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How to Seek Counseling When You’re Traveling Abroad

Posted by on 11:24 am in Blog, Healthy Travel, Travel Tips | 0 comments

How to Seek Counseling When You’re Traveling Abroad

For many people, travelling is a way to relax and enjoy a break from everyday life. However, for those suffering from mental health issues, travelling can be rather daunting, and certain mental illness may be exacerbated by the stresses associated with travel.

While mental health was once seen as taboo and rarely discussed, today we’ve started to talk about it. We’re recognizing these sometimes debilitating issues so we might offer support and treatment to those in need.

Because mental illness doesn’t go away just because you’re traveling. And having an episode while overseas can be much more distressing than when you experience them at home.

One in four people suffer from mental health issues at some point in their lives, so it’s vital that these issues are addressed. But sadly, the majority of people are still not receiving adequate treatment, whether it’s due to feeling ashamed of their issues or simply not having the means.

If you’re suffering from a mental health condition, it doesn’t mean that you can’t travel the world, but it may mean you have to do a bit more planning to manage your health.

This article will discuss how you can seek help abroad, so that your mental health illness doesn’t prevent you from travelling. It will also detail ways you can help others suffering from mental health issues.

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The Best Clothing To Wear for Hiking in Snake Country

Posted by on 10:09 am in Adventure Travel, Blog, Equipment Reviews | 2 comments

The Best Clothing To Wear for Hiking in Snake Country

Over decades spent hiking in snake country, our experience has taught us that the majority of common snakes are generally non-aggressive and won’t cause you any problems. Avoid them, treat them with respect, and it’s actually pretty easy not to get bitten!

That said, you may run into trouble if you disturb a snake while hiking, and this can definitely happen without intention or realizing! So for those instances, it’s essential to make sure you have proper protection from snake bites: Your clothing.

Beyond having a first aid kit and the knowledge of how to treat snakebite, your clothing is your first layer of protection against an encounter; long pants, boots, and gaitors. Fortunately, WildProof Gear has put together a list of everything you should be wearing!

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How to Travel China Overland Without a Guide

Posted by on 8:02 pm in Adventure Travel, Blog, China, Expeditions, Road Trips, Stories, Writers | 4 comments

How to Travel China Overland Without a Guide

Beyond Kyrgyzstan and the 3,752 metre high Torugart Pass is China, a country where everything – and I do mean everything – is completely different from what most travellers are accustomed.

Laura and I are so-called “permanent overlanders”. We’ve been non-stop on the road now for many decades; our most recent venture a six-year motorcycle journey from Europe to Australia. And like so many other road-warriors who cross Asia with their own vehicle, we encountered a couple of hurdles along the way.

The greatest logistical challenge, by far, was obtaining legal permission to ride through China without a guide. Very, very few overlanders have managed to achieve this. We may have even been amongst the first, who knows?

But we certainly weren’t the last. A handful of vagabonds on wheels have transited China independently since our crossing in 2014/2015.

This is the story of how we did it …

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Places To See In Iceland, That Most People Completely Miss

Posted by on 10:07 am in Blog, Iceland, Writers | 2 comments

Places To See In Iceland, That Most People Completely Miss

Iceland is a breathtaking country, famous for volcanoes, waterfalls, geysers and absolutely stunning nature. And as such, there are a lot of places that are considered a must when you’re visiting.

The Blue Lagoon, Reykjavik, the Golden Circle; if you’ve researched Iceland in the slightest you’ll know the list. But just as there are many incredible ‘musts’, there are also many beautiful spots that are overlooked – undeservedly sacrificed off internet lists!

Granted, you’ll have to step far off the beaten path to find some of the gorgeous places mentioned here, but their beauty will make it definitely worth your time.

From amazing examples of modern architecture to a little known underground cave – here are the best things to see in Iceland, which most other people miss!

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Nobu Villa at Caesars Palace Revealed as the Most Luxurious Suite in Las Vegas

Posted by on 1:51 pm in Blog, Luxury Lifestyle, United States | 0 comments

Nobu Villa at Caesars Palace Revealed as the Most Luxurious Suite in Las Vegas

The Vegas Strip runs like a major artery into the gambling and entertainment heart of America. And if you had to describe the city in one word, that word would be ‘extravagance’.

It’s here, in Vegas, where you’ll find some of the largest and most extravagant hotels in the world, and where both prince and pauper can afford to splurge ($150 for a penthouse?!).

Las Vegas is a city which defines the meaning of YOLO; a city where everyday travelers can dream of winning big and living out outlandish fantasies. And it’s the perfect place to be if one of your fantasies is living large in extravagant hotels.

If you’re looking to escape your everyday life to really overindulge in hotel luxuries, Betway Casino has put together a list of the top 10 most extravagant Las Vegas suites on the strip. Spoiler alert: Caesars Palace’s Nobu Villa has topped the list!

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Best National Park Vacations in America

Posted by on 11:46 am in Blog, Eco Tourism, United States | 2 comments

Best National Park Vacations in America

Unique natural wonders, unforgettable terrains, spectacular scenic beauty, and a wealth of outdoor activities bring over 300 million visitors to America’s 61 national parks every year.

While every park is a truly worthy destination, some stand out just a little more than others.

Here are some of the best.

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The Best Things To See and Do in Izmir, Turkey

Posted by on 7:36 pm in Blog, Turkey | 2 comments

The Best Things To See and Do in Izmir, Turkey

Despite being Turkey’s first and third largest cities (respectively), the contrast between Istanbul and Izmir couldn’t be more stark or compelling; while Istanbul offers an intense and chaotic energy; a frenetic mix of sights, sounds, tastes, and smells you could easily describe as an assault on the senses, Izmir exudes a more peaceful presence, and an ancient vitality.

It’s only an hour flight from Istanbul, but sheltered by the Gulf of Izmir on the serene coast of the Aegean Sea, the experience is polar opposite, with 8,000 years of history rubbing shoulders with beautiful sandy beaches.

İzmir may be an underrated region, and one of Turkey’s most spectacular hidden gems, but tourism is starting to pick up; rumors have started flying about this buzzing cosmopolitan on the Aegean, with year round sunshine and cheap medical tourism.

So, if you’re planning to visit Turkey, make sure you travel further than Istanbul and Ankаrа. Here are things to do in Turkey’s most westernized and historic city.

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The Benefits of Using Roman Chamomile Essential Oil for Travelers

Posted by on 4:39 pm in Blog, Equipment Reviews, Healthy Travel, Travel Tips | 0 comments

The Benefits of Using Roman Chamomile Essential Oil for Travelers

Whether it’s dealing with tummy troubles, annoying bug bites, nasty sunburns from too much fun in the sun, or simply loads of stress brought on by travelling (it happens!), there are many ailments that afflict travelers.

But what if I told you that there’s a natural remedy that could replace the need to visit a chemist, and mean you don’t have to load up on medications?!

Chamomile is one of the world’s most widely used medicinal plants, once used by the ancient Romans to soothe all kinds of ailments.

While you may be familiar with the calming effects of Chamomile tea, you may not be aware that diffusing undiluted Roman Chamomile Essential Oil can be an even more effective treatment for a wide variety of travel troubles.

An immune system boosting plant that can soothe the gastrointestinal system, make those bug bites stop itching, make that sunburn feel less blistering, and help you relax when seated in that middle seat between two obnoxious airline passengers; ‘Roman Chamomile Essential Oil’ are four words every traveler should know!

There are some impressive research findings to back up these claims, so today I want to share how you can benefit from using chamomile essential oil too, and how to use it effectively and safely.

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Things to Know About Using a VPN While Traveling

Posted by on 2:55 pm in Blog, Technology, Travel Tips | 0 comments

Things to Know About Using a VPN While Traveling

As tech savvy travelers, we’re constantly stressing the importance of traveling with a good VPN; about the dangers of using public WiFi, why your privacy is otherwise at risk, and the best ways to keep your data safe and protect your tech.

A Virtual Private Network is the most important thing to have for internet use while traveling. It encrypts your traffic and sends it through a secure server, which means you can browse the internet securely and anonymously.

There are many perks of using a VPN, like accessing country-restricted websites (like Netflix), and skirting around Government censorship (like China), though the reason a VPN is actually essential is a matter of safety; using a secure connection means that no-one can hack you to steal data like they could on an open, public network (think free internet in airports, cafes, and hotels).

So, having established that a VPN is right up there with your passport in terms of what not to forget, the following are things you need to know about using one when traveling.

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The Best Holiday Destinations For Singles

Posted by on 8:17 pm in Blog, World | 0 comments

The Best Holiday Destinations For Singles

Solo travel, travel for singles; there’s nothing in the rule book that says singles can’t travel alone. In fact, solo travel is the vacation of choice, even for many married couples I know!

Singles vacations have become one of the biggest trends in travel, and whether you’re single, divorced, widowed, or none of your friends are fun to travel with (it happens!), plenty of people these days travel alone.

Making up around 18% of global bookings, solo travel has increased by 7% in the last year alone. It’s an unstoppable trend, with Google searches for ‘solo travel’ having seen a massive 131% growth!

One in six people now are believed to have travelled alone, and 25% of millennials in the US plan to take a solo trip in the next 12 months (#solotravel is always trending, with more than 5.2 million Instagram posts!)

So, if you’re trying to find singles holidays, the following are a couple of destinations you should know.

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