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How to Beat Loneliness When Traveling Alone

Posted by on 5:12 pm in Blog, Opinion, Travel Tips | 45 comments

How to Beat Loneliness When Traveling Alone

Solo travel is an incredible, life changing experience, and I look back on my experiences as a solo traveler with extreme fondness. But like anything in life, travel has its ups and downs, and one particular experience that you’re also likely to encounter is loneliness.

Each of us is likely to experience loneliness in everyday life, but we rarely expect it when we’re traveling. Or for those of us who do expect it, the terrifying thought is what keeps you from getting on the plane.

And when the feeling inevitably creeps in, we feel uncomfortable talking about it, almost like it’s ungrateful to feel lonely while you’re on the trip of a lifetime.

I’ve heard travelers say things like they shouldn’t feel lonely because they’re in Paris. Or who wants to hear from a friend who is struggling with depression while vacationing on a gorgeous beach?

But it’s time to put an end to the notion that exciting cities or lovely scenery act as a magical force-field to loneliness, because it’s not true. Acknowledging that you’re allowed to feel lonely when you’re traveling is extremely important, because it then empowers you to beat it.

And you can beat it.

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Handy Tips for Planning Weekend Getaways

Posted by on 12:14 pm in Blog, Travel Tips | 13 comments

Handy Tips for Planning Weekend Getaways

While we all can do with long vacations to very exotic islands, such vacations can be costly both expense and time wise. However, there are times when all we need is a weekend trip that allows you to rejuvenate, have fun and create memorable moments.

While planning a weekend getaway might seem like an easy task, there’s actually a lot that goes into the planning. You will have to think about budget, accommodation, what to bring, where to eat, and, here’s the killer, how to keep your luggage light!

While it isn’t always easy, it doesn’t mean that it’s not doable. Here are a few handy tips for weekend getaways that anyone looking to plan a weekend should bear in mind.

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5 Shots You Need to Get When Visiting Malta (Malta Photo Ideas)

Posted by on 1:11 pm in Blog, Malta, Photography | 22 comments

5 Shots You Need to Get When Visiting Malta (Malta Photo Ideas)

If you love photography, many notable sites around the world will quench your thirst. From Paris, to Rome, there are many iconic landmarks worth shooting, though adventure photographers may have a desire to explore destinations that are lesser known.

Malta is a unique island in the Mediterranean Sea that boasts many rich cultural and historic sites. And while it’s a small island, it certainly packs a heavy punch, with plenty of opportunity for unique photography.

Keen photographers will be able to shoot prehistoric temples, some of the most beautiful beaches in the Mediterranean, fossil studded cliffs, and a food scene which mixes Sicilian and Middle Eastern flavours with local Maltese ingredients.

Both man-made and natural sites make this island a place worth visiting. The following are five locations in Malta worth shooting.

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Things to do in Australia for Your Adventure Travel Bucket List

Posted by on 12:58 pm in Adventure Travel, Australia, Blog | 16 comments

Things to do in Australia for Your Adventure Travel Bucket List

Australia is one-of-a-kind country for many reasons. It comprises the entire Australian continent, the island of Tasmania and countless smaller islands. It boasts a wide variety of landscapes, with mountain ranges, tropical rainforests, and a dry desert.

Australia is the smallest and the driest continent on Earth. Fantastic desert or semi-arid land commonly known as the Outback covers most of the land. Nevertheless, the waters that surround the continent feature almost as much variety in landscapes as the surface: vivid corals, tropical fish, massive rock formations, and historic shipwrecks. Nature here is omnipresent and features a diverse range of unique species as well as the most dangerous ones.

Whether you’re looking for a calm spectating experience, heart-pumping adrenaline rush, or maybe something in between – Australia has a lot to offer. The above combination makes the country a real wonder for tourists from all corners of the world looking for an unforgettable adventure.

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The Advantages of Traveling With a Single Camera: Stories Captured With the Fuji X100F

Posted by on 1:34 pm in Blog, Photography, Technology, Writers | 28 comments

The Advantages of Traveling With a Single Camera: Stories Captured With the Fuji X100F

With travel photography becoming increasingly popular, a good quality camera is now a necessity for most travelers. But the biggest question is, what kind of camera should we use?

Whether you are an already experienced photographer or a beginner looking for ideas on which camera is the best, I see a lot of misguidance when it comes to advice on travel cameras.

A of lot of the time, I see people recommend equipment that would leave any professional photographer envious. And a lot of it. But from my own experience, you don’t need a very complex setup or the most expensive gear.

I traveled with the Fuji X100F through Southeast Asia for a few months and couldn’t be happier with it. For me, this is my ideal travel camera, and I want to share the stories that I was able to capture with that one single camera.

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The Best Ways to Keep Your Phone Safe While You’re Traveling

Posted by on 2:38 am in Blog, Equipment Reviews, Expat Life, Technology, Travel Tips | 29 comments

The Best Ways to Keep Your Phone Safe While You’re Traveling

Almost every traveler packs their phone these days; when you have a GPS, a translator, an entertainment system and a camera all rolled up into one device, your phone becomes an essential part of the travel experience that you can’t afford to lose (with the prices of new phones lately, it’s often literally something you can’t afford to lose).

But every year thousands of smart phones are lost, stolen, or damaged while on vacation. In Australia alone, the AMTA reports more than 100,000 mobile phones are lost or stolen every year. That’s 2,000 each week or one mobile phone handset every six minutes.

And that’s not even considering the phones which are damaged, or hacked as part of cyber-theft.

Considering the expense of phones these days, the inconvenience of losing your boarding passes, photos, and contacts, and the security risks of having your personal data and information available for hack, it’s imperative to protect your phone when you travel overseas.

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Questions You Need to Ask Before Volunteering Abroad

Posted by on 5:41 pm in Blog, Travel Tips, Volunteer Travel | 25 comments

Questions You Need to Ask Before Volunteering Abroad

Volunteering abroad is an exciting opportunity, but it can be nerve-wracking if it’s your first time. Managing your expectations is important in order to get the most out of the trip, and to do that you need to ask the right questions.

But beyond your own personal expectations, it’s also important that you have the right information to choose a project which makes a genuine difference to the community and society as a whole.

Any good volunteer organisation should be happy to answer anything you want to know, so don’t be shy about asking. And if the answers you’re getting back are evasive or not fully transparent, you may need to consider a new project.

We chatted with volunteer sending organisation Original Volunteers for insight into some of the most important questions you should ask before volunteering abroad.

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5 Places You Never Would Have Guessed Would Be Popular Tourist Attractions

Posted by on 7:40 pm in Blog | 22 comments

5 Places You Never Would Have Guessed Would Be Popular Tourist Attractions

Regardless of your destination, there are always certain attractions you look forward to when you travel. Whether you seek out restaurants, parks, or museums, there’s always a type of attraction you travel for.

History buffs might travel to walk among the ruins of ancient cities, foodies seek out exotic tastes and flavors, and nature enthusiasts travel for foreign landscapes and time in the great outdoors.

There’s nothing unusual about any of that – all of the above is pretty standard. But what if I told you people dream of spending their holiday in the sewer? Or pay to be locked up behind bars?

The following are 5 places you never would have guessed would be popular tourist attractions.

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Things to do in Beijing for Every Interest: Ideas for Your China Itinerary

Posted by on 3:01 pm in Blog, China | 34 comments

Things to do in Beijing for Every Interest: Ideas for Your China Itinerary

Beijing is one of those rare cities that offers something special for every kind of traveller. Browse a never ending supply of world-class museums, sample the finest in authentic Chinese cuisine, marvel at innovative architectural wonders of old and new, and be introduced to the nation’s top artists, musicians, and writers.

The only hardship Beijing presents is finding enough time to experience all the city has to offer. When it comes to such a large city as Beijing, it can be difficult to know where to begin.

To that end, the following are things to do in Beijing for every interest – great ideas for your itinerary no matter what your interests!

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Money-Saving Tips for Renting a Car

Posted by on 5:06 pm in Blog, Budget Travel, Road Trips, Travel Tips | 28 comments

Money-Saving Tips for Renting a Car

Whether you’re renting a car at home for a day trip, or abroad for a longer journey, the numbers can add up really quick. Especially when you consider the daily cost of the car rental, paying for gas, and any extras you may need like the use of a GPS, baby seat, or exceeding your mileage.

While some destinations have great options for public transportation like buses or trains, others leave you with few options but to rent a car. And what are you to do when you’ve already spent so much on a trip and you don’t want to overwhelm your budget even more?

This guide will share the best tips for saving money when renting a car. There are a surprising amount of discounts out there if you know where to look, as well as tricks for saving when you book.

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