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7 Quirky Things to Do Indoors During Winter in the U.K.

Posted by on 8:10 pm in Blog, Travel Tips, UK | 2 comments

7 Quirky Things to Do Indoors During Winter in the U.K.

While winter may limit a number of things you can enjoy around the U.K., the snow and cold offers an excuse to check out some of the more unusual indoor British activities and attractions.

While many use the winter months to catch some West End theatre or explore the many museums, why not use this time to be original and experience something new.

While winter may not offer the warmth and plentiful outdoor activities the warmer months provide, it does present the opportunity to go skiing, ice skating, snowshoeing, and even check out the Cairngorm’s reindeer herd.

But what if you’re not exactly into rugging-up and heading outdoors to brave the cold, snow, and ice? While you could simply snuggle up on the couch and binge The Crown off Netflix, there are endless exciting indoor adventures to be had around the U.K.

Here are just some of the top quirky indoor attractions that will keep you energized and amused as the days grow shorter and spending time outdoors becomes less enticing.

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Things That Will Land You in Serious Trouble on a Plane

Posted by on 7:48 pm in Blog, Healthy Travel, Travel Tips | 0 comments

Things That Will Land You in Serious Trouble on a Plane

When it comes to plane etiquette, there’s a lot of debate around things like whether or not you should take off your shoes, and whether reclining your seat makes you a horrible human being (personally I’m on team recline).

Also whether you should sneak off to the bathrooms for … well … you know what I mean.

But beyond what might be faux pas and bad social etiquette, there are a number of things which can actually land you jail, and risk your health and safety.

Far more serious than walking barefoot to the bathrooms (seriously – ew), the following things fall into the camp of landing you in serious trouble on a plane.

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Gambling Culture in Japan: An Introduction to Japanese Gambling Culture

Posted by on 6:25 pm in Blog, Japan, Travel Tips | 0 comments

Gambling Culture in Japan: An Introduction to Japanese Gambling Culture

Gambling is one of the oldest leisure activities in human history, from dicing in the streets of Greece and Rome, to card games in China.

However one country where you haven’t been able to gamble in the past hundred years is Japan. At least, that’s the international perception, but it’s not entirely true.

Gambling has been a taboo subject in Japanese society, and since 1907 most forms of gambling, including casinos, have indeed been illegal. However there are many forms of legal gambling within Japan, including Pachinko, the Lottery, and certain types of sports betting.

With the realization of just how big international casino tourism is (hello Macau tourism dollars), and with COVID moving culture to online entertainment, Japan may just be starting to embrace changes to their century-old gaming laws. Here’s an introduction to Japanese gambling culture.

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Trends in Sustainable Travel Gear

Posted by on 9:30 am in Blog, Eco Tourism, Equipment Reviews, Travel Tips | 0 comments

Trends in Sustainable Travel Gear

They say travelers should take only photos and leave only footprints, but it may just be our footprints that are doing the most harm to our planet.

Most of us are now aware of our carbon footprint, which is the total amount of greenhouse gases each of us generates. Sadly, our carbon footprints tend to be more damaging when we travel.

While most of us put a lot of time and effort into carefully packing for our vacations in terms of saving on weight and space and only carrying things we’ll actually need, few of us are conscious of how environmentally friendly our travel gear is.

One of the best ways to become a sustainable traveler is to start thinking about what products you take with you traveling. There are now countless eco-friendly travel products on the market made by companies that use organic or recycled materials and in some cases even donate a percentage of their profits to earth-saving initiatives.

After researching sustainable products, you’ll soon discover that items like sunglasses, hats, and suitcases are now being made from recycled materials, and can result in a huge reduction in waste. Here are some great sustainable travel gear items you should think about.

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Best Card Games You Can Play While Travelling

Posted by on 11:26 pm in Blog, Travel Tips | 0 comments

Best Card Games You Can Play While Travelling

As exciting as travel is, there’s usually a fair share of dull downtime to fill whether it be waiting in a hotel lobby for check-in time or waiting for a flight at the airport.

Sure, you can fill that time with endless scrolling on Facebook , but if you’re without Wi-Fi or data , or simply want to be a bit more social, card games are a great way to pass the time. They’re also a great way to meet new people while travelling, as they can be a great ice breaker when staying in places like hostels.

So, if you’re looking for that ace up your sleeve the next time you’re bored while on holiday, check out one of these top card games for travellers.

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4 Ways to Make Your Next Vacation Memorable

Posted by on 11:18 am in Blog, Travel Tips | 0 comments

4 Ways to Make Your Next Vacation Memorable

I think most of us would agree that vacations seem to go by way too fast. As the old saying goes, “time flies when you’re having fun”. But how can you make sure your vacations are indeed enjoyable and even more importantly, memorable?

After many years of continuous travel, I have found there are a number of effective ways you can ensure your travel memories will stay with you for the rest of your life.

And it’s important to note that a trip can be memorable for wrong reasons as well, so let’s just focus on ways you can enjoy positive travel experiences that will bring back many memorable moments.

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Best Side Hustle Jobs to Save Up for Travel

Posted by on 9:13 pm in Blog, Budget Travel, Travel Tips | 2 comments

Best Side Hustle Jobs to Save Up for Travel

International travel may be coming back soon, but that doesn’t mean your travel fund will necessarily be ready. Many people have seen their finances take a hit and are now looking for ways they can earn extra cash to save up for travel.

Thankfully, there are many side hustle jobs out there that will allow you to earn quick money on a schedule that works for you without having to seek out another constrictive part-time job which may force you to work more than you are willing or able to.

The best part of many side hustle jobs is that they don’t require a degree or very much training if any at all. You may even be able to turn a hobby or something you enjoy into cash.

Whether it’s starting a blog, selling items around your home that are otherwise just collecting dust, or renting out a spare bedroom in your home, there are many easy ways to turn any extra free time into money you can put towards memorable travel experiences. Here are some of my most recommended side hustle jobs.

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5 Tips for Traveling After You Retire

Posted by on 11:28 am in Blog, Healthy Travel, Travel Tips | 0 comments

5 Tips for Traveling After You Retire

Most people love to travel, but it’s often not until we retire where we finally get the time and financial freedom to travel more freely. If you’re approaching retirement age and are looking to travel, there are some important factors to keep in mind.

Nothing beats the feeling of not having to go to work another single day in your life, but many people can feel a loss of purpose or become bored shortly after they retire. One sure fire way to feel alive again after retiring is through travel.

We often think of retirees as older seniors but people of all ages can find themselves not needing to work. If you’re not interested in knitting sweaters in your recliner or working on jigsaws all day, why not consider reinventing yourself through travel.

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4 Tips to Cut Down on Travel Delays When Flying

Posted by on 9:34 am in Blog, Travel Tips | 0 comments

4 Tips to Cut Down on Travel Delays When Flying

No matter how carefully you plan your vacations, every traveler will at some point be impacted by travel delays. And while travel insurance may be able to reimburse you financially for your troubles, nothing will help you reclaim the time you lost.

Thankfully, there are a number of things you can do to reduce the chances of experiencing delays the next time you fly, and not be part of the 25% of airline passengers hit with either delays or cancellations every year.

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Top Ways to Help You Save For Your Next Trip

Posted by on 10:08 am in Blog, Budget Travel, Travel Tips | 2 comments

Top Ways to Help You Save For Your Next Trip

Are you looking to enjoy more travel but finding money is a bit tight? There are a number of ways you can learn to simplify your life by reducing your daily expenses in order to help you save up for travel.

By learning how to differentiate between essential expenses and unnecessary purchases, along with changing what you put value on, you may be able to enjoy more travel without having to find a second job or sell everything you’ve worked hard for.

We’ve all read those articles about individuals or couples selling their homes and nearly all their belongings in order to travel the world. While the notion may seem romantic and adventurous, for many people it just isn’t realistic and does come with obvious drawbacks and challenges.

Sure, saving can be difficult, but you don’t have to sell everything you own in order to afford taking a holiday. There are many things you can do in your daily life that will help you cut your everyday expenses and allow you to save for the travel you desire.

By setting goals and learning how to budget, along with tracking your spending and cutting costs in certain areas, you too can free up some of your income to allocate to travel. Here are some of the best ways that will allow you to save money for your yearly travel fund.

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