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How to Get Around Censorship of the Internet: Travel With a VPN

Posted by on 8:44 pm in Blog, Travel Tips | 4 comments

How to Get Around Censorship of the Internet: Travel With a VPN

The Internet and its uses are wondrous. And you may think that no matter where you are in the world, you can access whatever you want as long as you there is an available internet connection, right?

Unfortunately, that’s wrong.

While the internet might hold the answer to everything, there are actually a lot of restrictions and legalities involved with what kinds of content you’ll be able to access in specific parts of the world.

Not every country believes in providing free and open internet to their citizens, and you might find when traveling that your internet access is limited, and the government has blocked certain websites.

This means that if you’re traveling internationally, you might want to do a little research and prepare yourself for the browsing and streaming complications that might arise while you’re on your trip.

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Ways to Stay Entertained on a Long Distance Bus Ride

Posted by on 4:01 pm in Blog, Road Trips, Travel Tips | 4 comments

Ways to Stay Entertained on a Long Distance Bus Ride

Let’s be honest – no-one particularly enjoys a long bus ride. It can be crowded, too hot, and most all, incredibly boring.

Though despite being confined to one seat for hours at a time, there are definitely ways to distract yourself so that the time flies by.

Dreading an upcoming long distance journey? These activities will keep you entertained throughout the long-distance bus ride.

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Travel Hacks For A Stress Free Flight

Posted by on 6:21 pm in Travel Tips | 0 comments

Travel Hacks For A Stress Free Flight

Travel is an ironic hobby; the experience of being in a new destination is both fantastic and exciting, but the actual travel involved with traveling can be quite another thing.

From long customs and immigration queues, to fees for excess baggage, and shrinking leg space every time you fly, the physical act of traveling can be stressful. And this has never been more true than in the case of flying.

However there is good news! Despite the airlines cutting our leg space, and the transit time through airports getting longer, there are a number of travel hacks that can go a long way to reducing the stress of a flight.

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4 Common Mistakes First Time Travelers Make

Posted by on 1:28 pm in Travel Tips | 4 comments

4 Common Mistakes First Time Travelers Make

When it comes to planning a holiday, most people aim to tick off the essentials – tickets, accommodation, and itinerary.

However, there is a lot more involved with overseas travel, and it’s not uncommon for first time travelers to make a few mistakes.

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5 Reasons Croatia is the HOTTEST Sailing Destination of the Year!

Posted by on 3:11 pm in Adventure Travel, Blog, Croatia, Travel Tips | 8 comments

5 Reasons Croatia is the HOTTEST Sailing Destination of the Year!

My last trip to Croatia was 2007, though I still remember that summer vividly; jumping from the top of ancient fortifications to splash down into the sea, lazily drinking cocktails on the beach, and exploring the country’s island speckled coastline via sailing.

Oh, the sailing!

Croatia has seen a massive increase in popularity of late, but its status as a sailor’s paradise has been known for decades. And, whether you want to rent a boat in Croatia to be your own captain, or jump on a skippered trip just for a day, everyone visiting Croatia should experience sailing.

Croatia is home to more than 1,000 islands, all with amazing beaches, historic ruins, and Game of Thrones style medieval scenery. And of course, connecting them all is the dazzling sapphire water of the Adriatic Sea; so mezermizing that it ‘sparkles with a jewel-like intensity’.

So, take in Croatia’s national parks, and don’t miss its spectacular walled cities. But definitely don’t miss out on the chance to go sailing. The following are 5 reasons Croatia has just been named as the hottest sailing destination of 2019.

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Trekking Essentials: The Beginners Guide to Everything You Need With You On A Trek

Posted by on 5:28 pm in Adventure Travel, Travel Tips | 14 comments

Trekking Essentials: The Beginners Guide to Everything You Need With You On A Trek

You’ve made the decision to head off on a trek … awesome! The world is full of incredible hiking trails, and strapping on your boots is a great way to immerse yourself in nature.

But as fun as trekking is, it’s incredibly important that you head out with the right equipment. This doesn’t always mean you need to spend a tonne of money on hiking poles, or camelbacks, but it’s often the simplest things that are the most important on a trek.

Whether you’re heading on a day walk, or a multi day trek, the following are essentials you should always have with you.

This list covers the basics for beginner trekkers, though even if you’re a seasoned pro, it’s important never to become so overconfident that we forget the essentials.

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The Importance of Car Hire Excess Waiver Insurance

Posted by on 1:18 pm in Blog, Budget Travel, Road Trips, Travel Tips | 4 comments

The Importance of Car Hire Excess Waiver Insurance

Our most recent road trip saw us hire a car in Cancun. We were wary about driving in Mexico, but ultimately wanted the freedom to get around without being stuck on a tour bus.

And while the trip itself went smoothly, picking up the car hire almost took longer than the flight did.

Despite the ridiculous wait, I didn’t plan on complaining; the Hertz girl was copping an earful already. The guy in front of us was trying to return his vehicle, and wasn’t thrilled that his credit card was being charged $5,000 for, what he argued, was minimal damage.

He had taken out car hire insurance, but didn’t have an excess waiver, and had a really shitty deductible.

After having listened to an hour of his yelling, we finally got the keys to out own vehicle, and, drove out of the lot having learnt a very valuable lesson.

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Things to Consider When Buying a Camping Mattress

Posted by on 11:33 am in Equipment Reviews, Travel Tips | 0 comments

Things to Consider When Buying a Camping Mattress

Camping can mean an incredible adventure, but the one thing that can easily ruin your experience is a bad camping mattress. Not only does a bad mattress have the potential to compromise your health, it’s usually even worse than if you were to just sleep on the ground!

There are many things you’ll need to consider when buying a quality camping mattress, but the biggest thing to remember is that not one size fits all; you should be buying a mattress that’s suitable for you.

From the size to the practicality of traveling with it, the following are essential factors to consider when buying a camping mattress.

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Here’s How to Find the Cheapest Flights this Summer

Posted by on 10:51 pm in Blog, Budget Travel, Travel Tips | 11 comments

Here’s How to Find the Cheapest Flights this Summer

Last summer my friends flew from LA to the Caribbean for $89. They hadn’t been back more than two weeks before they flew off to Switzerland for $227 return.

Most people’s reaction to that is “Nice for some“. Because not everyone works for an airline, can figure out how to accumulate millions of points, or has the time to watch airline fares like moving points on the stock exchange.

But here’s the kicker … neither did they.

They don’t have airline discounts, despite my constant badgering they haven’t signed up for any frequent flier programs, and they don’t spend any time researching to find cheap flights. So how the hell do they do it??!!

It’s because last summer, I told them to sign up for Cheap Fly Club, which is a free email subscription that sends you notifications of stupidly cheap flights.

I guess they do listen to some of my advice!

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Legal Travel to Cuba For Americans (Updated Jan 2020)

Posted by on 3:48 pm in Blog, Cuba, Travel Tips | 71 comments

Legal Travel to Cuba For Americans (Updated Jan 2020)

Cuba tourism is booming, and all American’s can now legally travel to Cuba – with some limitations.

American travelers have been restricted from visiting Cuba for years now due to a trade embargo preventing the US from spending money on the island, and while “tourist travel” is still prohibited, travel restrictions are now less severe, and any American wishing to travel to Cuba may do so for one of 12 reasons.

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