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Things You Need to Know Before You Go On Antelope Canyon Tours

Posted by on 12:10 pm in Adventure Travel, Blog, Travel Tips | 46 comments

Things You Need to Know Before You Go On Antelope Canyon Tours

One of the most stunning natural wonders in the United States, Antelope Canyon is a favorite among photographers, tourists, and visitors from all over the world. A popular slot canyon on the Navajo Reservation, it is unearthly in its beauty, created over many thousands of years by wind and water which carved the sandstone into the temple we see today.

Tourists make the trek for the natural light show, which is something of a photographers dream. “The views in Lower Antelope Canyon change constantly as the sun moves across the sky, filtering lights softly across the stone walls. These ever-moving sun angles bounce light back and forth across the narrow canyon’s walls, creating a dazzling display of color, light, and shadow.”

Antelope Canyon is a place where you can experience nature in its raw form, though those interested in visiting should note that the area is only open by joining a tour.

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What NOT to Pack – 10 Items You’ll NEVER Need Overseas

Posted by on 7:32 pm in Blog, Travel Tips | 102 comments

What NOT to Pack – 10 Items You’ll NEVER Need Overseas

There’s no greater burden to a traveler than having too much luggage. It’s awkward on public transport, inconvenient to drag across town, and airlines will hit you with extra fees. You’re less likely to travel off the beaten path with all that weight, and it’s difficult to find your things when and as you need.

Many people think that if you want to travel light it’s what you pack that matters. But on the contrary, it’s largely about what you don’t pack.

The following are 10 items you’ll never need overseas. It’s pointless extra weight because you’ll never use them – let me know in the comments if you agree or disagree!

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How to Avoid Getting Sick on Your Next Flight

Posted by on 6:16 pm in Blog, Healthy Travel, Travel Tips, Writers | 28 comments

How to Avoid Getting Sick on Your Next Flight

Forget snakes on a plane. Worry about the germs. Research shows that air travelers are at a higher risk for infection than people going about their daily lives.

The good news is that, for the most part, airplanes’ air filtration systems function well enough that you’re unlikely to contract more serious illnesses. Instead, your greatest risk is contracting the common cold or a classic case of the flu.

While that’s all well and good, it may be little comfort to people who don’t particularly want to have a cold or the flu while trying to enjoy their vacation. Luckily, it is possible to decrease your risk of infection from germs on a plane. Here’s how to maximize the chances of disembarking the plane as healthy as you boarded it.

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Things You Should Know About Staying in Australian Hotels

Posted by on 9:38 pm in Accommodation, Australia, Blog, Travel Tips | 32 comments

Things You Should Know About Staying in Australian Hotels

Staying at a hotel is always exciting and fun. They’re clean, have beautiful facilities, and provide you with a new personal space with endless options for fun. Though the hotel culture in one country is not necessarily the same as the next and if you’re traveling internationally you will notice slight differences in how hotels are run.

When it comes to Australia, the following are a few necessary things you should know about staying in our hotels. These are the most common and most significant things you just must remember while planning your stay.

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The Best US Travel Locations for Outdoorsy Families

Posted by on 4:37 pm in Family Travel, Travel Tips | 18 comments

The Best US Travel Locations for Outdoorsy Families

Your family deserves a break. Not just from the rigors of everyday life, but from the traditional tried and tired vacations of past years. Sure, visiting amusement parks provides excitement and summer nights at beach condominiums offer entertainment, but no vacation is as rewarding as the one that delivers outdoor activities, breath-taking beauty, and nature exploration all in one.

Extended stays in open-air environments are on the rise. Whether it’s hiking during the weekend or fishing on your trip to the lake, many are opting for a close encounter with nature rather than a hectic getaway to a touristy trap. This year, skip the headache of planning your trip to an expected destination and instead travel to nature’s backyard.

Not sure where to start? No worries, we’ve listed a few of our favorite places to try.

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Dear Travelers to Australia: Make Sure You’re Aware of These 6 Strange Laws

Posted by on 9:12 am in Australia, Blog, Travel Tips | 28 comments

Dear Travelers to Australia: Make Sure You’re Aware of These 6 Strange Laws

When traveling overseas, it’s important to remember that you must obey the laws of the country you are visiting, even if they are different from those you are used to at home. Because when it comes to the law, pleading the ignorant tourist is no defence.

It’s therefore always a good idea to familiarize yourself with the rules and regulations of a destination before you travel. Some countries for instance are particularly sensitive about photographs. Others are incredibly conservative and prohibit public displays of affection. You’ll get arrested for taking naked selfies at Machu Picchu. And failing to flush a public toilet in Singapore could result in a fine.

When it comes to Australia, we have our fair share of laws which you may believe are strange or slightly peculiar. But it could be important to familiarize yourself with them nonetheless! The following are 6 of the odd but strict laws that could get you into serious trouble down under.

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10 Things to Tick Off Your Pre-Holiday Checklist

Posted by on 1:36 am in Blog, Travel Tips | 20 comments

10 Things to Tick Off Your Pre-Holiday Checklist

When it comes to planning a holiday, most people aim to tick off the essentials – tickets, accommodation and itinerary. However, in order to truly enjoy a smooth and carefree holiday, there’s a lot more prep work that needs to be done prior to the big departure.

Failing to plan is planning to fail. Nothing dampens the excitement of a vacation more than unwanted surprises you could’ve planned for.

To help you out, here are 10 things to tick off your pre-holiday checklist.

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7 Ways You Can Travel More

Posted by on 3:07 am in Blog, Travel Tips | 36 comments

7 Ways You Can Travel More

Compliments of the internet age, resources to find affordable (and even free) travel options exist these days in droves. Everything we need in order see the world is ours for cheaper than it ever has been before, yet still, very few people decide to drop everything and go.

So when money is no longer an obstacle to experiencing the world, what’s stopping people? A lot of the time it comes down to internal resistance; you either want it badly enough or you don’t.

The following are 7 great ways you can travel more, though to actually benefit from these tips, you first have to be open to actually giving them a go.

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When to Visit Tokyo: Reasons to Visit in Summer, Autumn, Winter, and Spring

Posted by on 8:29 am in Blog, Japan, Travel Tips | 24 comments

When to Visit Tokyo: Reasons to Visit in Summer, Autumn, Winter, and Spring

Tokyo is a dazzling destination, one popular among travelers for its ability to keep traditional Japanese culture while embracing a passion for everything new. When to visit is a difficult question to answer. Each month has something fantastic to offer, and as seasons play a huge role in Japanese culture, visiting at different times of the year will offer different experiences.

The following are reasons to visit Tokyo during each season. The decision of when to visit is then up to you!

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The Best Way to Find Travel Advice You Can Trust: Introducing Pearlshare

Posted by on 5:27 am in App Reviews, Blog, Reviews, Travel Tips | 22 comments

The Best Way to Find Travel Advice You Can Trust: Introducing Pearlshare

When it comes to booking any kind of travel experience, nothing beats the recommendation of a friend. But when it actually comes to booking a trip or buying something online, we all end up basing our decisions on reviews by complete strangers on sites like Tripadvisor, Yelp or Amazon, and letting random reviews dictate how we spend our time. Which doesn’t make a great deal of sense, because the strangers who leave reviews on these sites don’t know us.

Until now, we have used these sites because there has been no better alternative to sourcing trusted recommendations and reviews in a quick and convenient way. Though with the release of free travel app ‘Pearlshare‘, that’s all about to change.

A fantastic app which lets you build and share local travel guides, and tap into the knowledge of your inner-circle, Pearlshare is about to leave review sites like Tripadvisor and Yelp behind. It’s easy to use, and a fantastic new way to guarantee you’re getting travel advice from sources you trust.

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