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Travel Tips & Current Trends

Games You Can Enjoy While Waiting at the Airport

Posted by on 2:17 pm in Travel Tips | 34 comments

Games You Can Enjoy While Waiting at the Airport

As travelers, we live in a world where nothing can be said to be certain except for death, taxes, and airport delays. And indeed, with upwards of 509,000 flight delays recorded globally each MONTH, and 29,000 + cancellations, even those who travel infrequently are likely to run into some form of delay.

So how do you kill the time at the airport? If you’re in good company, it won’t be hard to pass the time with a couple of the following games.

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7 Reasons You NEED to be Traveling With a VPN

Posted by on 12:31 pm in Blog, Travel Tips | 33 comments

7 Reasons You NEED to be Traveling With a VPN

Virtual Private Networks (VPN) have been around for a while now, and while they might have previously been viewed by travelers as a ‘nice thing to have’, nowadays they’re internet security 101, and firmly on the list of “must pack”.

A program you run on your devices which gives you security and privacy when you surf the internet, the perks of using one as a traveler include getting access to region-restricted websites, minimizing your risk of being hacked while using public WiFi, and preventing your bank accounts and email from being frozen.

The following are 7 reasons why you shouldn’t travel overseas without a VPN, plus a description of what it is, how it works, and why you need one.

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Everyone’s Favorite Topic: How to Prevent (and Manage) Travelers’ Diarrhea

Posted by on 12:54 pm in Blog, Healthy Travel, Travel Tips | 56 comments

Everyone’s Favorite Topic: How to Prevent (and Manage) Travelers’ Diarrhea

It’s not something anyone likes to talk about, but it’s something I guarantee that every traveler will experience at some point, regardless of whether or not you have an adventurous appetite.

Travelers diarrhea is the most common travel-related illness, and a very real health problem faced by developing countries. It is estimated that 15–20 million travelers will experience traveler’s diarrhea annually, which means that roughly 40,000 travelers got the runs today.

So what do you do if you find yourself with Delhi belly / Montezuma’s revenge, and have to make a sudden break for the bathroom? Follow these tips to prevent travelers’ diarrhea so you can still enjoy your holiday.

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Ever Thought About Booking a Round The World Ticket? This Post Will Help You Decide

Posted by on 3:32 pm in Adventure Travel, Blog, Luxury Lifestyle, Travel Tips | 26 comments

Ever Thought About Booking a Round The World Ticket? This Post Will Help You Decide

There’s definitely something romantic about the idea of a round the world adventure of a lifetime. Our last RTW took in 11 countries over 6 continents, 13 flights, and 35,000 miles … for cheaper than the cost of having purchased each leg individually!

Almost equally as entertaining as the trip itself, were people’s reactions when they asked where we were going next. It was quite a mouthful, but I eventually managed to run off Sydney, Singapore, Cape Town, Istanbul, Venice, Vienna, Barcelona, Cancun, Panama City, Buenos Aires, Auckland, and back to Sydney, all in one breath!

For us, this was the perfect balance of romance and adventure, and we managed to include a huge number of bucket-list experiences like cage diving with Great White Sharks in South Africa, and swimming with Whale Sharks in Cancun, all into the one trip.

If you’ve ever thought about booking an around the world ticket, it’s an incredible option with endless possibilities. The following overview will help you decide if booking a RTW fare is right for you.

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Travelling From Sydney Airport with Kids in Tow? 3 Fair Dinkum Tips for a Stress-free Family Trip

Posted by on 9:59 am in Australia, Blog, Family Travel, Travel Tips | 22 comments

Travelling From Sydney Airport with Kids in Tow? 3 Fair Dinkum Tips for a Stress-free Family Trip

Whether you’re visiting relatives in New Zealand or soaking up the bright lights of Hong Kong, travelling with kids can really make those grey hairs sprout.

And the stress seems to ramp up days before the trip – youngsters spit the dummy for random reasons and teens whinge when they realise they might miss the Aussie tour dates for Taylor Swift.

But family travel can be much more Zen-like if you follow these three tips.

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5 Tips For Avoiding Bed Bugs While Traveling

Posted by on 12:32 pm in Healthy Travel, Travel Tips | 26 comments

5 Tips For Avoiding Bed Bugs While Traveling

If you’ve been planning to travel for the longest time, the last thing you want is to get infested with bedbugs.

These dreadful parasitic insects are tiny and brownish in color. They exclusively feed on blood and are especially drawn to human blood. Since they prefer feeding during the night, they notoriously cause sleepless nights among residents.

Failing to take appropriate measures puts you at a higher risk of carrying bed bugs back home. Rather than incurring the high cost to letting bed bugs hitchhike home with you, take suitable steps to steer clear of these parasites during and after your travel.

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How to Cope With a Long-Distance Flight

Posted by on 9:25 pm in Travel Tips | 37 comments

How to Cope With a Long-Distance Flight

Traveling to far-flung destinations is one of life’s greatest pleasures, but few of us enjoy taking long-haul flights. Whether you’re afraid to fly or not, no one likes the thought of being holed up in a stuffy aircraft for hours on end, but there are ways to ease your anxiety.

You don’t have to dread traveling long distance. With a few home comforts and a little planning, there are plenty of ways you can learn to cope with (and actually enjoy) flying long haul.

Here are four tips to make your next long-distance flight more manageable.

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Preparing For Every Holiday Eventuality: Sometimes the Best Laid Travel Plans go Awry

Posted by on 7:56 pm in Travel Tips | 10 comments

Preparing For Every Holiday Eventuality: Sometimes the Best Laid Travel Plans go Awry

It’s almost time for that break from reality and a chance to escape into summer for a well-earned respite from the day-to-day nonsense.

Not only does a good summer break give you a chance to rejuvenate, but it’s also a great chance to catch up with old friends, reconnect with loved ones and give your life a bit of a dusting off. However, what if it all goes wrong?

The best-laid plans can often go awry, and whether it’s your fault or the fault of others, making sure that you can adapt to any sudden changes to your plans is the only way to prepare for the best summer holiday possible.

Having a solid range of what-if scenarios in mind is a good way to start your getaway planning, but these tips will help you to prepare for the most unexpected of issues.

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7 Common Travel Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Posted by on 1:51 pm in Blog, Travel Tips | 39 comments

7 Common Travel Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Whether you’re traveling for the first time, or you’re an adventure fanatic, we all make blunders that can ruin our trip. According to research, over 30 percent of adventure travelers report being disappointed with their experience, but this is usually due to silly mistakes that could have been avoided.

Many people think that they are too savvy to fall for the following mistakes, but with so many decisions to make, and so much organization, slip ups are inevitable at some stage; after-all, we’re all human!

So we’ve put together a list of the most common travel mistakes, and how to avoid them. You might be surprised at how many of them you’ve made!

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How to Save Money For Travel – You’ll be Amazed at How Quickly You Can Build a Travel Fund

Posted by on 5:31 pm in Blog, Budget Travel, Travel Tips | 24 comments

How to Save Money For Travel – You’ll be Amazed at How Quickly You Can Build a Travel Fund

For most people, one of the biggest obstacles to travel is figuring out the money. But you don’t need to be rich to travel the world; a lot of the time what it comes down to is reassessing priorities.

Saving money can be a daunting task, but there are many ways to cut costs, and with a couple of creative strategies you might be amazed at how quickly you can build a travel fund.

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