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The Importance of a Weather Station While Camping/Hiking

Posted by on 6:07 pm in Adventure Travel, Blog | 0 comments

The Importance of a Weather Station While Camping/Hiking

When you’re planning a hiking or camping trip, the last thing you want is for it to rain. Your gear gets wet, your clothes are soggy, and, let’s be honest, most of the time you don’t have a water-proof phone case!

The weather is the single most likely factor to negatively affect your trip, though it’s also one of the things most travelers take for granted, and people quite often find themselves caught off guard.

While there are many ways to check the weather ahead of time, accuracy can be a big issue when you’re relying on phone apps or regional forecasts. These weather reports usually only gather information from a small cross section of stations, and if you’re traveling remotely these could be miles away from where you plan on hiking.

If you spend a lot of time outdoors, setting yourself up with a personal weather station could be well worth your time. While many of the options they break down on are weather stations for your home, we’ve also discovered portable weather meters – perfect for camping / hiking.

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Destination Russia: A Captivating Travel Read For the Intrepid Soul

Posted by on 11:26 pm in Blog, Book & Film Reviews, Russia, The Arctic | 0 comments

Destination Russia: A Captivating Travel Read For the Intrepid Soul

Urban life in Russia is a far cry from the adventure that lies further out, and it’s only here, among the icy Siberian tundra; among communities who have never seen a foreign tourist; among Nomadic desert tribes on the Mongolian border, that you’ll find the true soul of Mother Russia.

And it’s this soul that is so perfectly captured in Fabio Bertino and Roberta Melchiorre’s new book “Destination Russia. A ship and a cat in the tundra and other extra-ordinary encounters”.

Having recently been released in English after immense success in Italian, the book is a captivating collection of stories that takes you on a journey with Fabio and Roberta as they travel to the farthest corners of the country, discovering the treasures (and adventure) that lie beyond Russia’s increasingly westernized veneer.

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Glamping in Spring Beach, Tasmania: Your Base For Discovering Maria Island

Posted by on 12:21 pm in Accommodation, Australia, Blog, Luxury Lifestyle | 2 comments

Glamping in Spring Beach, Tasmania: Your Base For Discovering Maria Island

One thing I love about Tasmanian beaches is that you can often have one all to yourself. Unlike the crowds that pack Bondi, or the long line of skyscrapers that cast afternoon shadows across the Gold Coast, Tasmania’s beaches feel more natural, and you can easily walk for miles without seeing another soul.

Tasmania has many iconic beaches; Bay of Fires, Wineglass Bay, and Hazards Beach. But equally as stunning are its lesser known stretches of sand that seem to pop up out of nowhere in the many small towns that dot the coastline.

One such gem is Spring Beach.

Conveniently tucked away just over an hour’s drive from Hobart, and only 15 minutes from the ferry that connects the wildlife rich Maria Island, Spring Beach is one of Tasmania’s biggest hidden gems.

Accommodation on Maria Island itself is rustic. You can book a bunk-bed in an 1800’s convict penitentiary, or opt for primitive camping. We were as such quite thrilled to find a much more comfortable alternative.

When there’s a 3 bedroom, beachside Picturesque Cottage Rental just around the corner from the ferry terminal, who needs camping when there’s an option for luxury glamping!

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How to Work Anywhere and Travel the World Forever

Posted by on 2:08 pm in Blog, Expat Life, Travel Tips | 2 comments

How to Work Anywhere and Travel the World Forever

What if I were to tell you that you can quit your corporate job and travel around the world for the rest of your life?

As somebody who has worked and traveled around the world for over 10 years now, there was a point when I realized that countless people are sitting at home right now wondering just how to do this.

My name is Mike Swigunski. I am the author of the #1 Amazon bestselling travel book, Global Career: How to Work Anywhere and Travel Forever. I’m also the founder of, which is a remote jobs website that empowers people to start working remotely.

Recently, my story was featured on and today, I am excited to share an introduction of the ideas presented my this book. By the end of this post you’ll be able to see what daily life looks like for somebody who works and travels full-time.

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Japan to Launch a New Tourist E-visa

Posted by on 12:13 pm in Blog, Japan | 2 comments

Japan to Launch a New Tourist E-visa

Come 2020, travelling to Japan will suddenly become a lot easier for those who require a tourist visa.

Unless you’re a citizen of one of the 68 visa-exempt countries, you’ll need a visa to travel to Japan. Until now this has meant applying at a Japanese embassy or consulate. However the government has decided to introduce a new Japan e-visa to simplify the process.

Available to the general public from next year, a tourist visa for Japan will grant you access to the hidden treasures of an intriguing destination; this is a country where traditional culture blends seamlessly alongside and modern dynamic cities; a bucketlist destination it would be a shame to miss.

In the lead up to its much anticipated launch, read on for more information about Japan’s new travel e-visa application process.

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7 Things To Love About Canggu Bali

Posted by on 11:06 pm in Blog, Indonesia, Writers | 8 comments

7 Things To Love About Canggu Bali

Located on the southern end of the island, Canggu has become one of the trendiest parts of Bali, mainly because of its chilled vibes, beautiful beaches and the nature surrounding it.

It’s stuck somewhere between a traditional coastal village and an up-and-coming resort area, with great surf breaks, wellness programs, and, surrounded by beautiful green paddy fields, when you base yourself here you never feel too far from nature.

Close to the bigger and busier Seminyak, Canggu the perfect base for those who want to be near the action, while still enjoying the traditional feel Bali has to offer. Despite recent development the whole place has managed to retain something of a more traditional feel than other parts of the island.

The following are 7 things to love about Canggu. There are plenty of things to see and do, and this is a great base to get acclimatized before heading off to explore the rest of the island.

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Common Travel Mistakes Most People Learn the Hard Way

Posted by on 12:39 am in Blog, Travel Tips | 4 comments

Common Travel Mistakes Most People Learn the Hard Way

You can spot a frequent traveller from a mile away. They’re the one who knows how to move up a class, always has a portable phone charger, and never packs more than they actually need.

They know how to avoid credit card drama, how to dodge hidden fees, and somehow manage to emerge from a long flight looking immaculate and totally replenished.

While it’s easy to watch these travelers and think ‘I wish travel was as smooth as that for me’, for every frequent traveler who has their stuff together, at some point along the way, they’ve all made rookie errors and beginner mistakes.

The reason they’re so pro at travel is because, more often than not, they’ve made these mistakes and learned the hard way.

So we’ve put together a list of the most common travel mistakes, and how to avoid them. You might be surprised at how many of them you’ve made!

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7 Types of Travelers Who Visit India … Is This You?

Posted by on 11:38 pm in Blog, India | 4 comments

7 Types of Travelers Who Visit India … Is This You?

Although it is known as the land of color and spice, India is not a country that can be so easily defined. It is a land of chaotic charm that has drawn travelers since 5500 BC, offering a culture which is a pandemonic mix of the modern and ancient worlds.

Travelers visit India for a huge range of reasons; to experience spirituality, culture, and history; for nature, medical tourism, and exotic wildlife.

There are so many different faces of India, that forgetting what you have heard from other travelers is often key to broadening your mind and finding the experience you’ve been looking for.

From spiritual voyages, shopping sprees, new business opportunities to great gourmet experiences, each type of person has a different reason to immerse themselves in the Indian adventure.

Here are 7 types of travelers who visit India – a good guide to the types of personalities and interests the country may suit.

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5 Incredible Facts About the Construction of the New York Public Library

Posted by on 11:31 pm in Blog, United States | 6 comments

5 Incredible Facts About the Construction of the New York Public Library

The New York Public Library might be a system of libraries, but its most famous building, the Stephen A. Schwarzman building is one of the city’s finest landmarks.

Built on 42nd Street and Fifth Avenue in the early 20th century, it has truly stood the test of time; the building is a Manhattan icon that fills Instagram feeds and magazines to this day. It’s been showcased in several movies and denotes a feeling of New York that’s impossible to imitate.

Construction was officially completed in 1911, and the city has made extensive efforts to maintain its original appeal. While there have been regular upgrades and renovations, New York Public Library is keen on keeping a sense of the building’s contribution to the city intact.

Here are five interesting facts about the library and why it means so much to New York City and the United States.

read more – How to Find the Best Travel Sites for Your Holiday!

Posted by on 10:46 pm in Blog, Travel Tips | 10 comments – How to Find the Best Travel Sites for Your Holiday!

Booking your own travel has never been easier than it is today. While 10 years ago you would know your local travel agent by name, today you can research, compare prices, and book everything from flights, to cruises, and hotels, all super easily without needing any help.

Though there are now so many websites and resources, that people are turning back to their local travel agent, because there’s just too much information to sort through. I mean, when booking hotels, do you book through What about Expedia? Agoda? Priceline? Tripadvisor? Orbitz? And what about flights? Car rentals? Cruise sites? You would be forgiven for breaking out in hives!

But don’t freak out just yet, because I’m about to tell you about one more site. is a travelers dream; a free database that lists all of the best travel websites, arranges them by category, and ranks them so that you can easily find everything you need.

I have the site bookmarked as the place to find the best travel-related resources online. You should too! Either jump over to right now (because it’s pretty self explanatory), or read on for an in depth review.

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