Travel Apps You May Not Have Realized You Need
When we think of useful travel apps we think of browsing the app store and downloading something useful to our phone.
And certainly, nowadays there are apps for just about everything; flight schedules, money journals, foreign language translations – there’s something to meet every traveler’s need.
There are many mainstream apps that almost everyone has; social media apps for staying connected, perhaps online banking to stay on top of your bills while you’re overseas. But by the same token, there are also a range of apps that will make your life easier, that you may not have realized you need!
read moreHow to Recover Lost Photos and Files (For Free) Using Disk Drill
There’s literally nothing worse than losing your photos or files (maybe travelers diarrhea, but to be totally honest, given the choice I would probably prefer the diarrhea!).
Imagine this: you’ve spent 2 weeks in Finland taking incredible photos, kept an excel document of everyone’s phone numbers and email addresses that you met along the way, but 2 weeks later it’s all been completely wiped from your computer.
And that’s not a fake scenario, it actually happened to me. I literally have zero photo proof that I’ve ever been to Finland or eaten reindeer.
Or you’re in the middle of an epic round the world adventure, and suddenly you can’t find the folder with all your flight confirmations, hotel and tour bookings, and itinerary.
Also happened to me.
And even though I consider myself to be reasonably tech savvy, trust me when I say it’s a struggle to recover those important files. And before I heard of Disk Drill, I never succeeded at file recovery. Now though, it’s a totally different story.
read moreThe Advantages of Traveling With a Single Camera: Stories Captured With the Fuji X100F
With travel photography becoming increasingly popular, a good quality camera is now a necessity for most travelers. But the biggest question is, what kind of camera should we use?
Whether you are an already experienced photographer or a beginner looking for ideas on which camera is the best, I see a lot of misguidance when it comes to advice on travel cameras.
A of lot of the time, I see people recommend equipment that would leave any professional photographer envious. And a lot of it. But from my own experience, you don’t need a very complex setup or the most expensive gear.
I traveled with the Fuji X100F through Southeast Asia for a few months and couldn’t be happier with it. For me, this is my ideal travel camera, and I want to share the stories that I was able to capture with that one single camera.
read moreThe Best Ways to Keep Your Phone Safe While You’re Traveling
Almost every traveler packs their phone these days; when you have a GPS, a translator, an entertainment system and a camera all rolled up into one device, your phone becomes an essential part of the travel experience that you can’t afford to lose (with the prices of new phones lately, it’s often literally something you can’t afford to lose).
But every year thousands of smart phones are lost, stolen, or damaged while on vacation. In Australia alone, the AMTA reports more than 100,000 mobile phones are lost or stolen every year. That’s 2,000 each week or one mobile phone handset every six minutes.
And that’s not even considering the phones which are damaged, or hacked as part of cyber-theft.
Considering the expense of phones these days, the inconvenience of losing your boarding passes, photos, and contacts, and the security risks of having your personal data and information available for hack, it’s imperative to protect your phone when you travel overseas.
read moreThe Best Apps for Travellers Heading to Europe
Our smartphones have become like our own personalized travel agents these days. From finding flights, to accessing real time translations, they have become a one stop shop for everything we need to search for, book, and enjoy our holidays.
Through the use of helpful apps, we can now easily travel all around the world like a pro. Though the usefulness of an app can definitely be regional; for instance what might be a brilliant app for Australia, might not do you any good in Europe.
When travelling through Europe you are faced with a wide variety of transportation options, hotel decisions, languages, currency conversions, etc. As such, knowing what the best apps are to help you with your journey is vital in order to enjoy a flawless travel experience.
The following are our favorite apps for European travel. I guarantee you’ll be well taken care of if you have these seven apps on your phone!
read more5 Video Editing Tips That Every Traveler Needs to Know
Video has become the newest trend in the world of travel; photos are still popular of course, but nothing beats a moving visual; something that can truly tell the story of a trip, beyond the 2 dimensional.
Video is a much more creative and engaging way of sharing stories and experiences from your travels, and watching them back is a more effective way of remembering a trip. We’ve all heard the phrase “a picture is worth a 1000 words”, but if you’re shooting at 30 frames per second, every second of video is worth 30,000 words!
Shooting video is fairly straight forward, however when it comes to editing, that part isn’t always so easy. The final product needs to be compatible across various devices, you need to export for the best video quality, but aim for a small file size, and make sure that it tells a vivid story.
To that end, we have summarized the 5 most important video editing tips that every traveler needs to know.
read moreThe Ultimate Outdoor Networking Device for Adventurous Travelers – GoHeart Review
As adventure travellers, Mike and I often find ourselves travelling to off the beaten path destinations. Whether it’s engaging in all day treks in search of wildlife, or biking down the world’s most dangerous road in Bolivia, for some reason we’re drawn to a destination’s less explored places.
Getting off the beaten path has led to some incredibly unique and memorable experiences, but one definite hazard is that once you leave the main tourist route, you do put yourself at a bit of a risk in terms of safety.
It’s often the case that exploring off the beaten path means finding ourselves off the grid, without a means of communicating. But there’s one device that aims to change that, and become the ultimate device for outdoor networking, allowing you to stay in contact with friends and access emergency assistance without needing the internet or a phone signal.
read moreTravelling With a Portable Language Translator: Mesay 2.0 Review
As I travel around the world, it never ceases to amaze me just how many people are fluent in more than one language. Granted, I am blessed that the only language I can speak is spoken nearly everywhere to at least some degree. Though this isn’t always true once you start travelling off the beaten path, and it is a sign of respect when visiting someone else’s country that you at least attempt to speak in their native tongue.
I am well aware that I should be the one to learn other languages. I don’t expect other cultures to conform to my native language, and I do actually enjoy discovering destinations that haven’t adopted English as an alternate or additional language. Like many frequent travellers though, I don’t have the aptitude to learn16 different languages, but I still want to communicate effectively wherever I go.
Last year I wrote an article about using MESAY, which is a portable language translator that you speak into, and it spits out translations in real time. Though the company has recently developed an upgrade, and will soon be launching MESAY 2.0.
read moreTop 6 Mirrorless Cameras for Travel Photography
With travel photography becoming increasingly popular, a good quality camera is now a necessity for most travelers. But the biggest question is, what kind of camera should we use?
For years, a DSLR camera was everyone’s go-to. But technology evolves, and there’s a growing trend among travelers today to go the mirrorless route.
Keeping up pace with bulkier and older DSLRs, mirrorless cameras use the latest technology to produce high quality images in smaller bodies. It’s called mirrorless because the cameras are designed not to have an optical mirror in front of the sensor, which is common in DSLR cameras. Instead, it uses a digital display system, or an electronic viewfinder.
So if you’re planning to switch your DSLR to a mirrorless camera, or you’re looking for your first camera to start with, here are 6 mirrorless cameras that you can try.
read moreFluid + Form’s Eagle 4K – Best Action Camera Under $100
If you’re anything like me, you get a headache when it comes to understanding the specs of today’s cameras. I try my hardest to watch YouTube tutorials in an effort to become wiser, but end up frustrated and feeling as though I am that single kid in the back of the class that just doesn’t get it.
Yes I want a camera that records good images and video, I am after all a travel blogger who needs to share my experiences with the world. My goal, however, is to inspire others to travel, not to enter photo competitions or create the next Academy Award winning masterpiece.
We’ve all become so programmed to think we need to keep up with the crowd by shelling out hundreds if not thousands of dollars on the latest well known name brand camera equipment. But there comes a stage where you wonder if we really need all these new fancy camera features and if so, does it really have to cost us an arm and a leg to get it?
Personally, I’ve gotten to the stage where I would rather spend more on adventure travel and less on action camera’s.
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