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What to Wear When Flying So You Don’t Get Kicked Off The Plane

Posted by on 7:28 am in Blog, Fashion, Travel Tips | 0 comments

What to Wear When Flying So You Don’t Get Kicked Off The Plane

We recently published a post on ‘should you wear activewear when traveling’, and this sparked some debate about what’s appropriate or not to wear on a plane. So in a follow-up post, you can find our best tips on what to wear when flying; what to wear to stay comfortable, while also remaining respectful of other passengers, and not getting kicked off the plane!

There are no universal laws dictating what you can and can’t wear on a plane, and while airline lounges may have dress codes, most airlines are pretty accepting when it comes to the plane.

“As long as you’re not sporting anything that may prevent the aircraft from flying safely, such as a suit of armor or a hoop skirt. – it’s up to the airline to decide what’s OK”. While all airlines will differ in their approach, here are some basic rules to follow.

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Traveling to Hawaii? Top 10 Things You Need to Prepare

Posted by on 2:05 am in Blog, United States | 0 comments

Traveling to Hawaii? Top 10 Things You Need to Prepare

If you’re planning on traveling to Hawaii, there are a few things you need to prepare. You’ll need to choose the islands you want to visit, how many of those colorful Hawaiian shirts to wear, and how far in advance to book your tickets.

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Complete a Travel Memory Book by the End of Your Trip? Yes, Please!

Posted by on 2:21 pm in Blog, Book & Film Reviews, Equipment Reviews, Photography, Travel Tips | 0 comments

Complete a Travel Memory Book by the End of Your Trip? Yes, Please!

On my first trip to Japan at 14, I got permission to take the family digital camera, and went truly overboard with photos. No-one could believe I returned home with … wait for it … 200 photos. Fastforward 20 years and we now take that many on our smartphones in less than an hour!

I got home from that trip, printed my favorites, and pulled out my scrapbook kit (glue, glitter, scissors – the whole thing!), to put together an amazing book of memories. And I’ve not completed a single scrapbook since.

Scrapbooking to preserve our travel memories is one of those things we’d all love to have time for, but unlike our 14 year old selves, as adults it’s a project we don’t have time to even begin. So our photos sit on harddrives, get buried in Facebook feeds, and we never have time to look at them again.

But what if you could finish a digital travel memory book BEFORE you even return from your trip? Something which was already designed for you, with very little time input, but produces an awesome product at the end? My friend Laura has you covered with her “On-the-Go Digital Travel Memory Book TOOLKIT”.

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Fun Things To Do In Hong Kong With Kids

Posted by on 11:59 am in Blog, China, Hong Kong | 0 comments

Fun Things To Do In Hong Kong With Kids

It may surprise you that the city with the most skyscrapers in the world is one of the most family friendly, with a huge range of exciting things to do for kids; but Hong Kong defintely is!

Between an exciting food to try, a long coastline with spectacular beaches, and perfect sub tropical weather, Hong Kong is a great way to introduce kids to other cultures, with a great blend of Western and Chinese traditions. And let’s not forget Disney!

While summer is best avoided because of the heat, and it’s not exactly stroller friendly if your kids aren’t walking (the city is very hilly and step heavy), Hong Kong is very family friendly, and should be more than a stopover on your itinerary.

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Covering the Basics for Your First Boat Camping Trip

Posted by on 8:46 am in Blog, Budget Travel | 0 comments

Covering the Basics for Your First Boat Camping Trip

When people think of camping they instantly think of throwing up a tent on a (hopefully) flat piece of ground, surrounded by nature, engulfed by starry skies, and (hopefully!) without too much wildlife in your food supplies.

But another form of camping is starting to trend, by the edge of the water; on the water!

Whether you keep your boat by the shore and do camp on the coastline, or throw down your anchor with a cabin inside, here are some simple tips for covering the basics of boat camping if it’s your first time.

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Sail Away! The Best Destinations To Hit The Water

Posted by on 2:17 am in Blog | 0 comments

Sail Away! The Best Destinations To Hit The Water

Taking to the seas is one of the best ways to explore new destinations.

Whether you choose to go on a cruise, charter a yacht or book a catamaran excursion, you can enjoy a different type of holiday, experiencing a side of a country or city that few rarely see. If you’re ready to sail away, here are some of the best destinations to hit the water.

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Should You Wear Activewear Traveling? (Hell Yes!)

Posted by on 3:20 am in Adventure Travel, Blog, Equipment Reviews, Fashion, Opinion | 0 comments

Should You Wear Activewear Traveling? (Hell Yes!)

It’s something people have strong opinions on – should you wear activewear casually, in public. Should you wear lycra onto a plane? Personally, I’m a fan.

Activewear is the best travel wardrobe ever created, and I’m not ashamed to say it; leggings and a sports bra are the perfect clothes to travel in. It’s called athleisure, and while Paris your gym clothes might spark reactions from certain cliques, I probably think the same of women wearing stilettos to explore as they do of me (though kudos to their pain threshold – seriously!!).

Active wear is built to be comfy, easy to wash, odor resistant, and means you can pack less. Fabrics can take a beating while still looking fresh, and wearing it is practical, versatile and effortless. So when I’m asked ‘should you wear active wear while traveling?’ my response is a resouding ‘Hell Yes!’.

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Practical Beauty Products to Pack in Your Travel Bag

Posted by on 8:52 am in Blog, Fashion, Luxury Lifestyle | 0 comments

Practical Beauty Products to Pack in Your Travel Bag

You might not think that ‘beauty products’ are essential when you travel, but really, most personal care, skin care, make-up and cosmetic products are all described under the same category.

It can be a definite struggle figuring out which products you want to take with you; which to buy in your destination, which to pack in your carryon, and which have the least chance of spilling and making a mess in your bag!

Though there are some which are so practical, multipurpose, and serve your ongoing hygiene, that they become essential to feeling fresh, clean, and stress free.

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How To Make A Smooth Transition From Tourist To Expat

Posted by on 3:03 am in Blog, Expat Life | 0 comments

How To Make A Smooth Transition From Tourist To Expat

Whether you’re moving for a new job, family, or to address your wanderlusting spirit to live a nomadic life, transitioning from tourist to an expat means you’re in for an exciting time.

However, being a tourist is entirely different from living an expat life. Even if your stint in the country is only a year or two, the big move is not without hardship. There are endless things to do and certain challenges along the way. But fear not because the world is now a global village with many individuals constantly moving from one country to the next.

If you speak with any expat, they won’t bombard you with their complaints or lament how hard it is to move. Instead, you’ll hear amazing stories about their journey and how they treasure this opportunity. To make sure your relocation is smooth, check out these helpful tips.

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3 Quick Planning Tips for Summer Holidays

Posted by on 4:46 am in Blog, Travel Tips | 2 comments

3 Quick Planning Tips for Summer Holidays

As we head into summer, more of us than ever are looking to book holidays. If you’re yet to book a break, it could be because you’re stuck with where to go, what to do, or just what you’re looking for from a trip away.

Trying to decide what holiday to go on can feel like a bit of minefield, which is why we’ve put together some quick refresher tips on the important things to consider when planning.

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