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Things to Know Before Planning Mt Kilimanjaro

Posted by on 1:08 pm in Adventure Travel, Blog, Tanzania | 0 comments

Things to Know Before Planning Mt Kilimanjaro

Very few adventures ring true to the cliche of ‘adventure of a lifetime’, but climbing Mt Kilimanjaro is one of them.

The highest mountain in Africa, and the highest freestanding mountain in the world, at 5,895 meters this is one hell of a climb.

Kilimanjaro is popular because it’s a non technical climb, and doesn’t require any previous climbing experience to be able to safely reach the summit. You’ll trek through some truly incredible landscapes, and unlock personal transformation along the way.

But just because it doesn’t require technical experience doesn’t mean it isn’t a difficult achievement – it is. So before you start planning, there are a couple of things you should keep in mind.

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Costa Rica in 2021: Travel Guide to San Jose

Posted by on 10:14 am in Blog, Costa Rica | 0 comments

Costa Rica in 2021: Travel Guide to San Jose

So you’re heading to Costa Rica for its lush green rainforests, picturesque beaches, and a vacation filled with wild adventures. Same!

Costa Rica is all about Ad Meliora or “towards better things”, and before you start kayaking and trekking, you’ll probably have to fly into San Jose.

Most visitors treat San Jose as a transit hub to reach enigmatic beaches and volcanoes and skip touring the city. Though while it’s easy to think it looks rough around the edges, the city is well worth spending a few days.

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12 Things You Need to Know Before Becoming a Digital Nomad

Posted by on 7:06 pm in Blog, Expat Life, Travel Tips | 2 comments

12 Things You Need to Know Before Becoming a Digital Nomad

The rise of digital nomadism has only intensified in the Covid-era. Being able to work remotely online has allowed many people to escape local lockdowns and relocate to places where the virus is either non-existent or at least under control, rewarding them with the freedom to live more freely.

If you’re not familiar with the term, a digital nomad refers to an individual who chooses to work remotely while traveling. They have the ability to work from anywhere and make the most of their free time by experiencing different parts of their home country or other regions of the world.

Of course, there are many challenges that digital nomads face like finding accommodation and securing the appropriate travel permits or work visas if they are required. But one definite benefit that has come out of the pandemic is that employers are now more open to offering their employees the flexibility of working remotely.

So, if you’re ready to ditch the 9 to 5 routine and upgrade your office view to a tropical beach shaded in palms, check out these top things you need to know before adopting the digital nomad lifestyle.

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Connect With Other Travelers to Exchange Your Foreign Currency: Download the Money Atlas App and Make Money!

Posted by on 4:09 pm in Blog, Budget Travel, Technology, Travel Tips | 0 comments

Connect With Other Travelers to Exchange Your Foreign Currency: Download the Money Atlas App and Make Money!

How much money have you forgotten about? Money that’s sitting in your drawers, leftover from overseas trips? Euros, Pounds, Canadian Dollars, Japanese Yen? Maybe you’ve got a couple of Australian gold coins with a kangaroo and emu engraved on them.

Almost every traveler I know returns home with a pocket full of foreign coins. And they either get lost in the washing machine, or go in a draw for ‘when I’ll visit again’. But have you ever visited again? Or have you been sitting on hundreds of dollars worth of coins and notes for years on end? (Though it doesn’t need to be hundreds, I’d love to exchange my currency even if it was only worth 10!)

Fortunately now, there’s a cool app where you can sell your coins to others looking to buy them! It’s called MoneyAtlas (here for iPhone / here on Android), and you can connect with other travelers to exchange your foreign currency, at a price you set! Skip the inflated exchange rates at the airport, and make a deal traveler to traveler!

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Wild Camping in Botswana – a Camping Safari Without Fences

Posted by on 9:45 am in Adventure Travel, Blog, Botswana, Eco Tourism, Expeditions | 6 comments

Wild Camping in Botswana – a Camping Safari Without Fences

Have you ever considered camping without fences on a safari in the most remote areas of Botswana, sharing the same space with wild animals like lions, hippos and hyenas?

Does it sound like an adventure of a lifetime, or is it a little too much of an adventure?

Over 10 days I went on a self-drive remote camping safari in Botswana, driving my 4×4 deep in the bush, carrying everything I needed in my truck – a portable kitchen, 2 spare tires, a toolbox, a tent on top, my camera and tons of excitement. Here’s how you can do it too!

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Telportus: Virtual Interactive Guided Tours Across the World. A NEW Way to Travel!

Posted by on 5:10 pm in Adventure Travel, Australia, Blog, India, Italy, Spain, Technology | 2 comments

Telportus: Virtual Interactive Guided Tours Across the World. A NEW Way to Travel!

Last year, international travel became much harder. Barred from landing in many countries, you may have found yourself in a situation where you’re stuck inside with nothing to do and had to cancel your long-planned dream vacation. Luckily, there are still places that are waiting patiently for you to come and explore!

With Telportus, you can now engage in a virtual guided tour. These live experiences are just digital versions of guided tours that you’re used to receiving when you travel, but now they’re happening right in your living room.

You can pose questions to local experts in real-time, pointing out what strikes your curiosity. Check out this video, and below for some of the most epic tours!

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Make the Most of Byron Bay While You Have the Chance

Posted by on 8:02 am in Australia, Blog, Luxury Lifestyle | 0 comments

Make the Most of Byron Bay While You Have the Chance

In addition to Byron being transformed by the new groups of people flocking here, severe coastal erosion has begun taking its toll on some of the area’s beaches. The fear is that climate change may make this more prevalent or at least more difficult to predict.

Australia’s most hashtagable holiday destination is definitely under threat both by an overcrowding of influencers and Mother Nature herself, leaving many to wonder how much longer Byron Bay will keep its appeal.

You may want to check out this beautiful coastal gem sooner rather than later before it loses its shine. Here are just some of the reasons people can’t seem to get enough of beloved Byron.

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Tips for Traveling With IBS

Posted by on 11:59 am in Blog, Food, Healthy Travel | 0 comments

Tips for Traveling With IBS

Many people who suffer from IBS-D are afraid to travel in fear they may have an uncontrollable accident while on a plane, in a taxi, or taking a guided tour. Travel can already be quite stressful but when you add the fear of an embarrassing accident, it often becomes too much to bear.

This build-up of anxiety often triggers intense IBS flare-ups which make the symptoms of the disorder much worse. It’s not uncommon for travelers who develop IBS to resign themselves to the belief that they’ll never be able to travel again.

While there is no known cure for IBS, we have come a long way in finding effective ways to reduce the effects of the disorder. And over 10 years of constant trial and error, we personally, have managed to find a way to still travel while managing it.

With a little extra planning and determination you don’t need to spend the rest of your life locked up in the confines of your house. I’ve gathered some of the best tips for traveling with IBS that are currently out there to hopefully get you off the couch!

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How to Make Family Travel More Enjoyable

Posted by on 2:04 pm in Blog, Family Travel, Travel Tips | 2 comments

How to Make Family Travel More Enjoyable

Some of our most cherished childhood memories are often family vacations. Travel is a great way to strengthen family bonds and open your kids’ eyes to new ideas and cultures. However, traveling with children can prove quite unpredictable and despite your best intentions can end up leaving everyone stressed if you don’t know effective ways to avoid it.

There’s no shortage of online advice out there focusing on the world’s best family-friendly destinations or money saving tips for families looking to travel on a budget, but there isn’t a lot of guidance on ways to make your family trips more enjoyable for everyone.

There is actually scientific research that has proven taking vacations together can bring families closer and make them happier. Vacations allow us to remove many of the distractions that plague our everyday lives, allowing parents and children the opportunity to communicate with each other and enjoy experiences together without all the normal stresses.

Of course a family vacation can also create conflict if not done properly. This is why it pays to understand some of the best ways you can experience a successful family trip together.

Here are some helpful tips on how you can create positive long-lasting travel memories for you and your family.

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Ways to Reduce Anxiety When Traveling After a Pandemic

Posted by on 12:06 pm in Blog, Healthy Travel, Travel Tips | 0 comments

Ways to Reduce Anxiety When Traveling After a Pandemic

Travel can be stressful at the best of times, but add in having experienced a global pandemic and anxiety can almost seem overwhelming.

While most things that cause us anxiety while traveling are highly unlikely to occur, events like this pandemic are a legitimate concern to take seriously. There’s no doubt we’ll face more virus’ in the future.

If you’re someone that regularly struggles with anxiety, traveling after an event such a pandemic can send terror through your entire body and prevent you from even considering making travel plans.

But thankfully, there are many ways you can learn to control your anxiety which will hopefully allow you travel with much less stress and discomfort.

The first step is recognizing you have anxiety and then seeking out ways to combat it. Getting help from a licensed anxiety therapist can help you recognize whether you are dealing with severe anxiety and can instruct you on how to avoid your triggers as well as offering up solutions on how to reduce your anxiety in order to lessen its impact on your travel.

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