Nobody likes to think about divorce when they are looking to get married. The majority of people go into a marriage with the intent of making it last forever. Circumstances and people change, however, and sometimes divorce in long distance relationships is inevitable.
Getting divorced can be difficult for any couple, but this can be especially true when it comes to long distance couples. Because marrying a long distance lover often involves life altering moves such as relocation and quitting a job or career, ending a marriage can cause a wide range of significant problems.
Getting Divorced in a Long Distance Relationship
In America, over 50% of marriages fail and European couples fare even worse. Across Europe, the divorce rate climbs to around an average of 60% with countries like Belgium experiencing a 70% divorce rate according to some statistics. Countries in Africa and Asia see some of the lowest rates of divorce but that doesn’t necessarily equate to happy and healthy marriages. Woman across many of these nations may lack many freedoms experienced by more westernized societies and may not have the power to divorce even when they experience abuse in the relationship.
Let’s say you move halfway across the country or world to marry and live with your long distance partner. If that marriage were to break down quickly and you find yourself filing for divorce, you could be left living somewhere you are unaccustomed to and a place where you may not have a support base. You will then be faced with the choice of remaining in your new state/country or return to your original place of residency. This choice can often prove difficult once you have made large purchases like a house, have a job, or had children with your long distance partner.

Laws regarding divorce may also be different depending on which country you and your partner live in. Some countries may allow a quick and easy road to divorce while others may make you wait a substantial amount of time before being allowed to divorce. Sometimes you may find that certain laws make divorce seem nearly impossible. Divorce can of course also be very expensive, especially when the breakup is not amicable.
With intercontinental marriages, divorce could have implications regarding immigration and your residency status, so you will need to research what impacts a divorce could have. Thankfully many nations provide a path to continued permanent residency and citizenship when divorce is a result of abuse or neglect. There are often protections which will allow you to remain in the country on the grounds you have established a new life in the country and leaving would create extreme hardship for you.
Because more is at stake when it comes to long distance relationship marriages, you really need to be careful when making the decision to get married. Marrying your long distance partner can prove to be the best day of your life, where you’ll go on to live happily ever after. Others that find themselves going through a divorce may potentially experience a complicated mess of events that could leave them wishing they never entered into the long distance relationship in the first place.

You need to do all you can to make sure your long distance marriage has what it takes to survive so you won’t be presented with such a catastrophe. This means taking things slowly with your long distance relationship as hard as that may seem. Take the time to make sure you can make the transitions that are required and realize all the hardships that may be involved with relocating to be with your partner.
Hardships such as living far from your family or general difficulties with adapting to a new environment can often be more difficult than you could imagine. Only after you are 100% sure of you and your partner’s love should you consider marriage.
Check out our Best-Selling eBook:
“The Ultimate How To Guide on Surviving Long Distance Love”
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