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Scooters have become the trendiest way to explore, and many destinations are now offering them alongside bike rentals and walking tours.

But if you’re traveling as a family and planning to scoot around Paris or Rome, that does mean that your kids should know how to ride one.

If you don’t have a scooter at home, but want them to get in practice before you travel, we’re here to help with a scooter buying guide; everything you need to consider from cost to safety.

Factors to Consider When Buying a Kids Scooter

ABEC Rating

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It would be best to compare the ABEC rating of each scooter. This rating defines the scooter’s bearings and determines the scooter’s speed.

When purchasing the first scooter for your child, it makes sense to choose a lower rating. For example, an ABEC 1 scooter should help your child balance on the scooter and not go too fast.

Wheel Configuration and Size

While hard wheels are more durable than their soft counterparts, they will provide less comfort for your child. Remember, not all scooters come with in-line wheels but have triangular wheels.

You can also consider wheel size and wheel type if you want to go more in-depth while buying the scooter. Standard scooter wheels have a 110 mm diameter and polyurethane threads wrapped around a core.

A smaller wheel will generally be slower but lighter and keep the deck closer to the ground. It can help with stability. 

However, a big scooter wheel (120 to 125 mm) will be quicker and raise the deck further from the ground. It will also be smoother for most of the ride. 

Some 3 wheeled models and micro scooters come with scooter wheels that glow and have LED lights inside the wheels. It might be a great feature for little ones.


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It’s crucial to pay attention to the platform or deck your child will place the feet on. Check whether the deck is wide enough to help your child stand comfortably on the scooter.

Also, some decks come with stickers that might make them slippery. Always select a scooter with wide decks that are easy to stand on. 

Adjustable Handlebars

For optimal control, make sure the scooter’s handlebars should not exceed the waist. Adjustable scooters with a T-bar that slides up and down may be the best option. 

This feature allows sharing the scooter with another sibling or friend. It is a good option for younger children, particularly those aged 2-5 years old. You will need to replace it once your child has grown out of it. 

Child’s Age

Many specifically designed kids’ scooters are available to make glide easy and safe. The three-wheeler scooters for kids are the most stable. They are specially made for children between 2 and 4 years old.

If your child is experienced at balance, you might consider a two-wheeled scooter. For children between 6 to 12 years of age, it’s a good idea to buy a scooter designed for regular use. 

Foldable Scooters

There are many great folding scooter options available. It is worth considering if you plan to take the scooter on your next trip. Some children become attached to their scooters and want them to go everywhere. 

Some scooters can fold down easily with a click of a button. Other designs allow the T-bar to be removed and stored as a 2-piece. However, most 3 wheel scooters do not have a fold-down feature. 

With so many choices available, choosing the right scooter for your child can be challenging. When doing so, there are a lot of considerations to be made like your child’s age, size, ability, and the type of scooter they are interested in. 

Megan is an Australian Journalist and award-winning travel writer who has been blogging since 2007. Her husband Mike is the American naturalist and wildlife photographer behind Waking Up Wild; an online magazine dedicated to opening your eyes to the wonders of the wild & natural world.

Having visited 100+ countries across all seven continents, Megan’s travels focus on cultural immersion, authentic discovery and incredible journeys. She has a strong passion for ecotourism, and aims to promote responsible travel experiences.


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