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There’s no denying that travel leaves lasting impressions on us all, often providing us with many unforgettable moments. However, upon returning home there lies the challenge of trying to keep the essence of those fond travel memories alive in our daily lives.

The simple fact is that for most of us travel is fleeting, and we aren’t afforded the luxury of roaming around the world endlessly. But while the excitement of travel must come to an end, you can continue to relive those special moments and places you’ve visited through the power of art.

By channelling your travel memories into artistic pursuits, you can stay connected to the places that made an impression on you. Here are innovative and creative ways to transform your travel memories into various forms of art that will hopefully enrich your everyday life by offering constant reminders of your endeavours and allowing you to relive your trips around the world.

Reliving Your Travels at Home Through Art

Turn You Home into an Art Gallery Showcasing Your Travels

Turning your home into an art gallery that showcases your travels can transform your mundane living spaces into an almost personal museum of your adventures. You can simply focus on showcasing your travels in a single room or throughout your entire home.

Create a gallery wall in a central area of your home, such as the living room or a hallway, where you can hang travel photos you’ve personally taken or beautiful canvas art prints from professional painters and photographers that best capture the essence of the places you’ve visited.

You can search for canvases featuring notable travel landmarks like the Eiffel Tower in Paris, beach or rainforest scenes, artwork depicting cultural elements or people dressed in traditional clothing, local wildlife you observed, or even recreations of famous painting you saw in museums while traveling like the Louvre’s Mona Lisa.

There are many ways you can use wall art to make an ordinary space come alive with the memories of your travels. While paintings and photos are an obvious choice, you can also create hangable shadow boxes containing 3D displays of various souvenirs you’ve acquired such as international coins, postcards, seashells, or figurines.

And you can keep your gallery always looking fresh by swapping out/rotating photos or paintings from time to time. Likewise, you can rearrange shadow boxes at intervals, such as anniversary dates of past trips, to display new items in order to remember other places you’ve visited.  

You can also use digital frames to display a rotating slideshow of your travel photos, a good option if you have endless travel photos you want to see regularly and simply can’t decide on just a few images to print and hang.

You can further accent your wall art with natural art pieces you’ve picked up while traveling such as stones, driftwood, dried plants and flowers, or feathers.

Try Your Hand at Travel-Inspired Crafts

DIY travel-inspired crafts will allow you to creatively express your travel memories while also adding a personal artistic touch to your home. The only limit to what you can create is your imagination and commitment.

One of the easiest projects to create is a travel scrapbook journal compiled of photos, postcards, plane or train ticket stubs, hotel rooms keycards, and other memorabilia. Accentuate your journal with personal sketches, thoughts, and reflections about each destination.

Another idea is to craft a personalised travel wall map by marking all the places you’ve visited. You can use pins if using corkboard as a backing, string, or stickers to indicate your journeys. Add small photos of your travels to give the map even more added colour.

You can create a memory quilt made up of various fabric souvenirs like t-shirts, pieces of exotic fabrics you’ve picked up, or other textile souvenirs. Alternatively, you can simply seek out fabric squares with imagery or embroidery depicting scenery or landmarks from the places you’ve been to  then craft into a quilt.

Easier options include creating photo books online or designing a custom travel-themed calendar featuring photos from your travels for each week or month depending on the calendar style. You could also turn small souvenirs or photos into magnets by attaching them to magnet backings and then display them on your fridge where they’re guaranteed to be seen daily.

The possibilities really are endless when it comes to crafty ideas to remember your travels. From pillowcases to coasters and coffee mugs, focus on items that you use or see daily so as they can allow you to relive your travels regularly.  

Relive Travel Experiences by Visiting Art Exhibitions and Special Events

Many cities and even small towns host special annual events and festivals that often showcase the culture of different countries or regions around the world, meaning you might be able to experience a slice of the various places you’ve visited right in your own hometown.

Cultural festivals often showcase the art, music, dance, and culinary traditions of different regions. These events can easily transport you back to your travel destinations through immersive experiences.

Keep an eye out for traveling exhibitions as well which are often hosted by museums. This might include artworks or archaeological artefacts from around the world that get selected for a traveling exhibition that may visit an institution in your local area.  Visiting such events allows you to experience diverse art from around the world which may remind you of the artistic influences you personally encountered during your travels.

Some art institutions may also host workshops and classes that focus on traditional techniques and crafts from around the world, allowing you to reconnect with the cultural heritage of travel destinations you may have visited.

Travel-Inspired Music and Performance

If you’re musically inclined or simply enjoy dancing, consider expressing your travel memories through music or dance. Write or compose a song that is inspired by somewhere you’ve visited. Bonus points of you are able to record a song using instruments or exotic sounds/styles used in visited destinations.

You could also choreograph a dance or create a theatrical performance that encapsulates the spirit of a place or its culture. Of course, if you cannot carry a tune or bust a move, you could simply create a playlist of songs to listen to that include tunes or artists from the places you visited, songs you heard on the radio while travelling, or songs that somehow remind you of your travels.  

Travel-Inspired Writing

Using writing as a form of art is a powerful way to relive your travel adventures and keep those memories vivid long after you’ve returned home. You can simply choose to keep your writing private or share it with others to help inspire them to visit the places you’ve seen.

While it’s always better to record a travel journal while you are travelling in order to record greater details of your experiences as they happen, you can always create a journal after you’ve returned home. You can record voice notes while travelling in order to remember details of experiences or use photos to help jog your memory on what you experienced or felt.

Another option is to start a travel blog to share your adventures with a public audience online. Writing blog posts allows you to not only reflect on your travels, but also allows you to connect with others who may then comment or ask questions about your travels.

Write your own travel guides or reviews of the places you visited, providing practical information and personal insights for other travellers. You can focus on writing restaurant or hotel reviews, or create Top 10 lists that focus on subjects like the top landmarks, parks, museums, or day trips travellers should include on their itinerary.  

Then there is poetry and short stories. Compose poems inspired by your travels, using descriptive words and colourful language to capture the essence of the places you’ve been and the emotions you experienced. Turn your travel experiences into short stories, using fictional or real-life characters to bring your adventures to life in a narrative format.

If you are especially talented at writing and have a great deal of free time on your hands after returning home, you can also think about writing a book. It can be a real-life autobiographical account of your adventures or a fictional novel which may blend factual travel events you experienced alongside storytelling elements to create a unique and imaginative piece of writing.

You can use sensory details to recreate the sights, sounds, and smells of the places you visited, or possibly include characters based on real people you’ve encountered on your travels or dialogue you had with them.

Travel Inspired Painting & Drawing

Bring out your inner artist by starting a sketchbook that showcases your travels. Draw from memory or use photos for reference. Draw scenes or subjects that stood out to you during your travels such as wildlife you saw, people you met, or landmarks you observed.

When it comes to painting your travels, you of course can experiment with acrylics, oils, or watercolours. Or you may wish to use coloured pencils, markers, charcoal, pen, or a simple graphite pencil. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different art media as well as styles of art such as realism, abstract, or impressionism.

Thanks to today’s technology, you can now also use digital tools and software to create paintings and illustrations of your travel experiences, which can be printed or shared online. Design posters, postcards, or digital collages that highlight the essence of your travels using graphic design.

You can even make painting or drawing a social activity by gathering friends or family for a special art night where you each create art that is inspired by your travels, whether it’s a trip you shared together or you each paint something from your individual travels and then exchange travel stories about what you each chose to paint.

Megan is an Australian Journalist and award-winning travel writer who has been blogging since 2007. Her husband Mike is the American naturalist and wildlife photographer behind Waking Up Wild; an online magazine dedicated to opening your eyes to the wonders of the wild & natural world.

Having visited 50+ countries across all seven continents, Megan’s travels focus on cultural immersion, authentic discovery and incredible journeys. She has a strong passion for ecotourism, and aims to promote responsible travel experiences.




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