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Travel Tips

Travel Tips & Current Trends – How to Find the Best Travel Sites for Your Holiday!

Posted by on 10:46 pm in Blog, Travel Tips | 10 comments – How to Find the Best Travel Sites for Your Holiday!

Booking your own travel has never been easier than it is today. While 10 years ago you would know your local travel agent by name, today you can research, compare prices, and book everything from flights, to cruises, and hotels, all super easily without needing any help.

Though there are now so many websites and resources, that people are turning back to their local travel agent, because there’s just too much information to sort through. I mean, when booking hotels, do you book through What about Expedia? Agoda? Priceline? Tripadvisor? Orbitz? And what about flights? Car rentals? Cruise sites? You would be forgiven for breaking out in hives!

But don’t freak out just yet, because I’m about to tell you about one more site. is a travelers dream; a free database that lists all of the best travel websites, arranges them by category, and ranks them so that you can easily find everything you need.

I have the site bookmarked as the place to find the best travel-related resources online. You should too! Either jump over to right now (because it’s pretty self explanatory), or read on for an in depth review.

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Tips To Packing for A Weekend Getaway

Posted by on 1:49 pm in Travel Tips | 0 comments

Tips To Packing for A Weekend Getaway

It’s safe to say that we’ve all been in the position of having packed a bit too much on a previous trip. Whether it’s backup shoes or an extra iPad, even with our best efforts, sometimes avoiding overpacking is a hard thing to do.

Packing a suitcase is somewhat of a tricky mixture of artistry and science, but when you’re only heading out on a short weekend trip, you really don’t need that much with you. In fact, you should be able to travel with only carry-on.

So if you’d love to learn to pack less but have no idea how to pair down your options, let this be your guide to packing for a 48 hour weekend trip.

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Travel Tips for Your First Time Flying

Posted by on 7:47 pm in Blog, Travel Tips | 4 comments

Travel Tips for Your First Time Flying

Plane travel is so common in today’s world that we often assume most people have flown at least once in their life, but this isn’t always the case. And while many people already know the ins and outs of flying, everybody has to fly for the first time at some stage.

Over the years, I have definitely made a lot of beginner flyer mistakes, such as booking the wrong airport, and misspelling my name on an international ticket which resulted in a $300 change fee.

So if you’re flying for the first time it is my hope that I can help you avoid the mistakes I have made, and help you feel like a pro on your very first flight.

Whether you’re afraid of flying or have simply never had the opportunity to travel before, I would love to give you a few tips on what to expect, and how to make your first flight as relaxing and stress-free as possible.

Who knows, maybe you’ll even enjoy it!

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What to Do if You’re Arrested in a Foreign Country

Posted by on 6:11 pm in Blog, Travel Tips | 2 comments

What to Do if You’re Arrested in a Foreign Country

One of the most important things when traveling is to make sure you’re aware of the laws of the country we’re traveling to. Every country has their own unique laws, and what might be totally normal in your part of the world could be strictly forbidden somewhere else.

Foreign countries don’t care how law-abiding you are back home. If you violate their laws, they’re likely to penalize you. So it’s incredibly important to read up on the laws of the country you’re traveling to.

For instance, public displays of affection can land you behind bars in Saudi Arabia, and it’s illegal to chew gum in Singapore. Drugs are something you don’t want to touch in any country, and in countries like Malaysia, China, and Iran, some drug crimes could land you with the death penalty.

Being arrested overseas can be very traumatic, distressing and frightening. But if you do find yourself in this situation, the following general advice should help you.

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Work While You Travel: Ways to Make Extra Cash on the Move

Posted by on 2:16 pm in Budget Travel, Expat Life, Travel Tips | 0 comments

Work While You Travel: Ways to Make Extra Cash on the Move

A desk job isn’t for everyone. Indeed, if you’ve worked in an office environment for an extended period of time, it’s likely you’ve felt the desire to get out of your workspace and explore the world at large at least once or twice.

But traditional jobs usually only offer 2-4 weeks of leave, and you can’t exactly ‘see the world’ in that amount of time. While we might dream of just taking off and leaving our boss behind, the one thing that usually prevents us from doing so is the money side.

I mean, what happens if you do take a year off, but you’ve under budgeted, and you get half way through a year long trip and your money dries up?

That’s a real worry.

If you’ve ever dreamed of traveling for longer, but you’re worried if your savings is going to be enough, the following are our six favorite ways for making money on the move.

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Five Expert Tips For Teaching Fido To Travel in a Car

Posted by on 7:54 pm in Blog, Road Trips, Travel Tips, Writers | 2 comments

Five Expert Tips For Teaching Fido To Travel in a Car

Would you be surprised to know that 56% of pet-owners transport their dog by car, at least once a month?

Not only do visits to the Vet usually involve transporting Fido in the car, many dog-parents take their beloved four-legged friend on vacation with them, or simply decide to go to the lake for the day.

Whilst many dogs cope well during travel, we have put together 5 of the best tips for training Fido to travel in a car, safely.

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How to Stay Comfortable on a Long Distance Flight

Posted by on 11:51 pm in Blog, Travel Tips | 6 comments

How to Stay Comfortable on a Long Distance Flight

There’s no denying that travel can sometimes be frustrating. And especially when it comes to long distance travel, a lot of the time it’s just downright uncomfortable.

The experiences once we get to a new destination always make the journey worthwhile, and as soon as we’re trekking through the Himalayas or snorkelling through Mexican cenotes, we completely forget about having been cramped in economy the day before.

But, for those 15 + hours where you’re very aware of just how awkward a long haul flight is, we recommend the following travel hacks to making yourself more comfortable.

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5 Gadgets Frequent Travelers Use

Posted by on 12:22 pm in Blog, Technology, Travel Tips | 4 comments

5 Gadgets Frequent Travelers Use

You can spot a frequent traveler from miles away. They’re the ones that know how to score an upgrade, always pack a portable phone charger, and somehow manage to appear fresh after a 10 hour flight.

Frequent travelers have an easier time traveling, because their experience means they know which useful gadgets to use. Having the right technology with you can greatly enhance a trip, though with so much technology these days, the trouble is often knowing which gadgets to invest in.

So, if you’re struggling to narrow down your tech list, the following are must-have gadgets that frequent travelers use, along with the travel style that they best suit.

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What to Pack For A Girls Weekend Getaway

Posted by on 11:42 pm in Travel Tips | 0 comments

What to Pack For A Girls Weekend Getaway

It’s almost that time of year again, and you know what that means, right? It’s just about time for an all-girls road trip! Sure, it’s only for a weekend, but you can’t go out into the great big world empty-handed. You need a flashy bag—with something in it.

The problem is, when you wait until the last minute to pack, things tend to slip your mind and you forget important items that might really come in handy. So how about this time, you let me do the work for you?

You can just check everything off the list as you pack. Deal? Deal!

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Your Privacy is at Risk When You Travel: Here’s Why You NEED a VPN

Posted by on 1:15 pm in Blog, Travel Tips | 2 comments

Your Privacy is at Risk When You Travel: Here’s Why You NEED a VPN

When you travel to another country, it’s good practice to be vigilant and aware of your surroundings to keep yourself safe from possible threats. But what about online threats?

Did you know that when you travel to other countries, in many cases, you are more vulnerable to online threats than you are at home?

For many of us, when we connect to the Internet, we don’t think at all about how we’re connecting. We just do. The devices we use even connect themselves to the Internet sometimes, for all kinds of things like backups and automatic updates.

While that’s just the nature of the way we live now, it doesn’t mean you don’t need to be careful to protect yourself and your information. Because most internet connections we used by travelers are open public networks, this puts our personal data at risk.

Abstinence has never been a practical solution, so the one way to solve this is by using one of the best free VPNs. Here’s why you need to be traveling with a Virtual Private Network (VPN) for the sake of your data.

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