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The Ultimate Outdoor Networking Device for Adventurous Travelers – GoHeart Review

Posted by on 2:48 pm in Adventure Travel, Blog, Equipment Reviews, Technology, Travel Tips | 20 comments

The Ultimate Outdoor Networking Device for Adventurous Travelers – GoHeart Review

As adventure travellers, Mike and I often find ourselves travelling to off the beaten path destinations. Whether it’s engaging in all day treks in search of wildlife, or biking down the world’s most dangerous road in Bolivia, for some reason we’re drawn to a destination’s less explored places.

Getting off the beaten path has led to some incredibly unique and memorable experiences, but one definite hazard is that once you leave the main tourist route, you do put yourself at a bit of a risk in terms of safety.

It’s often the case that exploring off the beaten path means finding ourselves off the grid, without a means of communicating. But there’s one device that aims to change that, and become the ultimate device for outdoor networking, allowing you to stay in contact with friends and access emergency assistance without needing the internet or a phone signal.

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How to File Taxes as a US Expat: TFX Review

Posted by on 11:48 am in Blog, Budget Travel, Expat Life, Travel Tips | 32 comments

How to File Taxes as a US Expat: TFX Review

Humans have always been a nomadic species. Our adventurous spirit has long seen us travel the world in search of new lands and experiences. Even today we yearn to escape the confines of our regular lives in search of new cities and countries.

While travelling to a destination allows you a glimpse into a different culture and way of life, choosing to live abroad takes the experience to a whole other level. You’re able to fully immerse yourself into a destination, and gain a behind the scenes look at what a country is really like; the experience opens your mind to new ideas, helps you grow as a person, and gives you a greater sense of self confidence.

Whether you choose to backpack across Europe for 12 months or migrate to another country permanently, you become what is known as an expatriate (expat for short); a person temporarily or permanently residing in a country other than their own.

To live abroad is something everyone should experience at some point in their lives, but you do have certain responsibilities as an expat. And one of those is staying on top of tax.

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Fly to London for $270? Dollar Flight Club Will Save You SO Much Money on Flights!

Posted by on 6:02 pm in Blog, Budget Travel, Travel Tips, World | 26 comments

Fly to London for $270? Dollar Flight Club Will Save You SO Much Money on Flights!

It feels like there are a million different secrets to finding cheap flights these days, and everyone has a different opinion. Some people will tell you to make your booking on a Tuesday, some might tell you to use an incognito window, or that you should cozy up to an air hostess for their friends and family discount!

But the one secret I’m loving at the moment are cheap flight subscriptions, where there’s a team of travel nerds who run algorithms and send you email alerts when they find crazy low prices.

I’m signed up to a number of these subscriptions, though I definitely have my favorites. And one of them is Dollar Flight Club. While many subscription services exist offering notifications on flights only out of America, Dollar Flight Club is something for everyone.

They search the web for flight deals leaving your home airport, where-ever you’re based in the world, and the deals they find usually save you around $500 on international flights.

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9 Things You Should Always Have With You on a Solo Trip

Posted by on 1:59 pm in Travel Tips | 22 comments

9 Things You Should Always Have With You on a Solo Trip

As I’m sure you can imagine, telling my family and friends that I was off on a solo travel adventure was met with considerable concern.

A bright-eyed but relatively naive 18-year-old, I was fresh out of high school, and a number of relatives who believed the trip was irresponsible launched a full-scale campaign to stop me.

Fortunately, such efforts were in vain, and my parents really got behind me, encouraging and supporting my goals for a solo adventure. And it was the best learning experience / adventure of my life.

I traveled solo from 2007 – 2012, through Europe, Africa, South America, and the Middle East. Not only does travelling alone completely push you out of your comfort zone, challenging your insecurities and helping you overcome your fears, it forces you to interact with those who you wouldn’t normally interact with.

But before you start your solo trip, you need to know about all those things that you must have with you when you are travelling.

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The Five Things To Think About When Booking Flights

Posted by on 9:02 pm in Blog, Budget Travel, Travel Tips | 22 comments

The Five Things To Think About When Booking Flights

Booking flights can either be impulsive, or carefully planned out, and years in the making. But either way, it’s something that almost every traveler will have some degree of experience with.

After 10 years + years of travel, booking flights has become close to second nature, though even as a frequent traveler, there are a number of things you really need to consider before clicking that final purchase icon on your screen. In some cases it could be a real money saver, in others save you from a nightmare flight.

So whether you’re a first time traveler, or a frequent traveler who often makes bookings without stopping to think, make sure you consider the following five things.

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How to Book the Cheapest Flight Possible this Summer

Posted by on 10:37 pm in Blog, Budget Travel, Travel Tips | 22 comments

How to Book the Cheapest Flight Possible this Summer

Summer is upon us (and by “us”, I mean you lucky folk who live in the Northern Hemisphere), and now is the time to figure out where you want to spend June, July and August.

And since we’re only 6 – 7 weeks out, you might already have a destination in mind. Perhaps you see yourself with a sun hat on a beach in Ibiza. Or spending days discovering ancient churches in Rome.

But for those of you who haven’t yet decided where you’ll spend your summer, there’s a fairly easy way to decide. We personally choose our next destination based on where we can find the cheapest flights. And the following is a free subscription we use to find them.

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4 Different Styles of Travel, and the Luggage You’ll Need for Each

Posted by on 6:01 pm in Equipment Reviews, Travel Tips | 10 comments

4 Different Styles of Travel, and the Luggage You’ll Need for Each

Choosing the wrong luggage for a trip leaves you with a cumbersome problem – you can’t just take it home and switch it! But there are so many types of bags available these days, that making an informed decision can be the most difficult part of your trip!

Whether it’s trying to lug a suitcase through the jungle and beating the crap out of your wheels (been there), or throwing everything into a hiking pack for a stay at a luxury hotel, a travel experience is often about choosing the right kind of bag.

The most important thing to remember is that different types of luggage will be suitable for different types of trips. So in this article we’ve broken down four popular styles of travel, and the type of luggage that is best suited to that trip.

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8 Hotel Safety Tips

Posted by on 11:36 pm in Accommodation, Blog, Travel Tips | 24 comments

8 Hotel Safety Tips

There’s a lot of advice out there about staying safe while traveling, from taking precautions at the airport, to using public transport, or actually wandering around. But after an incredible day of exploring, we often get back to the hotel, kick our feet up, and let our guard down.

And I totally get it – you’re on vacation, and the last thing you want to do is worry about hotel security. But hotel stays carry an inherent level of risk, and everything from break-ins, to fires, to bed bugs, and terrorist attacks could potentially affect you.

While it’s not worth becoming too paranoid about some of these, after-all you’re much more likely to be killed by a vending machine than a terrorist, it’s definitely in your best interest to take a few precautions to protect against common hotel risks.

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5 Ideas to Kick Start Your Bucket List Today

Posted by on 11:33 am in Travel Tips | 12 comments

5 Ideas to Kick Start Your Bucket List Today

If you’re like most people, you might have a list of things that you wish to do before your life comes to an end. They are the things that make your life more meaningful, and for the travel enthusiast, this is often called a bucket-list (list of things you want to do before you ‘kick the bucket’).

But the world is full of incredible experiences and destinations, so where do you even begin?

Generating a bucket list is pretty simple, and while it’s likely something that you’ll keep adding to throughout your life, it should only take a couple of minutes to start one. All it requires is putting your dreams and aspirations into writing.

But if you’re truly stuck for where to start, the following are 5 ideas that commonly feature on almost everyone’s list!

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How to Travel Safely in Honduras

Posted by on 10:59 pm in Blog, Honduras, Travel Tips | 23 comments

How to Travel Safely in Honduras

Nestled in the heart of Central America, between Nicaragua, Guatemala, and El Salvador, Honduras is a country that not a lot of people know about. And those who do? Well, they seem to only hear the bad things.

Honduras has a long history of military rule, corruption, poverty and crime which have rendered it one of the least developed and most unstable countries in Central America. And yes, it has somewhat of a negative global image.

But, little of the Honduran violence affects tourists, and most visitors to the country are free to enjoy the national parks, small towns and ancient ruins of the Latin American country without incident. This is in fact a vibrant and fascinating country, and one of the cheapest in the region; you’ll be able to do activities for a fraction of the price you’ll pay in its neighbors.

Honduras has a notorious reputation, but with these safety tips anybody can have a safe and happy time seeing the raw beauty and fascinating culture within this Central American country.

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