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Healthy Travel

Why You Should Become a Travel Nurse

Posted by on 1:46 pm in Expat Life, Healthy Travel | 2 comments

Why You Should Become a Travel Nurse

For anyone who loves to travel, the ideal situation is to find a job where you can get paid while traveling the world. Few opportunities let you do this, though even fewer offer a steady wage that allows you to contribute positively to society.

When you think of the best travel jobs, the first job that springs to mind may not be nursing, but this is actually a highly in demand job, all around the world.

The sad fact is that two billion people around the world lack access to basic medicines needed for day-to-day health care, and many more suffer for want of simple surgical procedures. As such, qualified nurses are in high demand in many countries.

If you have a basic level of medical training, you can join one of the charities or international organizations dedicated to providing worldwide health, or you can set aside the prospect of a comfortable US salary and take a job in a developing country where your skills are desperately needed.

Most travel nurse jobs require at least 1 to 1 ½ year of clinical experience. If you’ve got the experience and think it sounds interesting, here are 6 reasons why you should do it!

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7 Ways to Nap on A Plane

Posted by on 9:38 pm in Blog, Healthy Travel, Travel Tips | 0 comments

7 Ways to Nap on A Plane

Travel can be exciting, but it can also wreak havoc on your body. And one of the biggest problems related to travel is the loss of sleep.

Long flights, changing time zones, eating on the run and not sleeping in your own comfortable bed can all disrupt your sleeping patterns. But in addition to the sleep you get at night, naps can also help you stay well-rested while traveling.

Even if your flight is a few hours long, taking a nap can help. So the next time you have to take a long flight, use these tips for taking naps on a plane.

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How to Return Home From Vacation Fully Rested

Posted by on 11:16 am in Blog, Healthy Travel, Travel Tips | 0 comments

How to Return Home From Vacation Fully Rested

It’s a common joke – ‘you’ll need a vacation after your vacation’!

And, granted, it’s a difficult trap not to fall into!

When we’re spending thousands of dollars flying to exotic parts of the world, it’s only natural that you’ll want to fit as much into your itinerary as possible, and make the most of every second.

But this does also mean that you return home with post-vacation exhaustion – not to be confused with the post-vacation blues.

That’s not to say that you have to sit on a beach and not take an active vacation – but you don’t want to wear yourself out so thoroughly that you find you can’t function properly once you’re home!

Utilize the following tips for returning home from vacation fully rested!

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A Guide to Reducing Stress When Traveling on A Business Trip

Posted by on 1:33 pm in Healthy Travel, Travel Tips | 0 comments

A Guide to Reducing Stress When Traveling on A Business Trip

Business travel is definitely not a holiday. Whether you’re running your own business or working for a company, it’s typically the same routine: check in at the airport, pick up a rental car, and prep on-route for your meetings.

From traveling at short notice, to relying on the hotel iron, and somehow finding the energy to walking into meetings after having spent a tedious day in transit, there’s no doubting that business travel comes with its own unique sets of stresses.

So we’ve put together a guide to reduce that for you!

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How Traveling Resets the Brain

Posted by on 4:53 pm in Blog, Healthy Travel | 2 comments

How Traveling Resets the Brain

Let’s face it – everyday life can be stressful. So much so that one of the biggest trending issues of the 21st century has been to raise awareness and shine a spotlight on issues surrounding mental health.

One in four people suffer from mental health issues at some point in their lives, whether that’s feeling stuck in life, or battling more severe issues like anxiety and depression. And while traveling may sound at first like you’re running from your problems, the truth can be quite the opposite.

Sometimes all most people need is a simple reset.

Well, travel is a great way to reset the brain!

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How to Travel Stress-Free with a Service Dog

Posted by on 12:38 pm in Healthy Travel, Travel Tips | 2 comments

How to Travel Stress-Free with a Service Dog

Service dogs are a vital part of life for many people, as guide dogs and animals trained to alert others. However, in recent years there have been new of laws and restrictions regarding what animals can and can’t board a commercial flight.

This causes confusion for everyone, and owners of service dogs are no exception. Anxiety over this can easily lead to a feeling that vacationing near home and traveling by road might be easier and less stressful.

The good news is that this doesn’t have to be the case. You can absolutely take a service dog onto an aircraft, as long as you can offer credible assurance that the animal is not just a pet, and state which functions the animal provides.

If you’re still worried, though, here are some tips for making your journey as stress-free as possible.

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How to Pick the Perfect Eyewear for Your Summer Vacation

Posted by on 1:57 pm in Equipment Reviews, Healthy Travel | 0 comments

How to Pick the Perfect Eyewear for Your Summer Vacation

Sunglasses are often a holiday must-have, but what you might not realize when picking up any old pair off the rack, is that the quality of your eye-wear is absolutely essential.

Of course a good pair of sunglasses will have sex appeal, but what’s even more attractive are the health benefits they bring. Sunburn of the eyes is a real thing, and it’s PAINFUL!

We rely on our vision more than any other sense so it’s essential that we protect ourselves. Travel has a way of putting us in environments that can be harsh on the eyes, so sunglasses are vital for making sure you can continue to see the world with clarity.

So yes, buy based of fashion trends (the top fashion trend at the moment are aviators – we recommend Eye Buy Direct, who have a great range of aviator sunglasses), but when you do, make sure the glasses also tick these boxes.

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How to Seek Counseling When You’re Traveling Abroad

Posted by on 11:24 am in Blog, Healthy Travel, Travel Tips | 0 comments

How to Seek Counseling When You’re Traveling Abroad

For many people, travelling is a way to relax and enjoy a break from everyday life. However, for those suffering from mental health issues, travelling can be rather daunting, and certain mental illness may be exacerbated by the stresses associated with travel.

While mental health was once seen as taboo and rarely discussed, today we’ve started to talk about it. We’re recognizing these sometimes debilitating issues so we might offer support and treatment to those in need.

Because mental illness doesn’t go away just because you’re traveling. And having an episode while overseas can be much more distressing than when you experience them at home.

One in four people suffer from mental health issues at some point in their lives, so it’s vital that these issues are addressed. But sadly, the majority of people are still not receiving adequate treatment, whether it’s due to feeling ashamed of their issues or simply not having the means.

If you’re suffering from a mental health condition, it doesn’t mean that you can’t travel the world, but it may mean you have to do a bit more planning to manage your health.

This article will discuss how you can seek help abroad, so that your mental health illness doesn’t prevent you from travelling. It will also detail ways you can help others suffering from mental health issues.

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The Benefits of Using Roman Chamomile Essential Oil for Travelers

Posted by on 4:39 pm in Blog, Equipment Reviews, Healthy Travel, Travel Tips | 0 comments

The Benefits of Using Roman Chamomile Essential Oil for Travelers

Whether it’s dealing with tummy troubles, annoying bug bites, nasty sunburns from too much fun in the sun, or simply loads of stress brought on by travelling (it happens!), there are many ailments that afflict travelers.

But what if I told you that there’s a natural remedy that could replace the need to visit a chemist, and mean you don’t have to load up on medications?!

Chamomile is one of the world’s most widely used medicinal plants, once used by the ancient Romans to soothe all kinds of ailments.

While you may be familiar with the calming effects of Chamomile tea, you may not be aware that diffusing undiluted Roman Chamomile Essential Oil can be an even more effective treatment for a wide variety of travel troubles.

An immune system boosting plant that can soothe the gastrointestinal system, make those bug bites stop itching, make that sunburn feel less blistering, and help you relax when seated in that middle seat between two obnoxious airline passengers; ‘Roman Chamomile Essential Oil’ are four words every traveler should know!

There are some impressive research findings to back up these claims, so today I want to share how you can benefit from using chamomile essential oil too, and how to use it effectively and safely.

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5 Surprising Benefits of Foot Massage After Long-Haul Travel

Posted by on 11:43 am in Blog, Healthy Travel | 0 comments

5 Surprising Benefits of Foot Massage After Long-Haul Travel

We all love to pamper ourselves from time to time with a little spa session. But one of the easiest ways to promote relaxation and de-stress after a long day is to give yourself a foot massage.

After a long day of cold-weather camping, or an exhausting trip half-way around the world, a foot massage could give you the emotional and physical boost you need to get back on your feet the next day, ready to explore a new destination.

Many travelers experience soreness, pain, and foot fatigue overseas, and it can be especially difficult if you’re wondering how you can possibly head out again tomorrow.

Well, a DIY foot massage might just be the key!

Here are five of the biggest benefits of getting a foot massage after long-haul travel. Most people don’t realise just how beneficial these massages can really be.

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