What if you could finish a digital travel memory book BEFORE you even return from your trip? Click here
On my first trip to Japan at 14, I got permission to take the family digital camera, and went truly overboard with photos.
I mean, truly overboard!
No-one could believe I returned home with … wait for it … 200 photos.
Fastforward 20 years and we now take that many on our smartphones in less than an hour!
I got home from that trip, printed my favorites, and pulled out my scrapbook kit (glue, glitter, scissors – the whole thing!), to put together an amazing book of memories.
And I’ve not completed a single scrapbook since.
Scrapbooking to preserve our travel memories is one of those things we’d all love to have time for, but unlike our 14 year old selves, as adults it’s a project we don’t have time to even begin.
So our photos sit on harddrives, get buried in Facebook feeds, and we never have time to look at them again.
But what if you could finish a digital travel memory book BEFORE you even return from your trip?
Something which was already designed for you, with very little time input, but produces an awesome product at the end?
My friend Laura has you covered with her “On-the-Go Digital Travel Memory Book TOOLKIT”. It’s a set of travel scrapbook templates you can drop your photos straight in.
Complete a Travel Memory Book by the End of Your Trip? Yes, Please!
To Solve Your Travel Scrapbook Issues

We get it, we’re all busy.
We share photos on Facebook and Instagram these days, and shoot a casual glance over our feeds to reminisce.
Sadly, we don’t have time for sitting down on the bedroom floor, with glitter, and glue, and scissors, to put together a physical scrapbook. Or, for that matter, even do it digitally.
But fellow scrapbooking nerd Laura has us all covered, with her digital scrapbooking templates which are an easy and fun way to preserve travel memories while on the go!
She developed them to be able to share her travel adventures as soon as she returned from her trips, as a system where she could upload 5 – 7 photos from her phone at the end of each day traveling.
And by the end of her trip, she’d have a ready made scrapbook of her travel memories ready to print or share as soon as she got home!
I told her she should share her templates so every traveler could put together a memory book of their own (get it here!).
How it Works …
Drag and Drop Your Photos into Laura’s Templates
After I’ve Added My Photos …
Different Themed Templates to Choose From
Get Laura’s On-the-Go Digital Travel Memory Book Toolkit
You can get the On-the-go Digital Travel Memory Book Toolkit here: travelmemoriesmadeeasy.com/onthego-travel-memory-book-toolkit
It has everything you need to preserve your travel memories WHILE you are traveling!
Using your phone, you will select 5-7 “best” photos each evening and insert them into your prepped Travel Memory Book. When you get home, your scrapbook will be DONE!
All you have to do it share it or have it printed!
The Toolkit Contains:
➤ Two beautifully designed digital templates in an elegant theme and a vibrant theme. These are easy to use Canva templates, and you can use these over and over for future trips!
➤ Step-by-step video instructions (4 videos, including “Canva Basics” in case you don’t know how to use Canva.)
➤ Checklists for each step:
- Getting Started
- Prepping Your Memory Book
- On-the-Go: steps to take while traveling
- Upon Your Return (printing and sharing)
➤ BONUS CONTENT, including:
- Travel Memory Tips E-Book (a 19-page PDF book full of super fun tips to preserve your memories while traveling).
- Travel Journal for jotting down notes about your daily adventures (a fillable and printable PDF).
- Travel Itinerary and Wardrobe Planner to help you prep your memory book and plan your travel wardrobe (a fillable and printable PDF).
- International Travel Checklist for suggestions on what to pack on your travels (PDF).
All of this is delivered digitally through a “Student Dashboard” that’s super easy to use. Everything is all in one place and organized for you!
So… if you’re like me, you needed this YEARS ago!
What are you waiting for? Preserve those travel memories in this easy, fun way!
Happy Travels!