love go, but trust me, having her around can be the best thing that will happen to your life. With her exciting persona, unique charisma and optimistic outlook, she truly is a one-of-a-kind damsel who can mesmerize you in so many different ways.

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When a Journey of a Lifetime Becomes a Lifelong Journey: 8 Years Overland With Christopher Many

When a Journey of a Lifetime Becomes a Lifelong Journey: 8 Years Overland With Christopher Many

When people say “Life’s a journey”, some take this aphorism more literally than others. Christopher Many is one of those. Having embarked on an overland trip in 1997, believing he’d spend no more than a year or two on the road, 19 years have passed, and he’s still somewhere out there, doing what he loves most: circumnavigating the globe with vehicles of questionable reliability, in a quest to understand through first-hand experience, how the Earth really “ticks”.

During the eight year period from 2002 – 2010 specifically, he set out with his 30 year old Land Rover on an overland journey to “go where no Landrover had ever gone before”! Traveling over 124,000 miles from a frozen Siberia, to North and South America, across Africa (Mongolia – Somali), and back into Europe, his trip is now documented in a witty travel chronicle “Left Beyond the Horizon“.

We all dream about what life is like “off the grid”, Christopher Many actually did it. This interview is an insight into the eight year Land Rover Odyssey as documented in his latest book.

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What it’s Like to Explore the Canadian Rockies by Train

What it’s Like to Explore the Canadian Rockies by Train

When considering a trans Canadian adventure there are lots of possible journey’s, but only one possible response: Wow. No matter which trip you choose, I guarantee you’ll sit nose pressed to the window as you’re transported through a world like no other. A world of magnificent coastal mountains, vibrant canyons, and daring white water rapids. Oh and rest assured, they clean the windows thoroughly after each and every trip!

Our route was to take us through scenic valleys, the Coastal Mountain Range and the Fraser Canyon with its spectacular white water and dramatic landscape. A highlight was to be the majestic Mount Robson, the highest peak in the Canadian Rockies.

This is an account of our experience exploring the Canadian Rockies by train.

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Under the Arches of Ocean City

The boardwalk at Ocean City Maryland is the place to travel to! It initially dates back to 1902 and was built as a removable wooden walk that was stored on the hotel porches at high tide. In 1910 that was replaced with a more permanent walkway that ran about five blocks.

Over the years it’s been redone several times due to wear and tear and storm damage. It was last refurbished in 2012 and now runs about five miles. It is ideal for long walks, bicycling and rollerblading/skating.

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Why The Best Time to Travel the World is Now

Why The Best Time to Travel the World is Now

We hear it every year, that now is the best time to travel. And it’s quite often true. Resources to find affordable (and even free) travel options exist these days in droves. The west is benefiting from a strong currency, oil prices are cheap, and with increasing uncertainty in some Middle Eastern and South Asian countries, the geopolitical situation of many nations could deteriorate to the point where you missed your chance to go.

Everything we need in order see the world can now be ours for cheaper than it ever has been before, and there has never been a better time to take time off and explore the globe. There truly are no more excuses that money is an obstacle to experiencing the world, and while it’s an overused cliche, it’s true that if you delay your travels until “someday”, it’s likely that your departure date will never come.

The following are 4 reasons why now is the best time to travel.

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5 European Beaches for Adventure Seekers: Do You Have the Guts to Go?

5 European Beaches for Adventure Seekers: Do You Have the Guts to Go?

When picturing time spent lazing on a beach, typical travelers visualize a white sand beach with swaying palms set against a sparkling ocean and a searing sun. Many book relaxing retreats and stay in resorts which offer beach access a mere steps from the lobby or your room.

Though not every beach has to serve as just a place to relax. And not every beach is so easily accessible from your front door. Sometimes you have to work to get there, and sometimes you need to have the guts, too!

If a beach day with some added adventure sounds perfect for you, consider the following for your next trip.

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Single in Florence: Resisting the Charm of Italian Men

Single in Florence: Resisting the Charm of Italian Men

Women from all corners of the world flock to Italy to enjoy Italian art, history, and cuisine. But what they don’t tell their husbands and boyfriends is that a little part of them may secretly lust after the scenario where a Latin lover will conquer them with a smouldering glance and whisk them away on their scooters to woo them in some secluded olive grove! The rest of us? We do our best to resist!

The charms and flirtations of Italian men are well rumored throughout the world to be a feminine vice. Though for the unsuspecting female traveler, well, many before me have found themselves caught in disastrous encounters with Italian flirts.

And that was without advertising that they were ‘single and ready to mingle’! My bad.

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Hiking Through Nikko National Park, Japan

Hiking Through Nikko National Park, Japan

Nikko is located a few hundred kilometers north of Tokyo. It’s a town next to a national park that’s also called Nikko National Park. The national park is settled on a range of mountains, some of which reach higher than 2,000 m above sea level.

The entrance to the national park is free, but some of the most famous temples and shrines do require you to pay entrance fee. There are many visitor centers where they will assist you on any questions you might have. As everywhere in Japan, they’re incredibly hospitable and helpful.

As most really nice places in Japan, the park is quite crowded especially during the season. The logistics of the park are really nice – there are walkways for people to enjoy the wonderful Nikko trekking trails and they’re extremely beautiful and clean.

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Tips For Attending the Venetian Carnival

Tips For Attending the Venetian Carnival

For one week every year, Venice transforms itself. It leaves behind the calm atmosphere it is known for and transforms into an explosion of colours and emotions.

I’m talking about the Venetian Carnival.

This recurring holiday is famous all over the world, but to participate can be a little bit tricky. Venice is a labyrinth of small streets and it’s easy to lose your sense of direction if you don’t know what you are doing.

But follow these tips for attending the Venetian Carnival and you’ll be fine. You’re in for an incredibly memorable time!

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How Women Can Save on Probate

How Women Can Save on Probate

It’s a horrible thought for anyone with a significant other – that someday you may be forced to travel alone again. However with life expectancy statistics today, it’s become almost a given that the wife will outlive her husband. And many have found that travel is one of the best ways to heal.

Though you can’t just take off and begin your process of healing and grief before you deal with the will and estate; a harsh reality which we don’t ever think about. So if women know that the odds are pretty stacked in their favor that they will be outliving their husbands, why are we never ready to deal with the paperwork and red tape?

Even though it’s not something anyone wants to prepare for, it’s important to be ready to deal with wills and estates. To not let the paperwork process which comes with this tragic situation drag on for longer than it should.

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What to Expect From a Trip to Amman, Jordan

What to Expect From a Trip to Amman, Jordan

I am admittedly an amateur in the world of international travel. While Europe is on my doorstep as a resident of the UK, my passport holds no more than 20 passport stamps; those which are there due to family holidays, or visiting friends who have made the leap and moved abroad.

A visit to Jordan therefore seemed so off the cards me, an infrequent traveler, and one of the last places to have crossed my mind as a potential destination for tourism. Though a distant relative of my mother based in Amman, Jordan paved the opportunity for my trip.

Amman, the capital of Jordan, is a modern city with numerous ancient ruins. A gateway for reaching the rest of Jordan, those willing to linger awhile before making for Petra, the Dead Sea or Wadi Rum will find it is one of the easiest cities in which to enjoy the Middle East experience.

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Unsettle: Join the Movement and Never Settle For An Ordinary Life

Unsettle: Join the Movement and Never Settle For An Ordinary Life

We all begin with curiosity, but comfort then ties us down. We’re born with wild imaginations, and spectacular dreams, but as we reach adulthood, far too many of us choose to settle for less.

We choose to settle for an “okay” life instead of one which is extraordinary. We allow ourselves to become slaves to pensions, expectations, and consumerism. We let some faceless person in a human resources department decide how much money we’ll earn, what we’ll do with our days and whether we get to enjoy job security.

Sarah Peterson says you should join the movement and unsettle.

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Making Money on the Move

Making Money on the Move

For many of you, the thought of an extended holiday away trekking in the Amazon, staring down the camera lens on safari or relaxing on a remote beach in the middle of nowhere is the true definition of bliss, but unfortunately, there is a reason why these are called ‘once in a lifetime’ holidays – because they can often take a lifetime of savings to pay for!

So rather than tantalise you with stories of the most luxurious beds or the most remote beaches around the world, we’re going to give you some hints and tips to make your money on the move and keep that once in a lifetime holiday from becoming a budget vacation.

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Luxurious London: What, Where and When to Splurge

Luxurious London: What, Where and When to Splurge

Let’s face it. London can be an expensive city to tour. Sure, there are plenty of free things to do once you arrive, but when you start adding up hotels, restaurants and shows, you may realize that a visit here can very quickly leave your bank account in a sorry state.

For those of us that live here, we cope by scouring the web for deals, hunting down the best cheap eats, and visiting the city’s free museums way too many times.

But what if you feel like a splurge?

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Embrace Local Travel: Take a MicroAdventure in 2016

Embrace Local Travel: Take a MicroAdventure in 2016

Usually when we think of “adventure” we think of epic international journeys. Trips which take 2-3 weeks, which see us travel to faraway lands, and which take months and months to plan. Though people often overlook the fact that adventure can be sought much closer to home too.

You don’t have to travel halfway across the world to seek adventure – traveling locally counts as travel too. Hundreds of thousands of travelers and tourists pay huge amounts of money to make it across the globe to visit your tiny corner of the world each year, so why would you not take advantage of your location and explore too? Even if it is technically “home”?

This is what we call a MicroAdventure. It could be local, it could be overnight, it could be for a couple of days. It doesn’t have to be expensive, well planned or far away. It’s about ‘just doing it’ and exploring new places and environments that are close to home.

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The Sexiest Female Travelers of 2015. Brought to you by Individual Health #Geoblue

The Sexiest Female Travelers of 2015. Brought to you by Individual Health #Geoblue

Adventure has been the new pretty for a while now, and women who travel are continually redefining the traditional notion of “sexy” through their passion for exploring the world and adventurous soul.

These women are smart, independent and strong. They navigate unknown cities with a great sense of direction, but also enjoy the spontaneity of getting lost. They’re not searching for money, status or looks, they’re searching for knowledge and world experiences.

These women may not be the most dolled up, but they’re certainly the most authentic. Self sufficient women who challenge, encourage and inspire you to see, do and be more.

Though it’s not even that the following women have all of the above mentioned qualities which ultimately makes them sexy. It’s that they have gone against the “norm” to create a lifestyle that they love. It’s that they’re genuinely happy in life. And happy people are beautiful. They become like a mirror and reflect that happiness back on you.

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Three Ways a Travel Agency Can Make Your Life Easier

Three Ways a Travel Agency Can Make Your Life Easier

Whether you’ve been a DIY traveler up until now or you have your travel agent’s number on speed dial, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons of booking your flights, hotels, rental cars, and more through a travel agent.

Not only have travel agents been found to save their clients a pretty penny, some only charge a very small commission. Essentially, travel agents are excellent at what they do best. And sometimes, it’s in your best interest to leave travel booking up to the experts. Here are some reasons why.

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Women Can Take up Travel Without Sacrificing Their Work Life

Women Can Take up Travel Without Sacrificing Their Work Life

There’s a trend in the travel industry at the moment, a movement if you will. Those who are selling their possessions, and packing everything up to travel the world.

Though travel doesn’t always have to be about quitting your job and leaving everything behind. Sometimes you might actually like your job, and the stable lifestyle of a 9-5. Sometimes you might actually enjoy the security of having a home base to return to.

Just as there are many travelers right now realizing their dreams of full time travel, it’s also important to recognize that there are just as many travelers successfully juggling a full time corporate job too. Because it is absolutely possible for women to take up travel without sacrificing other elements of their lives. Deepika Gumaste is one of them.

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How to do Christmas Stress-free

How to do Christmas Stress-free

A sad irony about the holiday season is that people feel compelled to create perfect conditions, have the perfect gifts for the family members and loved ones, and yet often cannot create these dreams.

The financial reality, the reality of their job situations or relationships, and things that come up like sickness or accident unexpectedly can often derail the Hallmark postcard picture in their heads.

Fortunately, there are ways to not come up disappointed in your quest to create a holiday with warm memories surrounded by loved ones. Let’s take a look at a few tips to make your holiday experience that much better and avoid the trap that has 20% of people saying Christmas makes them feel anxious.

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The Sexiest Male Travelers of 2015. Brought to you by Individual Health #Geoblue

The Sexiest Male Travelers of 2015. Brought to you by Individual Health #Geoblue

Last year we thought it would be a fun way to recognize the adventurous spirit and inspiring lifestyles of 21 deserving male travelers by awarding the title of “Sexiest Travelers of 2014”. And the post quickly became a viral hit, crashing our site 4 times in the first day; proving that adventure has been the new sexy for a while now!

Because it’s unlikely you’ll find yourself bored dating a boy who travels. He treasures experiences over toys, and talks of distant places. His hands have explored the stone relics of ancient civilizations, and he has lived out of a backpack because he lives happily with less. He is enthusiastic about the world, and passes on that enthusiasm to you.

With these qualities in mind, the following are the sexiest male travelers of 2015. If we’ve missed your favorite traveler, they could very well have been featured in last year’s list. Otherwise leave us a comment with your nomination for next year!

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