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Inspiring Traveler Interview: Where is Your Toothbrush?

Inspiring Traveler Interview: Where is Your Toothbrush?

As they continue to explore every inch of the world, having sold all of their possessions, Peter Korchnak and Lindsay Sauvé have completely redefined the meaning of “home”. Home is not where the heart is, and it’s not where you lie your head; rather, home is where your toothbrush is. And Peter and Lindsay’s toothbrushes have some...

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The Importance of Outdoor Adventure with Jill Wheeler.

The Importance of Outdoor Adventure with Jill Wheeler.

There is an emotional power associated with outdoor adventure. It has the power to be both transformational and empowering, and nobody knows this better than Jill Wheeler. A climber, skier, and kite surfing champion; a yoga, mountaineering and white water kayaking instructor; Jill is an advocate for women’s health and fitness, and advocate for achieving both...

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Make Money While Traveling The World. Start A Blog.

Make Money While Traveling The World. Start A Blog.

Make Money While Traveling The World. Start A Blog. I recently asked a room full of ordinary Americans “what kind of people get to travel?” The response from an overwhelming majority was “rich people”. Another popular response was “lucky people”. I don’t consider myself to be rich by any means, and I like to think that I...

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White Water Rafting, Costa Rica

White Water Rafting, Costa Rica

Potentially the most fun we had while in Costa Rica was spending three days white water rafting with Rios Tropicales.

Costa Rica is one of the best places in the world to ride rapids, offering a variety of rapid ‘classes’ for all skill levels including both beginners and the most experienced rafters. We definitely weren’t experts; in fact, I had no rafting skills at all! Regardless, we had an absolute BLAST riding the river rapids!

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Freelance Work

Below you will find a sampling of our freelance work, both online and published, as well as video from our most recent public speaking events.   Download PDF Versions of Our Published Works: (Some articles are quite large and may take a few minutes.)   8 Tips For Successful Romance on the Road Girl Gone International – July 2014. View Article Cover Page....

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Walking With African Wildlife

Walking With African Wildlife

As the doctor prepared my knees for an injection on a cool spring day in Colorado, he looked at me skeptically when I told him I needed to be able to run from elephants and climb trees to escape charging rhinos.

He was probably thinking he needed to transfer me to a psychiatrist to address my fanciful delusions after he fixed up my knees. But that’s what the application form said when I applied to the Walking With African Wildlife volunteer expedition in South Africa through Earthwatch International. “I need this kind of mobility,” I told him.

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Top Travel Tips From 2013

Top Travel Tips From 2013

Each Sunday, a community of travelers from all around the world meets on twitter for an hour to partake in Sunday Brunch Travel Chat.  Our last chat for the year revolved around “travel resolutions”.  Question 5 was: Share one piece of travel advice you learned from 2013 to help us become better travelers! Here are the answers from the top travelers on...

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Walking With African Wildlife

Walking With African Wildlife

As the doctor prepared my knees for an injection on a cool spring day in Colorado, he looked at me skeptically when I told him I needed to be able to run from elephants and climb trees to escape charging rhinos.

He was probably thinking he needed to transfer me to a psychiatrist to address my fanciful delusions after he fixed up my knees. But that’s what the application form said when I applied to the Walking With African Wildlife volunteer expedition in South Africa through Earthwatch International. “I need this kind of mobility,” I told him.

Indeed, such skills were needed and utilized by others of my volunteer team, though I was fortunate to evade or stare down elephants, rhinos and others, without resorting to these particular measures. And the moments in which I did so were some of the most thrilling, mind-erasing, exhilarating, adrenaline-soaked moments of my life.

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INTERVIEW: Zofia Baldyga of The Picktures

INTERVIEW: Zofia Baldyga of The Picktures

This week I would like to introduce you to an incredibly inspiring traveler – Zof Bałdyga.  Zofia is not only a world traveler, but believes in changing the world while she does so.  She in a veteran international volunteer and has seen sides of the world people never even think to dream of; impressive considering she grew up in a time where travel was almost...

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An Ode to My Travel Computer

An Ode to My Travel Computer

An Ode to My Travel Computer I have had many travel companions over the last 5 years.  I have traveled with friends, with family; I’ve traveled with partners, with strangers; in groups and with organizations.  One particular travel companion however has traveled with me since the beginning, and has been by my side throughout every international adventure.  We...

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A Video Documentary: Costa Rica Conservationists

A Video Documentary: Costa Rica Conservationists

During our time volunteering in Costa Rica during January 2012, film-maker Keira Austin followed us, documenting our conservation efforts. We joined a project organized through International Student Volunteers, which allowed us to take part in animal welfare projects in Costa Rica.

The first half highlights how the research obtained from our volunteer work has helped maintain a key habitat for dolphins and whales in the area of Golfo Dulce. This research was used to discontinue the establishment of a tuna farm in the bay of that is commonly used as a breeding ground for these marine creatures.

The second half follows as we help biologists collect research data for Poison Dart frogs, dolphins and whales in the Golfo Dulce region. This data was then obtained by the Costa Rican Government to help provide sustainable systems for conservation of wildlife in the area.

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How I Afford To Travel

How I Afford To Travel

How I Afford To Travel I grew up being told that you can achieve anything you want if you’re willing to work hard enough to get it.  And while it may sound like cliche advice, it’s the best advice I was ever given.  You CAN achieve anything you want, so long as you want it badly enough.  You can be anything you want, achieve anything you want, and even travel the...

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Couch Surfing! Another Accommodation Option!

Couch Surfing! Another Accommodation Option!

In recent years, hospitality exchange websites have revolutionised the way people travel. It used to be unheard of to go and stay in a stranger’s house for free while you’re traveling, but now it’s become a way of life for some people, and a means for connecting travelers across the globe.

Couchsurfing is an example of one of these websites, and its success has grown massively year on year since it was founded in 2004. Hundreds of new members now sign up each day to get involved with this innovative and interactive networking tool.

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A Solomon Island Escape

A Solomon Island Escape

City breaks might be great, and country retreats and resort getaways are all well and good, but nothing ever beats an island escape – and the Solomon’s have nearly one thousand islands in Oceania for you to choose from! I have been lucky enough to travel to my fair share of islands in the past – I recently honeymooned in Hawaii, explored the many islands which make...

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Keep the Solomons on your Radar

Keep the Solomons on your Radar

Keep the Solomon Islands on your radar.  The Islands have been the centre focus of weather radars around the world today, after a major 8.0 magnitude earthquake jolted the islands with small tsunami waves hitting the coastlines.  Sadly a handful of lives were lost and many villages on Santa Cruz Island were flattened; the tsunami warning has now been cancelled. The...

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Travel Bucket List

We are slowly crossing experiences off our travel bucket list as we make our way around the world.  Do you have any other epic additions to suggest?  Contact us or leave a suggestion below! Anything in blue we have written posts on, so click through to read about our adventures!    Antarctica!! Attend La Tomatina in Spain (Tomato fight!) Attend Mardi Gras...

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Blog Roll

Looking for more amazing travel blogs to follow?

Blogs are of our favorite way to plan our trips, source out real traveler reviews, and find insider information, and they are one of the biggest influences in inspiring our next destinations.

They encourage us to travel, challenge our opinions and perceptions on cultures, politics, and world events, and bring freshness, immediacy, interactivity, and personality to new age journalism.

The following is a directory of blogs we love to follow should you be looking for further reading.

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Articles On Other Sites

We are regularly contributing to other blogs, magazines, and media outlets, and are proud to have obtained a number of media mentions and accolades. Use the below tabs to find our most recent freelance work, articles on other sites, and interviews. You can also find collaborations we take part in, podcasts and awards. Please contact us to organize an interview, take...

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