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How to Travel Safely in Honduras

How to Travel Safely in Honduras

Nestled in the heart of Central America, between Nicaragua, Guatemala, and El Salvador, Honduras is a country that not a lot of people know about. And those who do? Well, they seem to only hear the bad things.

Honduras has a long history of military rule, corruption, poverty and crime which have rendered it one of the least developed and most unstable countries in Central America. And yes, it has somewhat of a negative global image.

But, little of the Honduran violence affects tourists, and most visitors to the country are free to enjoy the national parks, small towns and ancient ruins of the Latin American country without incident. This is in fact a vibrant and fascinating country, and one of the cheapest in the region; you’ll be able to do activities for a fraction of the price you’ll pay in its neighbors.

Honduras has a notorious reputation, but with these safety tips anybody can have a safe and happy time seeing the raw beauty and fascinating culture within this Central American country.

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Travel Bucketlist: 30 Things to Do Before You’re 30

Travel Bucketlist: 30 Things to Do Before You’re 30

Today marks my 30th birthday, and a common question I’ve been asked is how I’m spending it. Perhaps I’m skydiving. Perhaps I’ve flown to Bali. Perhaps I’m hanging out with animals in the wild.

But for all the adventure I’ve sought over the past 30 years, today I have a bottle of wine, and a hard-drive full of photos; today I plan to reflect (and write this).

Thinking back to my 10 year old self’s daydreams, I had wanted to be a world traveler even then. Albeit, my inspiration for wanting to visit Africa was The Lion King, the Middle East, Aladdin, China, Mulan … you get the picture!

If I’m being perfectly honest I wanted to grow up to be The Little Mermaid, but even Ariel had an insatiable desire to be part of foreign worlds.

Most people have a list of things they want to accomplish before they hit their 30s, and if you’re one of those people, I would like to share my list. I can personally vouch for each item being worthy, having now completed all 30.

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Safety Tips Most Travelers Take For Granted – Do You?

Safety Tips Most Travelers Take For Granted – Do You?

Despite what the media may tell you, the world isn’t actually dangerous or unsafe. Forget what you saw in the movies, and tell your mother to stop referencing Taken, the truth is that you’re generally safe when traveling overseas.

I’ve long been an advocate that common sense is the biggest secret to staying safe abroad. Traveling with street smarts, being aware of your surroundings, and trusting your gut instinct.

BUT there are many common sense safety tips which most travelers take for granted; basic measures for travel safety which are often overlooked.

And in fact, the most serious obstacle to personal safety abroad is an attitude of complacency or fatalism. “It can’t happen to me” and “if it’s going to happen, it’s going to happen” – this is dangerous thinking.

So the following are some straightforward, basic tips for travel safety, which are frequently brushed off. Often, the most simple advice is the advice we need the most.

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Seeking Travel Inspiration From Non-Travel Quotes

Seeking Travel Inspiration From Non-Travel Quotes

Do you know the best thing about a quote? You can interpret them however you like.

If you’re a fan of travel quotes, you’ve probably heard the same quotes used over and over again. The internet has a small pool of favorites, and they’re all overused!

But if you’re looking for some new inspiration, it can be quite insightful to take quotes from other places, like a list of sports quotes, and see if there are any travel lessons you can find!

The following are seven quotes that I’ve interpreted into travel inspiration. You’ll find four sporting quotes from Lou Piniella, Gift Ngoepe, Shaq and Muhammad Ali, as well as quotes Albert Einstein, Mindy Kaling and the man we’re going to start with, Louis C.K.

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How to Spend 10 Days in Nepal

How to Spend 10 Days in Nepal

It may be hard to get to Nepal, but you’ll likely find that it’s even harder to leave.

We only stayed 10 days. But in this time we completely fell in love with this wonderful country.

With two days in Kathmandu before hitting the Himalayan trails, ten days is a very short amount of time. But it’s enough to get an idea of the country, discover Kathmandu, see the beauty of the mountains, meet the people, and discover the Nepalese culture.

If you’re working off a similar time-frame, we highly recommend making time for the following.

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Take on a Role with Street Child and Visit a Country as More Than Just a Tourist!

Take on a Role with Street Child and Visit a Country as More Than Just a Tourist!

Kathmandu is a myriad of experiences: it’s dusty and beautiful, chaotic and serene, all at once. But one thing is definite: you’ll never discover all of it if you head here as just a tourist.

Come as an international volunteer, however, and you’ll get to discover the city’s secrets, learn its culture, and experience something so much more than a holiday.

Hannah, from Perth, Australia, is two months into a three-month research volunteer opportunity with UK-based charity Street Child, and she can’t believe how quickly her time in Nepal’s capital city has flown by.

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Top 5 Reasons to Live Abroad at Least Once in Your Life

Top 5 Reasons to Live Abroad at Least Once in Your Life

The world beyond our borders is home to millions of other people, who all lead very different lives. Though have you ever wondered what it would be like to live among them? To experience a change of culture and scenery, and live abroad at least once in your life?

There are very many reasons people dream of relocating to a foreign land. This can be for work, to volunteer, study, pursue a change of scenery, or retire. Though whatever your reason, moving into a new country can be a rich and rewarding experience.

Here are my five reasons why everyone should find the energy to pack up and move abroad … at least once in their life!

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The Best Events in London April 2017

The Best Events in London April 2017

London is always abuzz with things to do, and come rain or shine, nothing dampens the spirits of this incredible city. Especially in April.

“The city finally sees some warm weather, meaning that outdoor London comes alive and some brave souls take on the London Marathon. If that all sounds far too energetic, just become an enthusiastic spectator and get stuck into some chocolate Easter eggs and the first bank holiday weekend of the year.”

Enjoy these cultural highlights through April.

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5 Ways To Keep Travel Costs Down and Still Have The Best Experience

5 Ways To Keep Travel Costs Down and Still Have The Best Experience

Often, we associate keeping costs down with sacrifice. We think that to spend less means to get less. But this is not always the case. Some of the ways in which you can keep costs down when traveling can actually lead to more wholesome and immersive experiences.

The key is to be able to keep your costs down so that you can do more of what you like, or stay on the road for longer. It’s a classic discussion, but in this article we want to show you how to keep costs down without assuming you want to stay in a two-man tent on the moors.

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How to Support Local Communities When Traveling

How to Support Local Communities When Traveling

You often hear people talk about the benefits of tourism for local communities. The main argument in favor of mass tourism is that it creates more jobs for locals and more opportunities to promote their culture. But is that all there is to it?

In reality, we witness large hotel chains spreading into developing countries, and cookie-cutter holiday resorts, not to mention foreign-owned food chains offering uniform food all over the globe. The world is becoming increasingly globalized and culture is being diluted and lost.

The situation is hardly black-and-white, though. For a local community to truly enjoy the benefits of tourism, we have to become more responsible as travelers.

As travelers with an eye and heart for adventure, we believe that sustainable tourism can and should be mutually beneficial, so have put together the following tips on how you can make a positive impact on local communities every time you travel. While still having the time of your life.

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Explore More of Japan: Day Trips from Osaka

Explore More of Japan: Day Trips from Osaka

Osaka is a darling city, offering tourists plenty of attractions without the stressful crowds like that of its larger city counterparts. And while it may prove difficult to pull yourself away from its charms, beyond Osaka itself are some lovely places to experience Japan’s culture and natural beauty.

The following are two great cities for exploring more of Japan, both under an hour away from Osaka, making each perfect for a day trip during your stay.

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Frugal Travel: Ten Tips for Living Out of a Truck

Frugal Travel: Ten Tips for Living Out of a Truck

In 2015 my boyfriend Tyler and I traded our stable jobs in South Lake Tahoe for a couple years of hot spring soaked adventures. We hitchhiked through Cuba and Central America, and cycled 1800 miles along the Pacific Coast.

When we loaded up Baby Beluga, a tiny Mazda pickup truck, we figured we’d be exploring North American national parks in luxury compared to the previous months of stuffing our belongings in a backpack or panniers. Au contraire.

For anyone considering the option of traveling and living out of a truck, I hope these tips will allow you to maximize the good, dwindle the bad, and prepare you for the smelly!

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How to Be a Socially Conscious Traveler in Iceland

How to Be a Socially Conscious Traveler in Iceland

The age of the socially conscious traveler is officially here – a recent movement towards responsible travel has seen travelers become more conscious of their environmental and social footprint when heading abroad. People are now realizing the importance of traveling with awareness and thought.

With the idea of being conscious of our impact on both nature and culture, here are 10 easy steps for being a socially conscious traveler in Iceland.

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7 Ways You Can Travel More

7 Ways You Can Travel More

Compliments of the internet age, resources to find affordable (and even free) travel options exist these days in droves. Everything we need in order see the world is ours for cheaper than it ever has been before, yet still, very few people decide to drop everything and go.

So when money is no longer an obstacle to experiencing the world, what’s stopping people? A lot of the time it comes down to internal resistance; you either want it badly enough or you don’t.

The following are 7 great ways you can travel more, though to actually benefit from these tips, you first have to be open to actually giving them a go.

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Traveling For LEGO: Attending an International Brickvention

Traveling For LEGO: Attending an International Brickvention

My greatest love as a child was LEGO. I would build intricately designed spaceships, multi-coloured castles, and re-enact scenes from various star wars films. The beauty of LEGO is that it is only limited by your imagination.

And while LEGO is little more than a passing interest of childhood for many people, it’s not just child’s play anymore. At 29 years of age, I’m an unabashed fan of Lego, and I’m far from being alone.

Adults with a passion for LEGO know the difference between a plate, brick, wedge, washer and stud. Some weeks we spend more on LEGO than we do on groceries. We can finally spend the sort of cash that as a child you rarely got to blow on plastic figures, and we’re happy to make pilgrimages all over the world for an international convention or new store.

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Documentary Review: The Road to Santiago

Documentary Review: The Road to Santiago

For more than a thousand years, pilgrims have been making their way on foot to the Spanish city Santiago de Compostela, the purported resting place of the remains of Saint James, one of the disciples of Jesus Christ. The pilgrims walk hundreds of miles that make up the Camino, which in Spanish means the path, a road, a route, a way.

Pilgrims from every background are today drawn to the Camino from all over the world and for a wide variety of reasons. Some are ill, some grieving, some confused, some celebrating, some walk out of devotion or in fulfilment of a vow and others are just simply curious. Some will have walked a hundred miles, others five hundred and others more than a thousand.

What is nevertheless common to them all is that they will have left behind what is familiar and habitual in order to wake each day to a new vista, to a new stretch of road, to the scents and flavours of a land other than their own.

The best way to prepare for such a walk? To know if this pilgrimage is for you? The Road to Santiago movie is a very real account of the journey as walked by Alan Fields; an authentic, down to earth documentary which will transport you to the trail and put you in his shoes.

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One Man’s Walk for Water. A Philanthropic Pilgrimage, on Foot, from Denmark to Tanzania

One Man’s Walk for Water. A Philanthropic Pilgrimage, on Foot, from Denmark to Tanzania

Water is the most crucial condition for life of all kinds. All living organisms need it in order to survive, though there are more than 780 million people worldwide without access to clean drinking water. 345 million of them live in Africa alone. Every 21 seconds, a child dies from a water related sickness.

Instead of turning a blind eye, Charlie Christensen decided it was time to do something about it. On May 18 2015 he freed himself of his job, his apartment, and most of his possessions to begin Walking for Water; a philanthropic pilgrimage, on foot, from Denmark to Tanzania.

This means walking for 18,000 kilometers, through 28 countries, over 2.5 years. It is a journey to inspire the beginning of a movement meant to combine the trends of explorations and self realizing journeys with the noble cause of supplying the world with clean drinking water, wherever needed.

Almost one year in, he will cross the straight to Africa on the 18th of May 2016 to continue his journey.

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5 Reasons You Should Travel to Sri Lanka

5 Reasons You Should Travel to Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is many things. A mesmerizing and magical place, it is a beach lovers paradise kissed by tropical seas, and a haven for budget travelers and foodies with cheap prices, flavourful food and famous teas. There are oodles of heritage, wildlife, and incredible landscapes just waiting to be hiked. There are a huge range of timeless ruins and ancient sites.

Upon leaving New Zealand, I had no idea or expectations about Sri Lanka, only curiosity. Years of war and natural disasters like tsunamis have kept many travelers away. Though the country is quickly moving forward, and I found Sri Lanka’s myriad appeals alluring.

Arriving to a country that had seen so much suffering, I was humbled to see that the people in Sri Lanka were happy, friendly and optimistic about the future. The country is finally seeing peace and recovering from it’s tumultuous past, with a lot to offer those travelers willing to make a trip.

Sri Lanka is a small country, and you can pack a lot into a vacation of 12 to 16 days. The following are my favorite 5 reasons for why you should visit Sri Lanka. Travel now before the rest of the world realizes this unbelievable country has been hiding in plain sight.

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The Great and Not-so-great of Work Exchanges and Voluntourism

The Great and Not-so-great of Work Exchanges and Voluntourism

You wake up to the sound of birdsong outside your little stone hut, a fresh mountain breeze entering the space through the hand carved, traditional wooden vents that pepper the gorgeously textured natural walls. You wriggle out of your snug sleeping bag and step outside to be greeted by the Himalayan mountain range – the tallest peaks in the world rising resplendently from the green valleys far below you. Their flanks glisten in the gently filtered rays of another perfect sunrise. You say to yourself, today I’m gonna help some people, and it’ll be a good day.

This is life when volunteering, in particular, a work exchange in Nepal; but a similar scenario is attainable anywhere in the world. Replace the Himalayas with the Pacific Ocean; or replace your stone hut with a tent in a lush European forest, or a treehouse in the jungles of Costa Rica.

‘Voluntourism’ is a rather critical term thrown around a lot these days, but in my opinion it can be a wonderful, ethical, and sustainable way to travel, so long as you properly screen the families or local/international organisations with which you plan to work.

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The Sexiest Female Travelers of 2015. Brought to you by Individual Health #Geoblue

The Sexiest Female Travelers of 2015. Brought to you by Individual Health #Geoblue

Adventure has been the new pretty for a while now, and women who travel are continually redefining the traditional notion of “sexy” through their passion for exploring the world and adventurous soul.

These women are smart, independent and strong. They navigate unknown cities with a great sense of direction, but also enjoy the spontaneity of getting lost. They’re not searching for money, status or looks, they’re searching for knowledge and world experiences.

These women may not be the most dolled up, but they’re certainly the most authentic. Self sufficient women who challenge, encourage and inspire you to see, do and be more.

Though it’s not even that the following women have all of the above mentioned qualities which ultimately makes them sexy. It’s that they have gone against the “norm” to create a lifestyle that they love. It’s that they’re genuinely happy in life. And happy people are beautiful. They become like a mirror and reflect that happiness back on you.

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Home For Travelers: The First Place in Central Asia Where Travelers Stay For Free

Home For Travelers: The First Place in Central Asia Where Travelers Stay For Free

There are many options for free accommodation these days; between couch-surfing, house-sitting, home and work exchange, there are many hospitality exchanges which allow travelers to keep their accommodation costs quite cheap.

Though wouldn’t it be amazing if you could rock up to a regular guest house and grab a room for free? To be shown around a new destination, visit the sights, learn to cook local cuisine, without having to spend a cent?

With the hope to promote travel to Kyrgyzstan, this is exactly what Andrei Osianin is aiming to achieve. His vision is to create a “Home for Travelers” where travelers can stay and rest for free, immerse themselves into local Kyrgyzstan life, and learn more about the local culture and people. His goal is to create the first place in Central Asia where travelers from all around the world can stay for free.

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How to Take a Career Break to Travel the World

How to Take a Career Break to Travel the World

To those looking in, Craig and I are living the dream. Partying a SXSW music festival in Austin, trekking to Machu Picchu (Peru), discovering Colombia’s street art scene, diving in Cuba; at almost 30, we packed up our past lives as teacher and tradesman to backpack the Americas and Europe for 18 months, and our first five months on the road have produced incredible memories.

Though we’re often asked why we get to do it while many others have to settle for sitting at home dreaming about it. But it doesn’t have to be that way. You don’t have to settle for living vicariously.

We hope the following helps explain how to take a career break to travel. We imagine young ‘ins are as excited about spring break as we are about our career break!

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My Biggest Mistakes While Traveling The World

My Biggest Mistakes While Traveling The World

I’ve been quite lucky that in over 10 years of extensive travel I have never once been mugged, held up, arrested in a foreign country, or found myself in any kind of trouble which requires an embassy to assist. Knock on wood.

I have, however, made my fair share of stupid decisions and mistakes while traveling abroad, and hopefully you can make note so that you don’t have to learn the hard way too.

The following are my biggest mistakes while traveling abroad. Leave me a comment at the end of the post if you’ve had any epic fails too!

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Tips For Booking Accommodation in the Holidays

Tips For Booking Accommodation in the Holidays

As the holidays approach, destinations around the world are gearing up for the busiest time of the year, and prices on everything from flights to accommodation and food are getting ready to soar. It’s all well and good to advise that traveling during off season is the best way to score a cheaper vacation, though many travelers don’t actually have a choice, and especially for families with children, it’s impossible to avoid planning your travel over school holidays or during the Christmas and New Years break.

Though there are still a number of ways you can ensure a fabulous and affordable vacation even when traveling during peak season, and there are always ways to make your holiday dollars go further by thinking outside the box.

When it comes to travel, accommodation can easily make up the majority of your holiday costs, and your accommodation can make or break an entire holiday. It doesn’t matter if you’re planning on staying in a bungalow, a villa, a B&B or even a yurt; it’s important to make good decisions when it comes to planning your stay. To this end, use the following tips when booking holiday accommodation to guarantee a successful break.

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Why You Should Travel UNTIL You Retire. Don’t Wait 65 Years Until You Do.

Why You Should Travel UNTIL You Retire. Don’t Wait 65 Years Until You Do.

Regardless of which society you are born into, the gist for the majority of the world is that your life will follow a certain mold. There’s this traditional storyline that we’re meant to follow: graduate high school, move out, go to college and/or find a job, get married and have kids all before 25, and this has certainly been the way it’s worked for previous generations.

But that life-path is far from realistic anymore, and one of the greatest regrets in life is being what others would want you to be, rather than being yourself. Because if you settle for the mediocre, allow a life-path to be chosen for you, and think that waiting until you’re retired is the best time to travel the world, you’ve missed out on life and let it fly right by you.

Because one of the other greatest regrets in life is having missed out on all of the things you wanted to do.

This week’s inspiring traveler interview is with Megan Indoe and Scott Herder who believe that you should travel until you retire, and have been traveling South East Asia since 2013 living that very dream.

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