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How The Hoboroll Solved My Packing Problems.

How The Hoboroll Solved My Packing Problems.

After almost 10 years of travel, I’ve realized that travel habits don’t change. Once a snap happy tourist, you’ll continue to always snap everything insight. Once unprepared in the airport security queue, you’ll always be holding everybody up. Once a last-minute airport souvenir shopper, it seems you’ll always forget to discover local artisans selling traditional crafts along the way.

So while I’ve been told time and time again I need to start taking my own advice for slimming down your suitcase, it’s time to come to terms with the fact that I am, and always will be, a severe overpacker! Though granted most recently, packing for 150 days of travel and fitting it into 20kg is no simple feat!

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Travel Gear: Minipocket

Travel Gear: Minipocket

A lot of the time while traveling, a wallet is too big and bulky. You need something thin, light, small, and easily accessible to carry cash and credit cards, which won’t be the target of theft.

In 10 years of traveling I’ve been through multiple backpacks, compact purses, and more money belts than you can imagine, however I’ve been incredibly impressed with the minipocket, and have found myself using it again and again.

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The Complete National Geographic

The Complete National Geographic

A popular gift for travelers is a one year subscription to the National Geographic, however at a young age I would always flip through the beautiful pictures and promise myself I would read the articles later. The magazines have been collecting dust on the bookshelf for years.

So this year, instead of a one year subscription to the magazine, how about every issue of National Geographic since 1888 on one convenient hard drive?! Well 1888 – 2009 anyway.

One of the world’s most iconic magazine’s, this gift is sure to please any traveler. Over 1,400 issues, 200,000 photos and 8,000 articles, there’s nothing better for staying occupied on long train rides or flights! In fact, there’s nothing better for staying occupied…period!

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