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The Ultimate Packing List for Female Travelers

Posted by on 1:36 pm in Fashion, Travel Tips | 28 comments

The Ultimate Packing List for Female Travelers

It’s every woman’s dream – to be able to travel with a bag with a limitless bottom like the one Hermoine from Harry Potter had. Unfortunately however, that kind of magic isn’t available to those of us from the muggle world, and we must instead carefully choose each item for the journey so it fits in our bag.

It’s a talent to take only the most necessary things with us when we travel, and not every female wanderer is gifted with the skill. Though keeping to the following packing list will rescue your from endless hours of selecting items for your travel bag.

This travel checklist accents on the needs of female travellers who want to travel light and with essentials.

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How to Connect With Other Travelers. Because Friends You Meet Traveling Are For Life

Posted by on 9:04 pm in Blog, Travel Tips | 46 comments

How to Connect With Other Travelers. Because Friends You Meet Traveling Are For Life

Of all the amazing experiences you’ve had abroad, which do you remember the most? Do you remember the hotels and hostels? Do you remember the bars? Could you tell me about the trains you took, the medieval churches, or any of the city parks?

And perhaps you do remember the hotels and hostels. Though when you think about these memories, why do they stick out? What’s the common theme? For me at least, my most memorable moments abroad have always been shared with the people I meet.

Let’s be honest, many of the travelers we meet may only be in our lives for a day. But we appreciate these people for the time we shared together. And some of those we meet do stick with us forever. But even if you don’t stay in touch, the best memories in your lives include each other and that’s a bond which ties you together for life.

The following post is about how to connect with travelers abroad, and why the friends you meet traveling are friends for life.

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The Best Discount Shopping / Factory Outlets in Paris

Posted by on 12:02 am in Blog, France, Travel Tips | 46 comments

The Best Discount Shopping / Factory Outlets in Paris

Paris is a European shopping mecca, and the buzz and hype that surrounds the shopping experience here is like no other. Beautiful neighborhoods are bursting at the seams with designer fashion stores, and stylish people strutting the streets. It’s safe to say that Paris is a shopper’s dream.

Set up with over five major department stores and 17,500 + shops, the shops in Paris don’t sell clothes. They sell lifestyles. Though for those who can’t afford to shop at flagship stores, the city is still packed with an amazing range of discount and outlet stores.

In the lead up to Paris fashion week, the following is a guide for Paris fashion you can afford. For those fond of fashion who don’t want to spend a fortune, these are the best discount stores and factory outlets. You’ll find top international designer brands at prices discounted from 30 to 80%!

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6 Ways to Keep Your Budget in Check When Travelling

Posted by on 11:37 pm in Blog, Budget Travel, Travel Tips | 16 comments

6 Ways to Keep Your Budget in Check When Travelling

Heading off on holidays is one of life’s great joys but it can also be quite the drain on your hip pocket. It’s no secret that the moment we start travelling it doesn’t take long for the funds to start unravelling. Once we’re abroad, logic goes out the window and the wallet can seriously suffer.

In fact, a recent study by Choosi found that fifty percent of Australians surveyed admit they’re careless with cash when on holidays. So how can we enjoy our time away without breaking the bank?

Read on for some top travel tips that’ll keep you in budget.

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Frugal Travel: Ten Tips for Living Out of a Truck

Posted by on 11:27 pm in Accommodation, Adventure Travel, Blog, Road Trips, Travel Tips, Writers | 24 comments

Frugal Travel: Ten Tips for Living Out of a Truck

In 2015 my boyfriend Tyler and I traded our stable jobs in South Lake Tahoe for a couple years of hot spring soaked adventures. We hitchhiked through Cuba and Central America, and cycled 1800 miles along the Pacific Coast.

When we loaded up Baby Beluga, a tiny Mazda pickup truck, we figured we’d be exploring North American national parks in luxury compared to the previous months of stuffing our belongings in a backpack or panniers. Au contraire.

For anyone considering the option of traveling and living out of a truck, I hope these tips will allow you to maximize the good, dwindle the bad, and prepare you for the smelly!

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Tips for Traveling as a Couple Without Killing Each Other

Posted by on 1:10 pm in Blog, Romantic Journey, Travel Tips | 46 comments

Tips for Traveling as a Couple Without Killing Each Other

Traveling as a couple is a lot different than traveling solo. You may share a house, finances, and day to day life, but when it comes to escaping your daily routines for a vacation, that doesn’t mean it’s going to always be a smooth and romantic ride.

In fact, “it can be a notoriously treacherous experience, fraught with stress, arguments, and differing opinions on hygiene, packing, and how much it’s reasonable to pay for cuddling an orangutan.” – JR Thorpe.

But there is so much magic in traveling as a couple if you can get through the trip without getting on each others nerves. And as Star Alliance are giving away two Round the World tickets, in business class, this month, we’ve put together tips and advice for traveling as a couple.

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Travel Safety: Why Common Sense is The Best Way to Stay Safe Abroad

Posted by on 6:44 pm in Travel Tips | 22 comments

Travel Safety: Why Common Sense is The Best Way to Stay Safe Abroad

Staying safe overseas is a big concern for those who travel — perhaps a bigger concern than ever before. Our current global climate is one where terrorism has taken hold, governments issue overblown safety advice, and the media fuels paranoia about whether traveling is safe (it is).

But it’s not travel that’s dangerous — it’s LIFE. Statistically, you’re more likely to be crushed to death by a vending machine at home than caught up in a terrorist attack abroad.

The biggest secret to staying safe abroad has, and always will be, traveling with street smarts and common sense. To brush up on your street smarts, discover some straightforward, basic tips for travel safety. Often, the most simple advice is the advice we need the most.

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5 Reasons You Should Travel by Train

Posted by on 4:12 pm in Travel Tips | 14 comments

5 Reasons You Should Travel by Train

Flights are one of the most obvious ways to travel when you’re making your way to new and exotic locations, but that doesn’t mean that they’re the most affordable, comfortable, or even the most memorable. In fact, there are many other methods of transportation, and one of the best is by train.

Train travel is the most underrated form of long-distance travel out there; a solution to all of your inter and intra city travels. Wherever you want to go, and however long you want your journey to take, international train tickets might be just what you need.

The following are 5 reasons you should travel by train.

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7 Essential Ski Resort Questions for First-Timers and Beginners

Posted by on 8:28 pm in Travel Tips | 26 comments

Heading to the snow this winter? I bet you can’t wait to hit those slopes! If you’re a first-timer or beginner (like I was, not that long ago), I discuss a few key things to think about before you choose and book your ski holiday.

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The Best Global Cities to Blend Business and Pleasure

Posted by on 9:27 pm in Brazil, Japan, Travel Tips, UK, United States | 0 comments

The Best Global Cities to Blend Business and Pleasure

Business or leisure? Why not both? For those lucky enough to travel for business, we suggests turning business trips into mini vacations, or what some call “bleisure” trips.

The cities below are known for their economic prowess as well as their entertainment dexterity, making them perfect for bleisure. With stunning skylines, rich cultural sites, wilderness centers and upbeat night scenes, these cities are the ideal places to blend business with more than just a dash of pleasure.

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