Best Ways To Stay Connected To Internet While Traveling Abroad
The internet has made traveling abroad not only manageable, but pretty easy in-fact. We’re now at the point where the phone in your pocket can translate words, give you directions, and recommend must-do activities.
I’d be hard pressed to name a traveler in the 21st century who doesn’t rely on some form of smartphone app. But of course, most of these apps are dependent on having a stable internet connection.
Without one, your phone camera might work, but that’s probably about it. But thankfully, staying connected isn’t all that difficult. Multiple options exist and these days, most won’t break the wallet. The following are the most convenient ways to keep an internet connection while you’re on international leave or vacay.
read more5 Excellent Reasons Travelers Should Embrace Flashpacking
We’re all familiar with backpacking, whether we ourselves embarked on a journey or knew a friend or family member who did. Backpacking is a great way to experience authentic travel by really embracing the local culture of a destination.
But what exactly is flashpacking?
Similar to backpacking but with more comfort and opportunities, flashpacking is becoming an increasingly more preferred way to travel.
read moreTips for Digital Nomads in Florida
Every year, more and more people are trading in their 9 to 5 office job for a digital nomad lifestyle. Companies are becoming increasingly more flexible in allowing their employees to work from home, especially since the pandemic hit and they were sometimes forced to.
While it may seem like a dream working remotely from home or wherever you decide to set yourself up, there are a few things to consider before ditching the cubicle.
There are all kinds of careers these days which allow you to become a digital nomad. You can be a website developer, online yoga instructor, or e-commerce wizard selling products on Ebay, Amazon, and Etsy.
Being a digital nomad often means you get to set your own hours and work schedule. You can conduct business from the comfort of your couch or while enjoying a view of the beach. So long as you have a computer and an internet signal, you can begin to capitalize on modern technology and potentially earn a lot of money.
If you’re an independent thinker and think you have the drive and commitment to work for yourself from home or simply want to search for an online job offered by a company that allows you to work remotely, there are a number of tips that can help you get started and succeed.
If you’ve ever wanted to relocate to somewhere warm and tropical like Florida as I did, check out my top tips for becoming a digital nomad in Florida.
read moreHow to Travel Safely with a Laptop
Vacations are supposed to be about logging off, but most of us still end up traveling with our laptop.
Whether we need it for business, or checking on emails and loading travel pics to our social media feeds, our laptops can be a lifeline to our life back home, and a valuable tool when booking tours, tickets, looking up directions, and researching things to do in the area you’re visiting.
While most of us check and recheck to make sure we packed our laptop, we often don’t give nearly as much thought into keeping our laptop protected both physically and in terms of making certain our personal data that is stored on it remains secure.
From the moment your laptop leaves the safety of your home, you make it vulnerable to getting damaged or potentially stolen. Thankfully though, there are many ways you can reduce the chances of anything happening to your laptop and the data that’s stored on it.
read moreWhat You Need To Think About Before Travelling After a Pandemic
Most of us in 2020 saw our travel plans cancelled or severely disrupted. While we may have lost nearly an entire year of travel experiences, 2021 will hopefully be the year where the travel industry recovers.
We saw many of our most beloved travel destinations descend into lockdowns during 2020. Thankfully, some destinations have already begun to open back up to travel once again and with COVID-19 vaccines beginning to be developed and distributed around the world, hopefully more countries will be able to open back up to travellers soon.
Regulations and restrictions around COVID are constantly changing, making it crucial to stay on top of the latest travel and health information when planning travel in 2021.
No doubt most of us will be looking to make up for the travel opportunities we missed out on during the year of the pandemic, but as we look to travelling once again, many of us will be making safety one of our top priorities when planning our future travel.
As travel begins to rebound, find out what you need to think about before you begin travelling in 2021.
read moreTravel Laptop Safety: Pro Tips for Picking the Right Antivirus Software for PC
Have you been using your current PC for longer than you can remember? Has your PC become noticeably slow?
I traveled with my first laptop for 7 years until its untimely death, and have traveled with my second since 2013 to this day! (Admittedly it’s on it’s last legs and held together with duct tape!)
It’s inevitable that, at one point or another, the time will come for us all to get a replacement. Buying a new computer can be a fun yet daunting task. You have to research, scroll through reviews, and potentially try out a few different models.
After doing all of that legwork, the last thing that you want is to get a virus. Especially as electronics can be difficult to replace or take into a shop when you’re on the other side of the world, in a completely different country.
read moreYour Guide To Plane Travel With Vapes
As travel around Australia begins to open up again and with Christmas just around the corner, you’re probably starting to plan your next adventure.
Whether you’re heading interstate to see family, or you’re planning an overseas trip in the future, there’s a lot you need to consider in the lead up – what to pack, how much money to take, and what to do when you get there.
If you vape, there’s an added stress of whether or not you can take your vape on the plane, or if you can even take it in the first place. The following tips will assist.
read moreWhat to Expect from Worldwide Sporting Events after the Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted many aspects of culture around the world, and the world of sport is no exception. Major sporting events have faced unprecedented restrictions, including postponements and, in some cases, full cancellations.
The most notable of all – the Tokyo Olympics.
Not since WWII has the world seen so much disruption to sporting events. Very few countries have managed to continue with sports with little or no disruption, and even those that have been able to proceed as normal have most likely gone against health advice in doing so.
Players’ salaries have been cut, and jobs have been lost thanks to restrictions on large gatherings in stadiums. Who would have thought we’d ever see the day when games were played in stadiums with no fans.
All this said, sport has begun to return for many countries and continues to push on. So let’s look at how some of the major sports around the world have been affected by the pandemic, and what we can expect going forward.
read moreNumbers Don’t Lie! Travelers Are Hitting the Road Now More Than Ever
In light of our changing world, having wanderlust is not as easy as it used to be. Social distancing and pandemics have created a need to carve out our own space, and international border restrictions are changing almost daily.
Not surprisingly, international plans have mostly been cancelled, but recent numbers suggest that travelers are still hitting the road; they’re heading into the great (local) outdoors in record-setting numbers.
Nature is the best way to ground, renew, and engage with your life in a way that helps through these troubling times. People are seeking solace and sanity by getting back to nature, and finding new ways to travel by re-discovering old standbys.
In terms of how the pandemic has affected travel, we’ve got data you’ll find interesting and all the details on how and why travelers are hitting the road now more than ever!
read moreThings to Know about International Credit Card Payments
There are many ways to make purchases while traveling abroad. You can convert your home currency into local cash, wire money, use a debit card or prepaid travel card, or look into traveler’s checks if you want to go old school (and can still find a company that issues them!).
Most travelers, however, will opt for the easiest and often most economical way to pay for things which is with credit cards.
While it’s always a good idea to have a variety of ways to access your cash while traveling, credit cards will most likely be your go-to when paying for food, transport, admission tickets, and souvenirs. If you plan on using a credit the next time you travel internationally, here are a few important things you should know.
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