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5 Reasons You Should Take an Indian Safari

Posted by on 2:01 pm in Adventure Travel, Blog, Eco Tourism, India | 2 comments

5 Reasons You Should Take an Indian Safari

Many of us dream of taking a safari at least once in our lives. And to travel through exotic landscapes and get up close and personal with majestic wildlife really is the experience of a lifetime.

Most people automatically assume they’ll head to Africa to go on safari, but there is in fact another region of the world so rich in wildlife that it might even put some African countries to shame.

India is a land of chaotic charm, but beyond its history, culture, and chaos lies a world of breathtaking natural wonder, where snow leopards roam icy peaks, tigers are the king of the forest, and elephants trek across vast plains.

With cheap tickets to India from most countries in the world, here are 5 reasons you should take an Indian safari.

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Traveling in the Chickasaw Nation, Oklahoma

Posted by on 8:00 pm in Blog, United States | 4 comments

Traveling in the Chickasaw Nation, Oklahoma

Originally one of the smaller indigenous tribes in the southeastern United States, the Chickasaw tribe were initially a tribal clan of hunters and warriors that first made contact with European explorers in 1540.

The two groups clashed from the very beginning, and over time, the Chickasaw tribe, along with other tribes in the region, were forcibly removed to Indian Territory in Oklahoma, where most still presently live today.

The Chickasaw Nation is now recognized as a Native American nation and makes up one of the Five Civilized Tribes, tracing their original roots from the areas today known as Tennessee, Mississippi, Kentucky, and Alabama.

This area spans over 7,000 miles and 13 counties of Oklahoma, and, for the traveler seeking a rich cultural experience in the United States, Chickasaw Country is a welcoming, warm, and spirited destination.

The following is an introduction to what you can expect traveling in the Chickasaw Nation in Oklahoma.

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Visiting Tokyo? Make Sure You Don’t Miss Out on Kyushu!

Posted by on 1:41 pm in Blog, Japan | 2 comments

Visiting Tokyo? Make Sure You Don’t Miss Out on Kyushu!

My love for Japan is well documented; it’s a timeless country that captures your heart, soul and imagination; a place where ancient traditions come together with futuristic technology and modern culture.

Tokyo is a tourist favorite, but did you know that Japan has a whopping 6,852 islands?!

Most travelers stick to the main island, and take in the classics like Yokohama, Osaka and Kobe. But it’s so easy to travel between islands in Japan, that it’s well worth mixing up your itinerary to explore further out.

One island it would be a shame to miss is Kyushu. This is Japan’s third largest island, though sitting in a sub tropical climate on the southwest end, Kyushu remains a hidden gem.

You might picture ancient temples, neon lights, and dizzying skyscrapers when you think of Tokyo, but Kyushu allows you to discover a side of the country you don’t expect; one of Jurassic looking volcanoes, ultra lush forests, tropical coastlines, and bubbling hot springs.

So, after you’ve experienced everything Tokyo has to offer, let Kyushu show you a different side of Japan. Check out these 6 short videos for a virtual trip to both Tokyo and Kyushu Island.

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5 Things You Didn’t Know About Florence’s Famous Duomo

Posted by on 8:09 pm in Blog, Italy | 2 comments

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Florence’s Famous Duomo

It’s safe to say that every visitor to Florence will, at some point, stop by the Duomo. The city’s famous cathedral is one of the most iconic buildings in Italy; a 13th century masterpiece that towers over the city, with a Renaissance dome designed by Filippo Brunelleschi.

This vast Gothic cathedral is the centerpiece of the city, and its pink, white and green marble facade has become synonymous with Florence; as the Colosseum is to Rome, the Duomo is deeply symbolic of the city, and a major part of Florence’s identity.

It’s actually the 4th largest cathedral in the world, and but that may not be the only thing you didn’t know. Despite being one of the most visited sites in the country, the Florence Duomo still manages to keep a few secrets.

In fact, you may be surprised by the things you didn’t know!

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5 Reasons Croatia is the HOTTEST Sailing Destination of the Year!

Posted by on 3:11 pm in Adventure Travel, Blog, Croatia, Travel Tips | 8 comments

5 Reasons Croatia is the HOTTEST Sailing Destination of the Year!

My last trip to Croatia was 2007, though I still remember that summer vividly; jumping from the top of ancient fortifications to splash down into the sea, lazily drinking cocktails on the beach, and exploring the country’s island speckled coastline via sailing.

Oh, the sailing!

Croatia has seen a massive increase in popularity of late, but its status as a sailor’s paradise has been known for decades. And, whether you want to rent a boat in Croatia to be your own captain, or jump on a skippered trip just for a day, everyone visiting Croatia should experience sailing.

Croatia is home to more than 1,000 islands, all with amazing beaches, historic ruins, and Game of Thrones style medieval scenery. And of course, connecting them all is the dazzling sapphire water of the Adriatic Sea; so mezermizing that it ‘sparkles with a jewel-like intensity’.

So, take in Croatia’s national parks, and don’t miss its spectacular walled cities. But definitely don’t miss out on the chance to go sailing. The following are 5 reasons Croatia has just been named as the hottest sailing destination of 2019.

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Things to Consider if You’re Buying an RV For Travel

Posted by on 11:45 am in Blog, Road Trips | 6 comments

Things to Consider if You’re Buying an RV For Travel

Whether you’re going out of town or crossing borders to a neighboring country, a road trip can be an incredible way to quench your thirst for adventure.

While many road trips entail a regular vehicle, and booking hotels for each night you’re away, you might also consider getting or renting an RV, especially for long distance travels.

Modern RVs come equipped with everything you need to make the journey easier for you, and everyone else who comes along for the ride. From bathrooms to recreation areas, RVs have the amenities that add to your overall comfort.

While it’s many people’s dream to own their own RV, finding one that’s both right for you and fits your budget can be the tricky part. Fortunately, there are many strategies for finding the right RV. Here are a couple of things to keep in mind.

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Hidden Gems of New York City

Posted by on 2:19 pm in Blog, United States | 4 comments

Hidden Gems of New York City

The world’s most famous city has a tourist to-do list longer than the east coast, but for those returning to New York City, or who like to go off the beaten path a little bit, there are plenty of local adventures that await once you’re finished with the top attractions.

So once you’ve ticked off The Statue of Liberty, Times Square, Central Park and everything else the guide books list for you, why not check out some of these more hidden gems throughout the city?

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10 Things to Know Before Traveling to Cuba

Posted by on 4:48 pm in Blog, Cuba | 9 comments

10 Things to Know Before Traveling to Cuba

Cuba has been a popular tourist destination for many years, and especially now that their relationship has warmed with the United States, tourism to the island has never been higher.

And for good reason! Cuba is so different from any other country; travelers can seek romance in its old colonial streets, step back in time thanks to an old-world spirit, feel the heat of the Latin culture, or turn to nature for a relaxing quietness.

Everyone has their own reasons to visit Cuba, however, all travelers agree on one thing: Cuba is a unique country with a one-of-a-kind atmosphere, the result of several centuries of complex history and mixed culture.

While Cuba’s uniqueness is it’s main appeal, this can also be the cause of much confusion. Life on the island flows at its own pace, so it’s not uncommon that first time travelers rock up unprepared.

To help you out, the following are 10 things you should know before traveling to Cuba. Some of them may seem surprising, or even unbelievable, but all may be of great help while planning your trip, as well as during your stay.

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The Best Countries to Live in as an Expat

Posted by on 12:05 pm in Australia, Blog, Canada, Expat Life, Germany, New Zealand, Singapore | 10 comments

The Best Countries to Live in as an Expat

While we don’t have a choice over the country we’re born in, these days we often do have control over whether or not we choose to stay.

There are 195 countries in the world today, which presents almost endless possibilities for those wishing to live overseas. And when it comes to setting up your life in a new country, most nations are very welcoming!

People move abroad for many different reasons; for business, study, wanderlust, or simply to seek better life opportunities. Either way, to experience life as part of a new culture and have the chance to discover an exotic new land is a romantic adventure quite a lot of people entertain.

If you’re considering moving abroad but haven’t yet figured out where you want to go, the following are the best countries to live in as an expat, as well as important things you need to know!

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The Importance of Car Hire Excess Waiver Insurance

Posted by on 1:18 pm in Blog, Budget Travel, Road Trips, Travel Tips | 4 comments

The Importance of Car Hire Excess Waiver Insurance

Our most recent road trip saw us hire a car in Cancun. We were wary about driving in Mexico, but ultimately wanted the freedom to get around without being stuck on a tour bus.

And while the trip itself went smoothly, picking up the car hire almost took longer than the flight did.

Despite the ridiculous wait, I didn’t plan on complaining; the Hertz girl was copping an earful already. The guy in front of us was trying to return his vehicle, and wasn’t thrilled that his credit card was being charged $5,000 for, what he argued, was minimal damage.

He had taken out car hire insurance, but didn’t have an excess waiver, and had a really shitty deductible.

After having listened to an hour of his yelling, we finally got the keys to out own vehicle, and, drove out of the lot having learnt a very valuable lesson.

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